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"Miss, you are finally back."

Yu Feng stood in front of Bentley and bowed to Liu Xinnan, who had changed back into gorgeous clothes.

"We searched the whole city of G, but we couldn't find your message."


Liu Xinnan slapped Yufeng!

"Yes, sorry, please punish the eldest lady..."

"You are still useful now, and the punishment will be saved later!"

Liu Xinnan snorted coldly, "go back to city A."

"Miss, aren't you looking for Li Fan?"

"Before that... There are other things to do."

Liu Xinnan sighed in her heart that she needed to strengthen her strength, otherwise she couldn't win back Li Fan!

Unexpectedly, there was a Murong cherry and a Murong love!

That's enough

This also proves my weakness! Liu Xinnan hates this. He can win what he wants! Everything you get from charity is rubbish!

Li Fan's value is worth making progress and fighting for!

"The first lady's special plane has been repaired and can be transferred at any time."

"Well, good."

Liu Xinnan nodded, "let's go home."

"Yes, miss!"

Li Fan glanced at the text message.

"Liu Xinnan finally went back..."

Li Fan was relieved, and Xia Yi followed her home. Those girls finally went back.

I still have a lot of things to do in G University. It's really troublesome to have them.

Li fan runs his own Chinese martial arts club while taking classes.

After a month of training, there are only 40 people left in the Chinese martial arts club, and they are still struggling. The rest of the people are almost running. After all, the training intensity of the Chinese martial arts club is much greater than that of other clubs.

"Well, the rest of these people are at least good willed."

Li Fan stood in the classroom of the club and looked at the people in front of him.

Liu Xiaowan and Lin Yuexian are also among them, but Lin Yuexian is not interested in practicing martial arts, but Liu Xiaowan is full of interest.

In particular, Liu Xiaowan has been practicing yoga. Some basic training is not very difficult for her.

"Is today an advanced course?"

Jiang Yuanyuan is very clever, and she understands it at once.

"Of course, you've trained for a month, and I'm afraid you've already looked forward to the real ancient martial arts."

"Be inevitable!"

Liu Xiaowan nodded hurriedly, "I've been expecting it for a long time, but can we really learn it?"


Li Fan nodded, and he stretched out his left hand. A mass of Qi slowly condensed in the palm, slowly forming a balloon.

The balloon kept spinning, and then Li Fan threw it out.


A wooden stake standing next to it was immediately interrupted by the balloon!


The members exclaimed and applauded.

"President, how handsome!"

Li Fan's admirers shouted one after another, and several remaining female members also made all kinds of eyes.


Jiang Yuanyuan snorted twice.

"Li Fan said, you are also a very powerful fighter. Can you also do such moves?"

Liu Xiaowan asked Jiang Yuanyuan, who sat cross legged beside her.


"She won't."

Jiang Fangfang said nearby, "we can't do it. It's a very profound skill to let out our true Qi."

"In fact, it's not profound at all, it's just a grasp of true Qi."

Li Fan laughed, "what I want to teach you is a simplified seven Xia boxing. Practicing it is a simplified seven Xia strength. Seven Xia boxing can exercise your physique, and seven Xia strength can nourish your spirit by adjusting your breathing. From now on, those who practice fast for a month and those who practice slow for a year can reach my level."


Jiang Yuanyuan couldn't believe it. "If you let your true Qi out, you need at least the strength above the peak! Can you practice to this level in a year?"

"Of course not. It's just that my Qi control ability can be learned easily, and I don't need to practice to such a high level."

Li Fan explained, "because my kung fu is to cultivate people with Qi, and then practice Qi with people. Internal and external skills complement each other, and then I can reach the level I just used."

"Is it difficult to practice?"

A student couldn't help asking.

"It's not difficult, but there are seven boxing techniques in seven Xia boxing. It's impossible for you to practice them all. I suggest choosing one you like or suitable for yourself, and refining it will have better results. Now I have two disciples... No, three! They all chose one of them to study in depth."

"What are the seven doors?"

Although Jiang Yuanyuan had heard of the Kung Fu "seven Xia Quan" for a long time, she had not studied it in depth.

"Tiger strike, bear strike, ape strike, deer strike, crane strike, toad strike and snake strike."

Jiang Fangfang was like a family treasure. "We two learned bear strike and crane strike, which respectively represent physique, capture, elegance and defense."

"Fangfang is right."

Li Fan nodded, "these are the seven doors, and the remaining ones. Tiger strike represents bravery and combo; ape strike represents dexterity and body method; deer strike represents endurance and kicking skills! Toad strike and snake strike are my original creations, representing Qi and defensive counterattack respectively."

"That sounds great!"

The members couldn't help talking one after another.

Only Li Taiyi, the most quiet Korean, has been practicing silently beside him according to Li Fan's method.

"You choose your own route, but your internal strength is unchanged. Start with breathing and practice slowly."

"It sounds like yoga."

Liu Xiaowan muttered, "I practiced breathing at the beginning."

"The way you breathe is different."

Li Fan smiled, "follow my rhythm, and I'll teach you to practice."

Li Fan gave them his breathing skills.

After practicing for a while, Liu Xiaowan couldn't help asking, "is this really effective?"

"Didn't you feel anything?"

Li Fan asked with a smile, "is there a feeling that the breathing is smoother and the turbid Qi in the body is pulled out?"

"It's more comfortable... Is this the effect of breathing?"


Li Fan nodded, "This way of breathing can exercise your lungs and make your way of absorbing oxygen more effective. Remember, most of the ability of a fighter comes from the power converted by burning oxygen! In the simplest words, it is energy! Our human way of absorbing energy is very simple, oxygen and food! Eating food is a fixed consumption, and only oxygen is a way to do it all the time! As long as you press the In my way, I can definitely cultivate my own energy! "

Li Fan taught the first step of mental skill, breathing.

Three days later, he also published the mental method for members to practice.

And a week later, because of different talents, everyone has made different progress.

Li Fan stood in the classroom and looked at the people in front of him, "come on, I'll test your strength!"