The inner official is the emperor's confidant, Yan Buli. He has been waiting on the emperor since the time of the former Emperor. He is also an old man in the palace and is favored by the emperor. Usually, he is a title that no one dares to offend. He comes back to Runan on the orders of the emperor. In other words, he is an imperial envoy. Li Li stands at the door and looks at people with his chin raised. He has a small official around him who understands and is sharp With voice way, "Yan Gonggong arrives, still not quick call your family Gongzi to come out to greet."

The two servants at the door looked at each other. The father-in-law looked at each other. He dared to support Huang Dingzi when he went out. He didn't dare to delay. He hurriedly went back to call Feng Yebai.

Wei Min always has a bad time with his father-in-law. When he heard that Yan Buli had come, he didn't need to think that it was sent by the emperor. As soon as he patted the table, he stood up and rushed to the door angrily. Fortunately, Yan Buli was arrogant and arrogant. He still remembered that the position of a eunuch was superior to the emperor's I'd like to say hello to the princess. "

Wei Min is ungrateful. It's useless to sell her a smiling face. This is not the one who buys your account. If he sweeps his head, he doesn't have a good voice. "What are you doing?"

Yan Buli, who has been in the palace for so many years, has no idea what kind of anger he's had. He's just a hobo with two skin faces. He's not angry at all. He still carries a smiling face. "If you go back to the princess, it's a nightmare for the Empress Dowager. She says that the princess was taken away by a monster in the form of a tiger. She's not worried, so she tells the emperor, The emperor sent slaves to take care of the princess. " Then he looked at Feng Yebai with inclined eyes, "don't be abducted by any ghosts."

It's a pun. When you get out of the center, you can't understand it. Who else can tiger be, Feng Yebai? He is the one who threatens the emperor the most, and the one who worries the emperor the most is him. The meaning of this is obvious enough. The emperor is afraid that Weimin and Feng Yebai's old love will be rekindled, so he sends someone to cut off the love.

"Bah!" Wei Min sweeps up a person's face, that call a merciless, "depend on you a castration just say what is what?"? When the princess came, the emperor promised that he would not send any more people to come here. Now you say that you came at the emperor's command. According to your slave's meaning, does the emperor turn back on his words? "

Yan Bu Li sweeps his sleeve and kneels down. "I dare not. The emperor is also worried about the safety of the princess. The pilgrimage meeting is just around the corner. It's hard to avoid that there will be some strange people who want to fight against the court. When the princess comes out, the bodyguards are limited, or Don't let the emperor and Empress Dowager down. "

The emperor can command that he will follow the princess every step of the way. If there is any sign of burning with Feng Yebai, he should be pinched in time. By the way, he will give Feng Yebai eyedrops and let him clear. Since the emperor takes over, it's not so easy to unload. What's more, he should wake up and recognize his identity. Don't worry about what he shouldn't.

Feng Yebai's heart is like a mirror, but he doesn't want to see it. He holds Shen Yang tightly in his right hand. He hates it in his heart, but he has to pretend that there is nothing on his face, but his hand holding Shen Yang is getting tighter and tighter. Shen Yang couldn't hold on in pain. He whispered to him, "husband Husband, my hand hurts. Let me go. "

Wei Min turns to see an eye, urgently send Yan not to leave, "this princess is very good, don't need you to worry about, you want to love to follow that to follow, is don't pestle under this princess's eyelid son obstruct an eye!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!