v4 Chapter 384: crying father calling mother


Different from the great powers watching the play, the current Tai Kingdom is about to cry. This time, the Scarlet Sabre's counterattack directly destroyed at least two-thirds of the strength of their "proud" First Division.

You must know that even if it is fighting several countries at the same time, the first division of the Tai Kingdom has never lost more than 100 people. This time, the direct "reimbursement" of two-thirds is no longer a "meat pain" problem.

Anthony, the head of the U.S. Department of Defense, was dumbfounded. He was speechless for a long time while standing in front of the screen that the satellite passed through.

He was the one who saw the last from the very beginning. From the discovery of the "UFO" to the complete collapse of the defense line of the ether, it only took a few seconds.

During this time, let alone any country in the world, it would not be reflected. Not to mention it's unclear where the two of them were launched from.

This is still the result of Tang Wen's "release of water". If Tang Wen didn't want to, they wouldn't even want to see the "tragic situation" of the Tai Kingdom.

The Scarlet Sabre deliberately blocked the satellite that escorted the convoy, and all they saw was what Tang Wen "released". Don't even think about what you don't want them to see.

After hearing that the First Division had reimbursed two-thirds of the reimbursement, President Rutte of the Tai Kingdom vomited blood and went to the hospital for the fourth time. Tully was even more angry and wanted to call Root a stupid pig.

He finally managed to "stabilize" the situation, this guy wanted to do something as soon as he came back, and this time it was even more outrageous that the brilliant side pulled the etheric country.

The results of it? The most elite First Division directly reimbursed two-thirds, and the KX mercenary group on the American side did not even see a scumbag.

The other mercenary groups watching the show were all stunned, joking that they didn't have as much protection as the First Division's heavy equipment. Besides, people are not stupid.

People who can come to the mercenary group are naturally a little "knowledgeable". Under that kind of heinous blow, can people survive? Just kidding, didn't you see that the armored car burned and lost its wheels?

people? If you can find Ash, that means you have gone far. After seeing this scene, Australia's AMO was frightened and hid in the consulate en masse.

They were afraid that the blood-colored saber would hit them with a carbine, and if they were joking, they would be a bunch of lunatics. The German MO special forces also quietly "set up camp" in the embassy.

Everyone is not stupid, how do you fight this? Just kidding, do you think your body is more durable than steel? Wake up, money is a good thing but it's obviously to die for, who will go?

The main thing is that Scarlet Sabre's "revenge" this time is really scary. Even Anthony, America's defense chief, is a little uncertain right now.

"Sorry, Your Excellency the President does not have any evidence at present that all this was done by the Scarlet Sabre." Anthony thought about it and picked up the phone to report to the upper management.

After a moment of silence, the person on the other end of the phone ordered, "Continue to monitor their every move, and notify me immediately if there is any movement."

"Good sir," Anthony replied.

This time, it terrified people in many countries, joking that they found such a tricky thing in such a "close range", and no one would be able to fall asleep.

Not to mention that this thing is very likely to be the masterpiece of the Scarlet Saber.

Anthony thought about it, took out his phone and called the watchman: "mobilize all satellites to comprehensively monitor all the bases of the Scarlet Sabre, and call up all the images around the incident."

The reason why Anthony is so nervous is because the recent Aetherland is equipped with the radar that they just retired. Although it is said that it is "retired", the effect is still very good.

But this time the radar seems to have become a "furniture". If you don't figure out the origin of what happened this time, it is estimated that Congress won't get a good night's sleep.

For America, who is determined to be a "big guy", the unknown is the most terrifying thing. However, the current brilliant pharmaceutical is just a panic.

After they thought they could raid the Scarlet Saber's camp, they found the "jellyfish retarder" machine inside. Who would have thought that it was just an ordinary transit station.

Well now, the brilliant pharmaceutical company that poked the hornet's nest is not having a good time. Able has been scolded **** on the board.

Since the last "sneak attack" on the Scarlet Sabre, the opinions of the board of directors have been very great. I didn't expect that this time, Abur would not change his life and even teamed up with KX to attack?

Just kidding, is the **** saber really made of mud? Now, the more than 30 people sent by KX have been wiped out. Now they have to face not only the sky-high "pension" but also the "revenge" from the Scarlet Sabre.

"Abel, the board of directors has unanimously decided to dismiss you as chairman after discussion. By the way, I will inform you. You have been kicked out of the board of directors." A shareholder representative stood up and sneered.

"No, no, you can't be like this. I'm the chairman, and I'm the shareholder." Following Abel's clamor, the shareholder who stood up directly asked the security to take him out.

In this way, the once-powerful chairman of Brilliant Pharmaceuticals, "Able", was ruthlessly kicked out of the board of directors, and there was no room for negotiation.

It's not that the shareholders are ruthless, it's just that they really can't bear the "revenge" of the Scarlet Sabre. Rather than let Brilliant Pharma be doomed, why not kick Abel out as a scapegoat?

Within three hours of Abel leaving the company, UU Reading completely "disappeared". Some say he has gone mad, others say he has been "revenge" by the Scarlet Sabre.

But no one knows his whereabouts, and even if others do, they don't want to say more. Everyone knew what happened to him.

However, Brilliant Pharma still underestimated the "revenge" of the WF Group. Under the leadership of Jesse, the people from the American Investment Department of the WF Group began to short the Brilliant Pharma.

This move made many big crocodiles on Wall Street join in. As a result, the stock of Brilliant Pharmaceuticals has shrunk by half in just one day, and a large number of short sellers are rushing to participate in this feast.

By the time the market closed, Huihuang Pharmaceutical's stock had already fallen dramatically. There is no way for shareholders to apply for asset protection in order to preserve their strength.

This is the so-called "white knight" request. After a few days of running around for a few days, George, the largest shareholder, finally asked someone from the Adams family to help "stabilize" the stock price after paying a huge price.

After all the dust settled, Huiliang Pharmaceutical has changed from a world-class pharmaceutical factory to a second-class small factory, still under the name of a company owned by the Adams family, and the end is particularly miserable.

One of the main initiators, Brilliant Pharmaceuticals, has been "horrible", and the Tai Kingdom is not much better. The successive blows caused the economic level of the etheric country to directly regress a lot.

For a while, the price of ether in the country began to skyrocket. In order to worry about the devaluation of the money in their hands, everyone bought gold one after another, which also made Tang Wen a huge profit.