Feng Yebai looked at her seriously just now. Finally, he snorted, "so you want to... Seduce me today?"

"Am I not beautiful?"

She asked very seriously. It seems that even this has to be decided by others.

If you want to talk about beauty, the appearance of ChenDan people is different from that of Daye people. ChenDan people have deep facial features. Men are rugged and women are heroic. If you want to talk about beauty, she is naturally beautiful, which is inferior to those who sell their looks.

Feng Yebai can't answer this question. He doesn't care much about women's looks. He has seen too many beautiful women in the past half of his life. Now when he sees those beautiful women, he always feels that they are carved in the same mold and can't see any flowers.

Saiji's appearance is very eye-catching, but if he has to compare with others, he thinks that he can't compare with Wei Chenyang.

As soon as he hesitated, Saiji understood a general idea. It was estimated that he was considerate of her. The girl's family was thin skinned and embarrassed to hurt her.

Saiji is not so affectable, straight to the point and asked, "who am I better looking than your daughter-in-law?"

"What are you doing with her?"

Feng Yebai frowned to avoid her sight, and guessed the intention of calling herself this time.

"You don't want me to go after you when I'm on the pole. I'm curious about how beautiful your woman is. You just refuse me if you don't want to?"

After staring at her for a long time, he finally sighed, "you are a princess, and you know that you are chasing people on the pole? I made it very clear to you last time, and it's the same this time. "

Saiji was not angry and didn't continue to press him. He rolled up his elbow and poured him a glass of wine. "I don't like to owe someone else. You helped me regain the position of the crown prince when I was sinking Dan. I owe you this human relationship. Now that you have difficulties, I should lend a helping hand."

Last time, it was not so easy to talk. This time, it suddenly changed. Feng Yebai would not believe that this was what she really thought.

The glass in front of him is full of wine. Feng Yebai stares at the glass in front of him. He doesn't mean to move at all. "Last time, he didn't want to die. Don't tell me you've figured it out. Now he wants to lend me the soldiers again."

Saiji also poured himself a cup, "if I say yes, you will not believe it, but... Is it not obvious that I am dressed like this today?"

Feng Yebai chuckled, "as for? When does the princess need to sell herself? "

"You still don't know our girl in ChenDan. If you want something, you have to get it. No matter how long you get it, as long as I get it. For you, when you are in ChenDan, I hold the idea that I have to get it. It doesn't matter if you don't agree to marry me. If we have a love affair, it's not in vain."

This is the difference between ChenDan and Daye. ChenDan's girl never links her virginity with her life. Women are the same as men. So Saiji doesn't care about this. None of her words are true, but as for the result, she has to do something to know.

Feng Yebai turned the finger on his hand and looked up at her again. His eyes were a little more playful. "Dew love has to be your love, but I don't want to be with you."

Saiji poured and drank a glass, her eyes suddenly bright and dark, "your daughter-in-law doesn't know, even if you really have something with me, you don't say, you're afraid she won't know?"

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