When asked about Yingzhou, Feng Yebai remembered that there was still a page left in the letter. He turned over to get the letter and looked at it on the second page. In the front, he just gave an overview of what happened during the period when they left the capital. In the back, he really wanted to say.

The letter also said that since Feng Yebai left, the Empress Dowager had been put under house arrest by the emperor, and Yingzhou, the emperor kept him because his art could make Nayu barely live for a while.

The letter went on to say that Nayu had overheard the news from the emperor, saying that the emperor planned to bring the Empress Dowager to the front of the battle when he was playing against Feng Yebai.

Isn't Feng Yebai also fighting for the throne? It depends on whether he has the strength to be an emperor.

Since ancient times, which emperor's hand has not been stained with his relatives' blood?

The little emperor sat on the throne and his hands were stained with his own father's blood. He wanted to be the emperor only by an imperial edict left by Emperor Gaozu? It's really fantastic.

When the two armies meet, it depends on whether Feng Yebai is going to point his sword at his mother or put down his butcher's knife to surrender for the throne.

If he could only kill his mother, it would suit the wishes of the little emperor. As a result, he would lose both sides.

What qualification is a man who dares to kill his mother for the sake of the throne? He is sitting on the throne, but also can not be able to sit safely.

If he didn't dare to kill him, it was just what the little emperor meant. In this way, he would have the power to restrain Feng Yebai and restrain him everywhere. Isn't it easy to win?

When they escaped from the palace, Shen Yang asked Feng Yebai that he could not leave his mother alone in the palace.

At that time, there was nothing we could do. We could not save one more person. We had better rescue the Empress Dowager from the heavily guarded harem.

At that time, what Feng Yebai thought was that everyone knew about her discord with the Empress Dowager and that he hated the Empress Dowager. The little emperor should not use the Empress Dowager to suppress him.

But unexpectedly, he really used it.

Feng Yebai threw the letter, and his Qi and blood surged up. For a moment, he was dizzy and almost unsteady.

Shen Yang hurriedly went up to hold him, and his heart was like a huge stone, "what's the matter with you? Are you ok? I'll call the doctor

Feng Yebai stretched out his hand and pulled Shen Yang back. Then he leaned on her. "I'm ok. I'm just angry. Don't go. Stay with me for a while."

Shen Yang held him back and patted him on the back. "I understand your mood. In fact, you don't hate her long ago, do you? You are still in the mood to go to this camp. I don't know how to blame her, do I? "

Feng Yebai's voice was full of fatigue. "I love her and hate her all my life, but I don't want her to die. She gave birth to me and raised me. Without her, there would be no me. Even if she is wrong, I never want her to die."

Shen Yang could not help nodding, "I know, I know, she will know, in fact, the knot between you has long been untied, right?"

There is no mother who doesn't care for her children. Before Chen Yang, she didn't understand the empress dowager, but after she had a child, she suddenly figured it out.

The Empress Dowager has not seen Feng Yebai for so many years. Why not protect him? The palace is not as safe as it is outside. There are intrigues in the palace. You count me and I count you. It's really good for him not to let him in!

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