A good marriage? Where there is a good marriage, her words are full of loopholes, which can deceive her. A man who can't get out of the gate can't see a man's face every day. When she says it, she just wants to come up with an excuse to dispel her doubts, and she is the only one who can believe it.

She blustered her in a few words, and said sorry to her. No matter what she said to her, she was very helpful, but she couldn't patronize her. She had to strike while the iron was hot and say something right while the heat was hot.

"I heard that you are going to Mengcheng with Wang Ye? There are refugees everywhere and bandits are rampant. When you go there, the Lord can't take care of you all the time. What if something happens? "

Since Chen Yang had made up his mind, he couldn't give up the idea because of other people's words. As a result, no one would advise him, "what can happen? My husband said that when I leave, there will be a royal escort. Since he is an imperial envoy granted by the emperor, there are no soldiers and horses around him. It's not like that. What kind of bandits dare to rob the court? Don't worry, nothing can happen 。”

Nayu Yihan said with a worried face, "the famine is so serious that his life can't be saved. He's all red eyed. He's just waiting for someone to go and rush to rob him. Although the emperor's troops are with him, he's afraid that he'll be spared. There's no one close to you. What's going on It's not that I'm worried. You are two people now. You should pay special attention to it. Don't give the opportunity to those who have ulterior motives. "

Feng Yebai came back for a while. Hearing the voice inside, he stood outside and refused to go in. In front of a group of servant girls and eunuchs, he became a man of listening to the corner of the wall.

At first, he doubted whether this Na Yu had ulterior motives. Later, the more he listened, the more reassured he was. He really wanted to be angry at that time, so he just stayed in her room all night. Later, he wanted to explain, but he was afraid that if he could not speak clearly, it would add fuel to the fire. He simply passed the buck passing. If it was for someone else, it might be more embellished She said that she had no idea or permission letter for herself, but she lied to Shen Yang that she had a sweetheart, and the purpose was unknown.

The brotherhood between men is true or false, and the sisterhood between women is also true. However, the last few words sound like care without water. Shen Yang is also happy. When he doesn't care for her, she will inevitably be lonely. It's good to have someone to accompany her.

After listening to the story, he picked up the bead curtain and showed himself. Nayu stood up in a hurry to accept the blessing. Chenyang squatted with him. He helped him up one by one with a smile on his face. "Do you still stay up so late?"

Chen Yang said happily, "it's not too late for Nayu to come to talk to me. He was going to talk about it for a while Why are you back so early today? "

He took the tea from Shang Mei and took a sip of it. "It's hard to disobey my wife's life. Aren't you afraid that I'll be taken away by the little demon outside? Where can I dare to stay? I'll come back to order so that I won't even be able to enter the room at night."

The face of a man's family is the most important thing. When he said this, he didn't shy away from the people in the room. It can be seen that he was in love with his wife.

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