Chapter 33… There is a situation!

Ling Su said: I had a dream; I might have to find a Ma Ma for you.

Xiao Luo could hear his heartbeat accelerating, and he had a deafening delusion. He asked: Who are you looking for? If it’s someone else, I will disagree, but I would reluctantly nod if it is the one from your dream.

But he couldn’t communicate freely with the shit shovel officer now. After Xiao Luo opened his mouth and let out two meows, Ling Su suddenly closed his eyes and fell asleep!

WTF! Sleep, you are actually sleeping, get up and speak clearly!

The little orange cat slapped Ling Su’s head frantically, but it was a pity that the shit shovel officer slept like a pig.

He really shouldn’t question the [Sleep Until Dawn] produced by the QQ system. Look at the effect; it’s incredible!

“Meow~” The little orange cat meowed pitifully and simply leaned on Ling Su’s head and closed his eyes: Forget it. It’s the same thing even if he asks again after waking up.

However, when Xiao Luo opened his eyes in a daze in the morning, he found himself lying on the pillow. Ling Su had long since disappeared! On the bedside cabinet was his milk bottle, which contained more than half of the milk powder. When he touched it, it was warm.

#When I made up my mind to have a showdown with the shit shovel officer, the person disappeared! What should I do? #

This was probably a hint from God to him, right? The little orange cat hugged the bottle and took a sip. His stomach felt warm suddenly, and he thought: Since God’s will is like this, let’s do his tasks first, and he will try communicating with the shit shovel officer again after he comes back. 

He went to the floor, nodded his head, and then decided to earn enough popularity points to dive into Ling Su’s dream again!

“DiDi-” QQ’s new message prompt sounded.

Xiao Luo opened it and found that Coco had sent it.

[Stranger] Macaw – Coco: Little orange cat, I’m outside your balcony door, come and open the door for me~

It was followed by a friend request.

After confirming the request, Xiao Luo replied with an OK expression, ran to the living room, and saw the colourful macaw outside the balcony flapping its wings through the moving door, jumping up and down like a drunk.

Orange Cat – Xiao Luo: I can’t open this door; I’m sweating.jpg

Macaw – Coco: Oops, what should I do? I can’t even peck it off!

Xiao Luo only remembered then: after the accident of actor Su last night, Director Li Wei accompanied him to the hospital. These two are public figures.

Because of his small size, Wu Huan quickly escaped the investigation by the medical staff and squeezed into the ambulance. But Coco was stopped and he followed Luo Baibai back to Old Luo’s apartment.

Orange Cat – Xiao Luo: Coco, how did you find this place?

Where is Vice President Luo’s apartment? Xiao Luo really couldn’t answer this question. The professor’s apartment buildings in this area all looked the same.

Macaw – Coco: When I got up in the morning for morning exercise, I happened to see your shit shovel officer, la la la~  

It really was a diligent and smart parrot!

Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: But why are you looking for me, Coco? If you are not in a hurry, can I open the door for you when Ling Su comes back?

The macaw outside the sliding glass door suddenly bumped its head on it, causing Xiao Luo to take two steps back: Coco, did he drink secretly?

Macaw- Coco: I… haha… ​​you just now~ When your shit shovel officer was running this morning, he was chatting and laughing with a little brother…

Xiao Luo instantly frowned: What did you say!

Countless bad thoughts flashed through his mind one by one: He told him only a few hours ago that he was going to find Mama for him! Was it not because of the dream?

After careful calculation, the night before the two “abnormal” performances of the shit shovel officer was the time when he secretly brushed his love points!

Therefore, the “Mama” Ling Su said must be him.

Was it not?

After being silent for a few seconds, Xiao Luo began to doubt his life: Can the things that happened in a dream come true? Generally speaking, if it was someone like him, would he remember what dream he had after he woke up? 

So, was he being self-indulgent?

Macaw-Coco: Little orange cat, I see that you have a lot of love points. Exchange for a limited-time transformation card and open the door. I will take you out to play.

After adding friends, they could see each other’s balance information on the top of the dialogue box. 

Xiao Luo took a look and decisively exchanged for a random chance to transform! He would feel distressed about the love points if it was normal. This thing was too hard to save. Thinking about the debt he still owed King so far, he suddenly had all kinds of headaches.

Macaw-Coco: Oh oh oh oh! Big change! Cool! Hahahahaha…Little orange cat, why are you only wearing one pair of pants!

After Xiao Luo glanced at the blurred figure in the glass door, he couldn’t help but sigh: It’s really fate! This time, the random effect is actually the muscular man Xiong Er again!

He didn’t talk nonsense; he just opened the door and let Coco in. He didn’t plan to change clothes; he would anyways be beaten back to his original shape when the five-minute time limit was up.

“These are great muscles!” The macaw landed on the muscular man’s head and let out a perverted laugh, “Little orange cat, do you have any wine? Red or white will do; if not, pineapple beer is also okay!”

“Coco, the smell of alcohol on your body can already suffocate people.” Such a strong smell. Did it just climb out of the wine jar?

Xiao Luo was helpless. Ling Su didn’t seem to be the kind who drinks, right? At least in his memory, his shit shovel officer didn’t smoke or drink, he had almost no bad hobbies, and he was in great shape and would make money to support his family.

“I’m dizzy.” The macaw burped, “Little orange cat, why is your charm value negative? Is your shit shovel officer always abusing you?”

“No.” Xiao Luo shook his head. Ling Su couldn’t be more fond of the little orange cat. He gave him whatever he wanted to buy. He also served him three meals a day like a nanny every day and chatted with him to relieve boredom.

If it wasn’t for this, he probably wouldn’t be tempted by Ling Su anymore. From realizing the other person’s excellence to the subtle sense of inferiority to the sudden realization, he might have regarded this person as his own long ago.

After discovering Ling Su’s sexual orientation, he was ecstatic. Thinking that others tempted him, Xiao Luo was heartbroken and finally waited until the time when everything became clear, and the result was that he was self-indulgent.

“Coco, what did you say Ling Su did when he ran in the morning?” Xiao Luo hesitated for a while and then asked again. Coco’s appearance looked like he was utterly wasted by alcohol; what if he was wrong?

“Uh~ he was talking and laughing with a little brother, and they were running together, hahaha! That little brother was very good-looking.”

“Do you still know the way? Let’s go out now—” Xiao Luo groaned in his heart. After a while, he told himself not to believe in rumours. Several students in Ling Su’s Xingchen studio were students of W University. What if they happened to be acquaintances?

The macaw flapped its wings and flew up. As Xiao Luo expected, it was already high on alcohol, and the flying posture made people feel particularly uneasy: “My memory is good! Old Li used to praise me for it!”

Xiao Luo looked at the transformation countdown; there were still three and a half minutes left. So he hurriedly called the macaw to the front door, preparing to open the door in advance and then go out after changing back to his original shape.

“Shh! Someone is coming.” Coco flew to the door faster and suddenly made a gesture to Xiao Luo.

Macaw – Coco: Little orange cat, find a place to hide so that no one can discover your identity!

Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: What will happen if they find out?

Xiao Luo had originally planned that if the person Ling Su was determined to find happened to be him, he would simply have a showdown and get a directional transformation card. It would be very convenient to change back to the human form to communicate at that time. With the courage and knowledge of the shit shovel officer, there is always a 50% chance that he will not be handed over to the laboratory, right?

Macaw – Coco: Little orange cat, you must not have read the group rules in the King’s harem group! It is written that if ordinary humans discover that we can transform into humanoids through special props, we will be deprived of the QQ system for life!

So serious?

Xiao Luo was suddenly scared and immediately turned around and ran to the bedroom. If Ling Su came back, he should go to work in the study. Oh no, he might also come to see the little orange cat to make sure that it had eaten breakfast obediently.

Orange Cat – Xiao Luo: Coco, what about you?

Macaw-Coco: Don’t worry about me. If your shit shovel officer comes back and wants to find you, I can block him for you for a while!

Xiao Luo was immediately moved. This is true friendship!

Macaw-Coco: The little orange cat doesn’t know where the wine is; your shit shovel officer must know, ah ha ha ha…

Xiao Luo, who was moved: 囧

This muscular man is too big to be stuffed under the bed. What about in the closet?

Just as he was about to dig into the closet, he heard the sound of the door opening from outside. When he heard this sound, he realized that Ling Su was not the only one who had come back.

“Senior Ling, I’m really sorry. The first time we met, I caused trouble for you.”

This was a very small and pure voice, which did not match any of Xiao Luo’s impressions of Ling Su’s friends. The movement to hide was interrupted, and he gently moved towards the door of the room, just in time to hear Ling Su say, “It’s okay, be careful.” The voice was actually quite gentle! Xiao Luo suddenly felt sour in his heart.

At the same time, the macaw, Coco’s, loud voice rang out: “Surprise!” Not to mention, this pronunciation was quite standard, an authentic London accent.

The person who had just entered the door was obviously taken aback. The little brother, who was marked by Xiao Luo as a little white flower, almost threw himself into Ling Su’s arms. At the critical moment, the shovel officer, who had been emotionally clean for many years, instinctively moved to the side, causing people to pounce in the air. After a while, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Xiao Luo didn’t see it with his own eyes but heard the exaggerated laughter of the macaw: “Ahahaha, what a beautiful white lotus~” 1 ‘White lotus’白莲花 (bái lián huā) – someone who is pure in appearance, but opposite inside.

“Coco, why are you here?” Ling Su didn’t say anything about what the macaw said at all. Sensing that something was wrong with his behaviour, he turned and asked the macaw, “Xiao Pang let you in?”