Chapter 1219: foreign milk powder

Chapter 1219 Foreign milk powder

Gu Yuehuan took a bath for the child. She felt that she had changed a lot this month, especially she looked a little mature on the outside. The indescribable change was that she felt that she had matured and stabilized a lot.

Maybe she became a mother, or she gave birth to a child. No wonder people say whether she has had a child or not. You can tell at a glance. The appearance has changed a lot.

Huo Qingyue has also changed a lot in the past month. He feels that he has learned to be a good father. Although he is a brat and not the girl he thinks of, he still needs to learn what he should learn. Bathing children is very simple. , and changing diapers.

Gu Yuehuan is very relaxed at home. Others say that it is easy to get postpartum depression, but she feels that she does not. Mainly because the family members gave me a sense of security.

Huo Qingyue said on the surface that he hates children, but he never tires of serving this little ancestor.

Now that the little ancestor has finished taking a bath, he doesn’t know what he’s crying for. He’s been crying all the time, and he just won’t let his father touch it.

Gu Yuehuan said to Huo Qingyue: "Why don't I go to work tomorrow, and my body has recovered now, and I want to go to school after confinement, I want to restore my previous appearance, and I don't want to delay my studies. It's been a month."

Except for the month when she gave birth, she did not go to school, and she went to school for the rest of the month, with her stomach full.

The classmate took good care of her.

Now I can’t hold back at home, I want to go to school, finish my studies, and want to go to work in the factory.

Huo Qingyue has always been doting on Gu Yuehuan, he can do whatever he wants, when he heard her say this, he glanced at her: "You can go if you want, anyway, you don't have to worry about someone taking care of the children at home, there are my mother and the servants. People are here."

Of course Gu Yuehuan knew that he would definitely promise her that she could do whatever she wanted, but she still wanted to ask him, and she would only be happy when she heard his confirmation.

That's why I felt relieved when I heard his support. She can't stay idle at home, and the child is taken care of by her family, so she doesn't need to work hard at home. If she is at home, she will be bored all day and can only sleep , Watching TV is not as good as going to school and going to work.

School has started now, but because she is a junior, her homework is not very easy, but the teacher knows that she is smart and knows that she has not had a baby for a long time, so her requirements are not so strict.

Gu Yuehuan thought so and went to work early the next morning.

Zhao Yun saw her getting up for class, so she got up early in the morning to cook for them.

Gu Yuehuan everything is back on track.

Su Yiyou kept talking about going to see Yuehuan's child with Jiang Luyou. As a godmother and the child's aunt, she always wanted to see the child.

But there was no time, and finally found a weekend, and finally it was the turn of both parties to go to see the children together.

Jiang Luyou and Su Yiyou bought a lot of things before they came. In addition to supplements for adults, there were also some foreign milk powder for children.

It was delivered directly.

Jiang Luyou told Gu Yuehuan: "The company at home has always had foreign business, and someone happened to hear that their foreign people drink this kind of foreign milk powder.

So I came back with a few cans. I don’t know if it tastes good or not, but I heard that children can drink this. You can take a look. "

Nowadays, people don’t like to drink this kind of milk powder, mainly because they are afraid that it will be unsafe. They usually rely on breastfeeding, or find a wet nurse. As long as there is money, many people are willing to spend it.

(end of this chapter)