Chapter 885 884: Discovery

Chapter 885 884: Discovery

"Hey, think I can get another sip of water, Kat?"

Jahi crouched in front of me and tilted her head, the Demoness' black hair plated with sweat and sticking to her blue skin somewhat, though even in this physically exerted and recovering version of herself I found her to be stunning, far more beautiful than anyone I had ever seen in my previous life.

Even the people that I had been blinded by lust and love for stood no chances against Jahi, her sheer size and raw confidence something that no one could have replicated in my 'advanced' society; the figure of someone who lived for fights that determined life and death, the arrogance of a Noble who knew she was better than everyone else and was able to prove it...

Those were things that were never seen in my previous worlds, and if someone had something relatively similar, they just... didn't carry themselves the same way, and that was what made her so damn gorgeous, to the point that I think I'd be able to spend all day just staring at her, which she clearly knew if that smirk was anything to go by...

Lifting my head from my knees, I summoned a sphere of water and let her drink from it, the Demoness still staring at me as she studied my expression for a few moments more, before she took a sip and glanced towards Anput, who made her way over as well, the Jackalkin crouching down as well as she asked "Was I the only one surprised by the way that giant Boss monster died so easily?"

"Goblin Monarch, and no, I was surprised a bit as well. Though, really, it makes sense when you think about it; unlike the Magma Wyrm that we fought back in Zhu'Rong Caverns, this Goblin Monarch is a support type monster primarily, and it isn't 'built' for fighting. It can buff and cast spells of frightening power, but when you get close enough, it's entirely at your mercy. It has all of the weaknesses of a Mage minus the intelligence to weave together spells that cover your close range, mid range and far range engagements, as well as the fact it literally couldn't move."

"I guess... still, that was a big bastard, wasn't it? Those bones are quite large, and I bet I could make some good stuff from it! Though, I do wish we had gotten some of that silver liquid. That looked interesting..."

She glared at both Ammit and Leone, both of whom just nodded before ignoring her entirely, walking down into the depths and making her growl again, something that brought a smile to my lips as I stuck my tongue out at her, enjoying the way she was slowly 'losing control' over everything; it must have been so~ grating for her too, which made it all the more amusing~!

Brushing past her, I reached Leone's side again and asked "How did you know, by the way? It didn't look that different, and yet..."

The entrance of this tunnel that Leone had found was normal in appearance; just a rock wall that had been slightly smoothed out and built in front of, and yet somehow, someway she had located this tunnel.

Darkness was cloaking the entire area, but Leone just summoned a small ball of fire that hovered over her head, followed quickly by Ammit doing the same and then Jahi illuminating everything with her Light Magic, allowing us to see... nothing except rock.

"I used my mana to cover the area and feel for something different. Janus got a feeling of a slight breeze and echo on the wall, so I studied it. And now... we have this. It looks rather rough, doesn't it? Like it was primitively excavated..."

Looking around, I pursed my lips and nodded, stopping for a moment as I studied the wall, running my hand over it and saying "It does... like someone was using rather basic stone tools to break this rock. It's too chipped, to jagged to be entirely natural, especially when compared to the other walls and tunnels we have seen. Besides, there's no foliage here either..."

Leone stopped beside me as well, the Vampire nodding as she added "So what else could have broken this rock besides the Goblins? Perhaps they felt something beneath them, perhaps this tunnel was widened out by them... so I wonder where it leads? Perhaps that is where the Terracotta Golems were found?"