When Liang Wuyue falls asleep at night, he is nervous and afraid, but Feng Yebai can't sleep because he has a lot on his mind, and his thoughts are stirring in his head. He is restless.

The guard of the princess's residence was weak. It was supposed that the emperor had arranged it. The wind outside was blowing and the leaves rustled. It was a good time for the executioner to execute on a dark and windy night. He rolled over, wrapped in the quilt, and heard the sound of a dagger prying the latch behind him. The door creaked and opened. The soles of his shoes, which had been padded with cloth, did not make any sound when stepping on the ground. Martial arts practitioners pay attention to breathing. Even if they walk quietly, they can't help but be noticed.

A curved blade dagger, dark and cold, is like an angry Beast with a bow back. It is silent and clamorous. It is ready to pounce on its prey. The hand that controls it suddenly works hard to stab it down. It should have been done with the wind and the water at one go, but it was kicked off by a foot halfway. This foot makes 80% of the strength, and the man and the dagger take off.

He had already set up a trap for him. The man picked up the dagger, stood up, opened his posture, and pointed the hook blade at him. He didn't stop until he saw the blood.

Feng Yebai moved his wrist and warned, "whether you can kill me or not, you will die when you go back. It's better to stop as soon as possible. I can still give you a way to live."

"Kill you, and you'll live." Then he let go of the move and rushed over.

These should not be from the Imperial College. During his time in the palace, the commander of the Imperial College taught all the Kungfu moves himself. He knew the way of Kungfu very well. However, the Kungfu moves of this man in front of him obviously came from the river and lake. There are various Kungfu moves, and the Kungfu of different schools are all mixed together. They are not alike. Although they are murderous, they can be flawed quite a lot.

It's too easy to subdue him, but this kind of person always has hidden concealed weapons. Feng Yebai deliberately takes advantage of his power and makes more moves with him. He checks him inside and outside. After confirming that there are no concealed weapons, he begins to counterattack. He plays some airs with him at first. Now that he's serious, it's more and more useless for assassins. Finally, he grabs him by the shoulder, presses him to the ground and asks him, "who sent him Are you here? "

The assassin gritted his teeth and swallowed a mouthful of blood. He didn't answer the question, "you've been playing with me just now!"

Feng Yebai didn't have time to talk nonsense with him. He straightened the assassin's fingers and stabbed him with a curved blade dagger. However, he met a bloody man. No matter how painful he was, he only gritted his teeth and groaned. His forehead was sweating and shivering. "Have you ever seen a gourd that doesn't speak? Save it. You might as well kill me

The assassin also has his code of conduct. He knows who sent him. He just wants to find out what he says. If his words are not strict, it's not better to take him as evidence. If he doesn't say it doesn't matter, Feng Yebai takes one of his arms and shakes it against the bone. He says, "it may hurt to unload your arms. You're a man. Keep your voice down." As soon as the voice dropped, there was a click, and the arm was soft and drooping on the ground.

The pain of broken bones, which ordinary people can bear, the assassin did not bear, roared loudly.

Feng Yebai patted him twice on the face, "ask you again, who sent you?"

The assassin shivered with pain, and his expression was ferocious, but his mouth was still stubborn. He gritted his teeth and never let go.

Feng Yebai pulled out the dagger nailed to his hand and drew a line around his neck, "one more time, two more times, no more time and again. If you don't cherish the chance, you will find your own way to die."

Dagger from left to right, blood splashed out, killing a person is so simple.

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