If you want to talk about dating, Feng Yebai's dating can be out of ten miles. He has to say it one by one. He can't finish it tomorrow. Wang Guanshi is worried about how to reply. A servant girl came in and knelt down to Wei Min, pulled Wang Guanshi's sleeve and whispered, "madam is bitten by a dog. She's crying in the room. Mother Li has gone to the doctor. Let's go Let me tell you

Wei MINMENG patted the table, "bold, in front of the princess actually dare to whisper, but when the princess does not exist?"

Wang Guanshi said busily, "Princess calm down, it's all trivial family affairs. I'm afraid that the princess will laugh at me when I say it. I'll go and have a look. I'll disturb the princess when something happens in the province."

"Go and send someone to call Feng Yebai back to the sheriff first. How dare you let her wait for him!"

"Yes, I'll send for it now." Wang steward raised his hand and called in a servant. In front of Wei Min's face, he said, "go and get the young master back. Then he said that the princess is coming. Let the young master come back as soon as possible."

"Yes, the little one will go now."

Wang Guanshi also retreated, went out of the door, and then asked the servant girl, "how do you look at the lady? How can you be bitten by a dog? "

The little servant girl shrunk her shoulders in fright. "Madam is sitting in the yard playing as usual. There is a dog lying at madam's feet to eat. Madam feeds it with her hands. The dog goes to eat, just He bit his hand

"What do you eat for?"

While talking, she went to the yard where Chenyang lived. Mother Li and the doctor were there. The doctor was waiting. Mother Li advised, "isn't it a dog bite? Darling, show your hand to the doctor and see if it's bleeding? "

Shen Yang copied the injured hand in his sleeve, and said, "I didn't bite it, I didn't bleed, I didn't hurt. I don't want to see a doctor."

Mother Li was anxious. "How could she not bite? I've seen the bleeding. Take it out quickly and show it to the doctor. Otherwise, you'll feel sorry again. "

"No blood, no bite. Let the doctor go. Let the doctor go." She copied her hand tightly, but she didn't show it, even mother Li didn't let her get close to her.

Wang Guanshi came and asked mother Li, "what's the matter?"

Mother Li, seeing that she was a savior, pulled the manager over and said, "look at this If you are bitten by a dog, you just won't let the doctor see it. It's no small matter. I can't persuade you not to see it. "

Shen Yang saw that Wang Guanshi had come, and he was even more unwilling to cooperate. He said in a loud voice, "I don't want to see the doctor! I don't see the doctor

Wang Guanshi lowered his face and said, "why don't you see the doctor?"

"No, you let him go! Let him go

"Nonsense! Have you forgotten what you said? Are you disobedient again? " Wang Guanshi stretched out his hand to her, "come here and let the doctor have a look."

Chen Yang stood up and went around to the other side of the table. "My husband didn't ask me to listen to you. I don't want to see the doctor."

The doctor heard the words and said, "it's not a small matter to be bitten by a dog. There was a family in the south of the city who had a big black dog. When they fed the dog, they were bitten. They didn't take it seriously and died in a few days."

Wang Guanshi was also worried. He asked two servant girls to catch her and give her injured hand to the doctor. Shen Yang didn't want to see it. He was pressed and kept making trouble. Wang Guanshi drank. She shriveled and groaned, but she didn't dare to move.

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