Wei Chenyang sent Feng Yebai a letter, but he didn't receive one. Similarly, Wei Chenyang didn't see feng Yebai's letter to Wei Chenyang, so it's not that they don't care about each other as they thought. It's someone in the middle who did something.

As for the man who did it, he didn't think about it except the emperor.

The emperor sent people to set up checkpoints on the plank road of the Posthouse where the two places must pass. Whenever they saw the letters between them, they should be stopped. It's not just the emperor who shaved his head and picked his son. He beat the snake seven inches. Doesn't Feng Yebai only love Wei Chenyang? I'm sure I'll think about it more after I go. The more he thinks about it, the more he won't let them communicate with each other. Therefore, he has stopped dozens of letters in the past half a month. I have to say that these two people are really affectionate. Basically, they write one letter a day, and they are not tired of being flustered.

The emperor originally wanted to find some evidence of Feng Yebai's collusion with Suqu or other clues in the letters between them. However, he read these letters for several times and found nothing new except to express his love for his daily life. The latest one was written by Wei Chenyang to Feng Yebai when his son lost him. Fortunately, he stopped it If Feng Yebai saw this, he would have to go back even if he died. What would he do if he came back? If you can't trust him, he can still be of some use.

Feng Yebai is far away in the border city, and the news is blocked. For such a long time, he has not received a reply to his letter. He also realizes that something is wrong in it. However, the war ahead is tight, so he can't spare the extra experience to think about the cause and effect, let alone relax. Several small neighboring countries headed by Shen Dan can join forces with Daye, and the north can compete with the north Barbarians, the world pioneered by their ancestors from horseback, are good at wrestling, riding and shooting. They are brave and good at fighting. If they are reckless and continue to fight like this, it may be hard to know who will win or lose. But although they are aggressive, they are far inferior to Daye's army in strategy and military tactics. The only way to win is to use the art of war, If we seriously discuss the tactics of hurting the enemy by one thousand and losing eight hundred, we can't win at all.

What's more, a man from north of the Great Wall has been feeding raw yak meat and milk wine since he was weaned, and learning to wrestle when he can walk. He is much stronger than Daye, who has a good mountain and good water. He is sure to suffer a loss when he takes up his posture and fights alone. It's not because of the emperor's iron orders that he tries so hard to deal with the trouble. Daye is a big bone with meat, which has been more than 300 years since the founding of the people's Republic The emperors of all dynasties have done their best. Those who covet Daye's rivers and mountains can't break them for a long time. They bow down to be courtiers and are unwilling to attack every year. After waiting for so many years for an uncle and nephew to seize the chance of internal strife in the world, they naturally won't let it go. All of them are determined to make a hole in Daye's solid city defense. The whole world is in charge of Yuwen After sitting at home for so many years, it's time to change the host.

Feng Yebai came in time. After he helped to win the battle at the airport, his name was completely on the border. Princess Saiji, the youngest daughter of King ChenDan, called to fight with him. The special army retreated two miles, one man, one horse and one halberd went to the gate to shout, and let Feng Yebai go out of the city to fight.

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