Chen Yang saw him go to help Na Yu first. He was so sad that all men were the same. When he had a new lover, he forgot his old love. The daughter-in-law he had just married was going to ride on her head. They all looked at her one by one. They were bullying, weren't they?

Feng Yebai leaned forward to Chenyang and twisted his eyebrows. He clearly wanted to ask him a good question, but the words changed his taste. "It's so early in the morning. What's the matter?"

He doesn't ask the trouble maker, but he comes to question her first. In his heart, is she a trouble maker? Shen Yang's heart was cold and he pulled down his face. "Ask your new daughter-in-law. She's the one who started first. Naturally, she can't be clearer."

New daughter-in-law, look at the words, intentionally give him eye medicine? No, Feng Yebai reached out to hold her clenched fist, her hand is really small, can be completely wrapped in the palm of his hand, one by one broke off, with her fingers, voice gradually softened down, "good how to start?" Horizontal eye swept Song Shu, voice suddenly become fierce, "you start first? Who gave you the courage to fight with the princess? "

Song Shu bluff a jump, hastily come forward to accept blessing way, "Wang Ye Ming checks, is It's the slave around the princess who speaks rudely first. I just want to teach the slave on behalf of the princess. Who knows The princess leans to each other This It's nothing to do with me, it's not me

Feng Yebai turned and asked Shen Yang, "is that so?"

Originally, there was no big deal. If he didn't come, they might have had a fight. But when he came, although the meaning of the words was toward her, he was not sure how to love the other one.

Women are cautious, and Shen Yang is no exception. Not only are they careful, they also like to think wildly. They shake off Feng Yebai's hand and say, "don't worry about it. We can solve our own problems."

A word pushed him far away. When he spoke, he did not look at him. He kept his eyes and brows, pursed his mouth, and looked like a thousand miles away.

Feng Yebai couldn't face up and down. He stared at her for a long time. He thought how this girl didn't know what to do. After a few days of anger, he didn't come to beg for peace. He had made such a big concession. When he came to her, it was all in vain. People didn't care. Should I give you a cold face or give you a cold face.

These two people are natural enemies. Shen Yang is also stubborn. She goes all the way to the dark, and no one can persuade her. She has a bellyful of words and wants to ask him, but she just can't ask him. She's uncomfortable and can't get rid of it. That's what she looks like now.

Feng Yebai lost face with her. When he came, his prepared speech was invalid. He wanted to make peace, but now he seems to be so used to her that he often gives him a look. Do you really think he has no temper?

"OK, since the princess says you can solve it by yourself, the king will not care! Nayu, you go with me, they love to make trouble, let them make trouble! "

He just called away Na Yu and left. Shen Yang glared at him fiercely. No matter what, he had a new lover and simply gave her up. In this way, he could live in peace and save the worry that she couldn't eat well and sleep well every day. He fell in love with others and ignored himself.

If Chen Yang can tell Feng Yebai these words in his heart, he will be happy to death, but she just doesn't say them. She is afraid that if she says them, she will take the initiative and give him the handle to ridicule them. So she would rather hold back her grievances than say them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!