The emperor's wishful thinking was very good. On the one hand, he solved Liang Wuyue's big problem. On the other hand, he knew Feng Yebai's plan. At that time, he would only wait for Wei Chenyang to return to Runan. He would send someone to intercept him on the way. Wouldn't he have the best of both worlds!

It's rare that the emperor is in a good mood these days, and the servants they serve under can live a more relaxed life. As long as they are wary of not showing up when the emperor goes to see the princess, nothing will go wrong.

The princess was not in good health after her parturition. The emperor scolded all the doctors in the Tai hospital. Now the whole Tai hospital is going to see a doctor for the princess. Everyone is in a panic.

Fortunately, the princess's condition has improved a little recently. At least she has been able to go out for a walk in the sun. The emperor can't see her good face when he goes back. Today, I heard that she has been able to walk in the palace. I think she should have let go of her heart and left a group of ministers to Yuqing palace.

Who doesn't know what the emperor's virtue is? If the emperor doesn't want to discuss the court, what can they say? Who would be foolish enough to go up to die and remonstrate at this time? If you hurt yourself, you'll have to implicate the whole family.

When the emperor arrived, Wei Min was lying on the couch in the courtyard to bask in the warm sun. He still couldn't shine a little ruddy on her pale face. Looking at her from a distance, the emperor only felt that she was transparent and wanted to be immortal, as if she would leave him at any time.

The people in the palace saw that the emperor was coming, and they were about to squat down to ask the emperor to say hello. The emperor made a "hush" gesture towards them, and walked gently towards Wei min.

Wei Min is reading a Book of Sun Tzu's art of war in her hand. Although she used to hang out with Feng Yebai and Liang Wuyue when she was a child, she is the least interested in this kind of military books that men like to read. Today, she accidentally saw this book on the shelf. It's not that there is no way to read it carefully. At least it's very useful to deal with people.

The Emperor himself took away the book in her hand, looked at the book cover and said with a smile, "reading in the sun, I hurt my eyes carefully."

Wei Min just wanted to get angry, then thought about it, and put on a neutral tone, "how did the emperor come here today? Not afraid to eat a cold meal? "

Today, I really look much better than before. I know I've talked back to him. I didn't want to talk to him a few days ago. Although I didn't like what I said, the emperor was not angry at all, and even felt happy.

"I have a burning heart. I'm not afraid to eat your cold food."

Wei Min sat up and looked up at the sun. The emperor was afraid that she would get better and hurt her eyes. Not tall, he arched forward to block the dazzling sun for her. "Go inside. Although there is sun outside, it's still cool."

Wei Min turns a white eye to him, "I am willing to sit here, if the emperor feels cold, go into the room by yourself!"

This temper, really a little face also don't leave to the emperor, but the Emperor just eat her this set, the more she is not good face, the more close the emperor stick, "don't want to go in, I accompany you."

"You killed all the girls around me. Now I don't even have anyone who is easy to use." As soon as she raised her chin, she pointed to the two palace maids on the side like wooden stakes and said, "you let them follow me all the time , the fastest update of the webnovel!