Chapter 665 - 665: Eager and Driven

Chapter 665 - 665: Eager and Driven

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

On the opposite side, Xiang Mingfeng, Zhang Youji, Fang Huo, and their cohort of prodigies stood amidst the remnants of a blood-soaked battlefield. In their midst, the once fearsome Blood Sea King, now stripped of his former glory, glared defiantly at them, a twisted smile playing on his lips.

Though renowned, not many king realm experts could withstand the onslaught of the world’s top ten prodigies. The Blood Sea King proved to be no different.

“You likely never expected us to forsake the three kings’ alliance army to surround and defeat you,” he sneered. “Unless, of course, he still lives. Otherwise, the ten regions of East Qingzhou would have already drowned in blood.”

He scanned their faces, searching for a reaction but found only steady, unflinching gazes in return.

“You eliminate kings merely to validate your paths,” the Blood Sea King mocked. “How does that make you any different from our Sacred Heart Sect? Perhaps you should be our most devoted followers.”

Xiang Mingfeng broke the silence. “You’ve made a fundamental error from the start.”

Confusion clouded the Blood Sea King’s eyes. “And what would that be?”

“Our alliance master cannot be defeated.’

Hua Yanli added, “You’re no average martial artists. If anyone can measure up, it’s the alliance master. When he and Zhang Daozi took down the White-robed King, did he share how much he learned?”

Curiosity lit up the group’s faces, all keen to gauge their talents against Qin Huai’s.

Zhang Youji pondered deeply. “The alliance master is indeed generous. Nobody else would even dream of offering half a king bone.”

There was not a single person in the six royal clans who could offer half a king bone to him. No doubt it was a coveted asset, capable of causing strife even among established sects. Such was the bone’s allure that the Daoist School was particularly inclined to support Qin Huai.

Xiang Mingfeng reflected, “It seems the alliance master has always had a clear vision about the king realm’s intricacies. His journey has been seamless.”

Le Ji’an agreed, “Indeed. He wouldn’t be progressing this effortlessly otherwise.”

Silence settled over the group as they contemplated Qin Huai’s achievements. The realization that they had quite the journey ahead to match his prowess subdued their earlier elation.

Zhang Youji, observing the newfound determination in their eyes, mused, “Now it’s clear why Qingzhou has given rise to so many prodigies in our time.”

Xu Tong added with a smile, “Being under the protection of the Qingzhou Emperor and the minimal interference from the six royal clans has been beneficial.’

Zhang Youji responded, “That’s only part of the equation.” Xiang Mingfeng looked at him, eager for clarity. “Do tell.” Zhang Youji grinned. “You all are just too eager and driven..”