1580 go back to the past

Li Fan changed into a school uniform, which is already the thinnest school uniform in the school, but it is still very loose on Li Fan. He used to be so weak that he couldn't have been bullied at school.

Li Fan sat in front of the folding table in the living room and looked at a plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, millet porridge and steamed bread. For some reason, his eyes suddenly became moist.

At this time, my mother had not been moved by Murong's sugar coated shells. Although they are very strict with themselves, they get up early and return late every day, cook for themselves, wash clothes, and do housework.

It's been too long since Li Fan had such a life. Now Li Fan also bears a lot of responsibility, but he can't be filial beside his parents, which also makes Li Fan feel a little guilty. At this time, looking at his busy mother, Li Fan wanted to say thank you, but he couldn't say it.

In fact, Chinese people are like this. When chasing a girl, they can shout I love you sentence after sentence, even if the other party doesn't feel for you. But in the face of their true loved ones, these sarcastic words can't be said.

"What are you looking at, sleeping silly?"

My mother came over and scolded Li Fan, "don't hurry to eat, finish eating and go to school! Look at Lin wench in the other side of the yard. I went out to sell pancakes with her mother. The girl in the other side of the yard saved her parents' worry. Her academic performance is old and good, and she will return to the first grade! When can you reassure me that I can pass math, among other things?"

"Mom, I know I've been doing badly, and I'll try my best in the future."

Li Fan's words stunned his mother. This boy likes to be stubborn in everything he says and has a strong rebellious mentality. What's the matter today? The sun came out in the west, and he was so polite to himself?

The mother subconsciously reached out and touched her son's forehead.

Not hot?

"Mom, I'm full and have gone to school."

Li Fan picked up his schoolbag and set foot on the road to school.

I should still be a student in No. 2 middle school... HMM, a senior one student?

Just listening to her mother, she seems to know Lin Yuexian's mother? I haven't noticed this before. It seems that my bad relationship with girl Lin has already begun.

Li Fan didn't take two steps. A little girl wearing the same school uniform as him, waving her ponytail, followed.

"Little plum, wait!"

"Fang... Fang Xiaoxue?"

Li Fan's body suddenly shook when he saw the little girl.

A memory that had been hidden for a long time in the depths of my heart was so bloody torn open and presented to Li Fan again.

Fang Xiaoxue, Li Fan's neighbor, is a little girl one year younger than him. She is not very beautiful, some beautiful, and her personality is also very cheerful. She has known Li Fan since childhood. The relationship between the two adults is also very good. In the past, when drinking and eating together, the family once made a decision to let the two children get married in the future!

At that time, Li Fan and Xiao Xue were both young and didn't care much about it. However, Xiao Xue is very sticky to Li Fan. She always follows Li Fan and plays with him.

As she grows older, Li Fan becomes thinner and weaker, while Xiao Xue becomes more and more lively. Li Fan took care of Xiaoxue when she was a child, but now she has become Xiaoxue taking care of Li Fan. Xiaoxue's childhood wish was to be a policeman, so she went out to work with her mother during the holiday, and used the money she earned to learn some women's wrestling and catching skills.

She ran over and grabbed Li Fan's shoulder.

"Little plum, why did you go out so early today?"

Xiao Xue leaned against Li Fan, and the fragrance from her body drifted into Li Fan's nose.

"I went to your house to find you, but I didn't expect you to run away first! Why, hide from me?"

"How could it..."

Li Fan's nose is sour again. Almost subconsciously, he gently touches Xiaoxue's cheek. Xiaoxue's skin is still white and smooth, and feels good, but for Li Fan, these are not the key points. The point is, she's still alive.

"You, what are you doing!"

Xiaoxue's face suddenly turned red. Her heart was in a panic and she pushed Li Fan away. But Li Fan was too thin at this time. He was immediately pushed by Xiaoxue and turned a somersault, sitting on the ground.

"Oh, are you all right?"

Xiaoxue was startled, and hurriedly stretched out his hand, pulled Li Fan up again, and patted the dust off his body for him.

"Who, who let you suddenly touch my face..."

Fang Xiaoxue pretended to be fierce and stared at Li Fan, "how dare you! Have you seen too many films!"

"Sorry... I'm a little abrupt..."

Li Fan just couldn't help but make this move.

Who is Fang Xiaoxue... It's almost a girl who accompanied her for the first 18 years. He has always had the shadow of this girl around him, from a delicate girl next door to an elegant girl.

"You today... How strange..."

Fang Xiaoxue looked at Li Fan, and her face was a little red.

"In short... Next time, I'll touch it and beat you!"

This sound of beating you seems to have no threat.



"Nothing... Let's go to school together."

Li Fan suddenly remembered this day. On this day, he made a mistake he regretted most in his life.

The two men walked towards the school. At this time, a man suddenly rushed out of the side and hit Li Fan. Li Fan stumbled and was held by Fang Xiaoxue.

"You're sick! Don't you have eyes?"

Fang Xiaoxue had a bad temper and immediately scolded the man who ran over.

"Catch the thief!"

Behind him came a woman's cry, "he stole my child's medical treatment money! Please, help me catch him!"

The woman cried miserably, but there was no one around, and passers-by were indifferent.

But Fang Xiaoxue didn't hesitate to catch up!

Li Fan frowned, and he grabbed Fang Xiaoxue's hand.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't go."

"You! I'm so disappointed!"

Fang Xiaoxue shook off Li Fan's hand and ran after the thief.

The past events echoed in Li Fan's mind.

Fang Xiaoxue chased up, but was stabbed to death by the thief and his accomplice with a dagger.

When Fang Xiaoxue died, she still clung to the stolen bag in her hand. But the two thieves were missing, and even the stolen woman was unwilling to testify about their appearance in court. Xiaoxue finally died worthless, and he didn't even know who to sue.

Finally, the school also took Xiaoxue as a negative textbook to tell everyone not to meddle.

One of Xiaoxue's parents is mentally ill, and the other is addicted to alcohol. Later, when I was driving, I got drunk and the family got under the truck.

This matter is the shadow hidden in Li Fan's heart.

p. S. uncle Yang's girlfriend is going to return to Hangzhou today, so uncle Yang should spend a good day with her. I hope you can understand the sadness of long-distance love and today's second shift.