773 return to city a

City a, in this season, has begun to be a little cold.

People in a city like to say a word. There is no autumn at all in city A. basically, summer is over and winter is almost here.

The cold wind, coupled with the river wind of Songjiang, is biting, and many people wear cotton padded clothes for the winter.

When the plane landed, many people were still wearing half sleeves. When they got off the plane, they all got purple lips and trembled all over.

Li Fan and Chen Junhua are the only exceptions. The two of them just walked down from the plane in simple clothes.

"I'll go, big brother. Aren't you two cold?"

A strong man held his arm and asked Li Fan while shaking.

"Mom, my mink is in the checked box, but it's freezing to death!"

The eldest brother didn't know whether he was complaining or showing off. "Fortunately, my Land Rover is outside. By the way, two people take a car. No, I also work as a part-time car."

Li Fan and Chen Junhua have a black line at one end. Together with this buddy, they drive a special car.

"No, thank you for your kindness."

Li Fan thanked the big brother and took Chen Junhua outside.

But as soon as they left the airport, they were blocked by a row of cars outside.

"Is Li Fan?"

A serious man in a suit came over, took out a certificate from his arms and showed it to Li Fan.

National Security Bureau? Zhou Tai?

Li Fan was a little surprised. What did the NSA ask him to do?

"Please get in the car."

The other party confirmed Li Fan's identity, and then opened the door of a nearby accord.

"What can I do for you?"

Li Fan frowned.

"Please also cooperate with our work."

There are some forced meanings in the other party's words.

"OK, then Junhua, go back to the extraordinary escort agency first, and I'll walk with them."

Li Fan winked at Chen Junhua. Chen Junhua immediately stretched out his hand, and the big sword behind him directly came out of its sheath, fell in front of him, and inserted it on the ground.

The people of the National Security Bureau became nervous and pulled out pistols from behind.

Li Fan is very embarrassed.

"What are you doing?"

"Didn't you just wink at me and let me do it?"


Li Fan was very speechless.

"I want you to go back first and tell my family for me."


Chen Junhua took back the big sword again.

"Misunderstandings, all misunderstandings."

Li Fan hurried to explain to those people in the national security bureau that they had no intention of taking the gun.

The man named Zhou Tai who talked to Li Fan before seems to have some identity.

"Put it away, it's all right."

Zhou Tai gave an order, and those talents put away their pistols.

There are many people around looking at them, do not know what happened.

"Sorry, let's go."

Li Fan followed Zhou Tai to the black Pavilion, while Chen Junhua silently left with a big sword on his back.

Li Fan sat in the car and looked at Zhou Tai with a poker face beside him.

"Nothing to say?"

"Not yet."

Zhou Tai was very calm. "When I get there, I will naturally talk with you more."

The accord drove slowly, with a truck in front. When the accord drove past, the two cars just drove into a tunnel.

The carriage behind the truck opened and put the accord into it.

They kept moving, which Li Fan was familiar with. They used it when robbing.

Unexpectedly, in addition to themselves, people in the government also like to play like this.

"Well, it's safe here. All external signals are shielded."

Zhou Tai said, "we can chat."

"Why, you are an official. Why are you so cautious?"

"Do you think the official family can be lawless?"

Zhou Tai smiled, "this country is too big, and the internal struggle is very fierce. For example, how did the power bureau, such a large government organization, collapse? Don't you forget?"


Li Fan was silent for a moment. How could he forget this matter!

He looked at Zhou Tai, waiting to listen to his next words.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I'm waiting to hear what you say."

"Li Fan, you are in danger now, you know?"

Zhou Tai pushed his glasses. This habit reminded Li Fan of Bai Linluo.

"I've been used to being besieged on all sides."

"Do you think it's a matter of Jianghu?"

Zhou taixiang smiled, "although it has something to do with the Jianghu, it's not all. Li Fan, the government has targeted you, and you are now a dangerous person."

"What do you mean, just go on."

"Your power is out of the control of the government. The royal guards have secretly assassinated you, but they all failed."

"So are you going to catch me?"

Li Fan asked.

"It depends on your cooperation."

"How can I cooperate and how can I not cooperate?"

"If we cooperate, we can cooperate. If we don't cooperate, then... Your end is to become a prisoner."

Zhou Tai's words made Li Fan a little uncomfortable. Zhou Tai seemed to see Li Fan's mind, and he continued.

"Li Fan, I'm not threatening you. I'm afraid there are no more than one... Even ten lives in your hands? Killing pays for life, which is the law. You broke the law, shouldn't I arrest you?"

"It's time to catch."

Li Fan was silent for a moment and said.

"However, if you want to catch me, you have to rely on your skills."

"We know that you found an island on the other side of Nansha."

Zhou Tai continued, "we can sell you the ownership of that island."


Zhou Tai's words poked into Li Fan's heart.

"And Fanfan escort agency doesn't have a legal business license yet. All your business income now is illegal income. If you are willing to cooperate, it's easy to say. The business license and the ownership of the island can be given to you."

"Such a big temptation, what do you want me to cooperate with?"

Li Fan finally got a little frustrated. The other party gave him too much authority.

"The royal guards has become a completely black organization, which has been used by some people."

Zhou Tai threw out his chips and continued, "including the sweeper, the organization managed by long Qingyun, and what they are doing behind the scenes. I know clearly in my heart. I want to do something, but I don't have a good card."

"I'm your good card? Don't you know how many enemies I have behind me now?"

"Jianghu forces are not to be feared."

Zhou Tai chuckled, "if there is no official support behind them, they are only mountain people after all. Including the Murong family, they also have official support behind them. Otherwise, how can they become the Supreme Master of Wulin."

"Sure enough."

Li Fan looked at Zhou Tai and didn't rush to agree. Instead, he asked, "why do you offer these conditions?"

"Indeed, I can't."

Zhou Tai nodded, "but the person behind me can."