However, Xuan Yunxing didn't know that Tang Yu was still staring at the captain. Instead of just looking at him, he used his mind to penetrate into the captain's body and grasp all the movements in the captain's body.

"It's on!"

In Tang Yu's eyes, there was a glimmer of expectation.

In the captain's body, the captain was silent for a moment, as if he were praying, or telling something to his deceased partner.

At the end of this silent ceremony, the team leader finally began to act.

Maybe the captain also knows that it is easy to integrate the energy, but it is a subversive thing to integrate the laws.

That's why he was so solemn.


At the beginning of the operation, the captain burst out a mouthful of blood, his face became extremely pale, but he did not open his eyes, still insisted.

In fact, that mouthful of blood, is the captain let several laws in his body, slightly change the speed of running, the results lead to the body can not bear.

If there is a collision, it can be predicted that the captain will be more painful.

Time just passed, the collision of the two laws, finally came.

Tang Yu could almost hear a terrible roar in the captain's body, just like the big bang of the universe.


The captain once again spewed out a mouthful of blood, which looked extremely miserable, and felt that he would die at any time.

"Lord, look! It's just at the beginning, and it's almost impossible for him to keep going Xuan Yunxing couldn't help but say to Tang Yu.

"Shut up!"

Tang Yu directly reprimanded Xuan Yunxing's words. In his eyes, his eyes flashed with brighter brilliance. His right hand was directly put on the captain's shoulder, and began to continuously deliver the power of new Shengyuan.

Just now, the collision of the two laws in the captain's body almost exhausted the power of new Shengyuan that Tang Yu had delivered to the leader of the brigade in an instant.

If Tang Yu can't supplement as soon as possible, I'm afraid the next collision will not be the new Shengyuan's power being consumed, but the captain's body, which will explode from the inside because it can't resist.

Maybe the power of the explosion is not enough to turn the captain into powder, but the result is certainly not far away from death.

Xuan Yunxing shrunk his head, subconsciously, and Tang Yu opened a distance, his face showed a rather aggrieved expression, dare not talk nonsense.

Tang Yu's speed is very fast. A new round of new power of Shengyuan is integrated into the leader's meridians before the next law collision, which makes the captain's meridians look like they are plated with a layer of gold foil.



Two different laws, one before and one after, collide with each other again.

This time, the captain not only spouted blood from his mouth, but also had two blood columns in his nostrils, just like a fountain.

What's more, from the corner of his eye, there are also two bloodstains, which look very penetrating.

But even so, the captain is still holding on, but his face can not help flashing a trace of despair.

The team leader may also understand that the idea of self-cultivation is wrong and impossible to achieve.

If you want to fuse the energy together, there is still a possibility that the energy will be fused together.

Even with Tang Yu's continuous help, it is impossible for him to succeed.

Although he insisted on, but because he was already desperate, the captain had lost the heart of looking back and striving forward. If he really carried on according to his attitude, he was afraid that there was still no possibility of success.

Tang Yu's face changed greatly. He didn't want the captain to give up. He also hoped that he could absorb some experience from the captain's experience!


So, Tang Yu's other hand, also busy up, put on the other shoulder of the captain, began to deliver treatment energy, quickly recovered the captain's injured body.

The captain felt a comfortable sense of treatment, his face showed a surprised look, took a deep breath, and once again burst into a strong confidence: I will be able to succeed.

Xuan Yunxing was shocked to see Tang Yu's move.

He felt that Tang Yu had already provided a lot of help to the captain. Now he even helped the captain again.

How could he not know the healing energy released by Tang Yu.

"Alas Xuan Yunxing couldn't help sighing, and thought in his heart: "it seems that the Lord has not given up this idea at all. He is looking for experience from the captain."

Xuan Yunxing is very uncomfortable.

In his view, Tang Yu's idea was impossible to complete. However, Tang Yu still had to solve it in this way, which made him a little difficult to accept.But as a subordinate of Tang Yu, he really has no way to stop Tang Yu from doing what he wants to do.


Xuan Yunxing couldn't help but sigh again, feeling of despair in his heart.

With the help of Tang Yu, the damage caused by the collision of the two laws in the captain's body is rapidly recovering.

After all, it's just a physical injury. Even if it's due to the power of the law, it's not a big deal for Tang Yu's therapeutic energy.

"Come on! I'll see what else you want. " The captain's heart, like the second youth in general, blood boiling roar up.

The power of the law in his body, of course, can't hear his roar, but they don't care about it. They still operate in the captain's body according to their own frequency, and then it's the moment to hit.


In the captain's body, again sounded a terrible roar.

This time, the force of the two laws that produced the impact was even more terrible. Tang Yu never stopped to deliver the power of the new Shengyuan to the captain's body. However, at this moment, he felt that he could not continue.


In a flash, Tang Yu also felt the strength from the captain's body. His hands on the captain's shoulder were instantly bounced away.


The moment Tang Yu's hands were flicked away, the treatment of the captain naturally stopped. Without Tang Yu's help, the captain's body was rapidly collapsing, not only the meridians, but also hitting other places. It can be said that it was miserable.

From the leader's mouth, the blood spurted out, just like a fountain, keeps flowing. When people look at it, they feel frightened and subconsciously want to get away from it.

"Hold on!"

Tang Yu roared and rushed to the captain again. The healing energy that had been prepared in his hand rushed to the captain's body again.

"Bang bang bang!"

Because the impact from the leader's body did not stop, so when Tang Yu's treatment energy first rushed to the captain's body, the treatment energy and the impact instantly collided together, sending out an extremely terrible explosion.

The two kinds of waves, confrontation in the void, the light that blooms out, is very obvious, so that the remote group of border guards, are stunned.

After all, after all, there is a time when the two laws collide, and there is not enough afterforce. Compared with Tang Yu's ability to continue and strengthen the impact, it is much worse.

After nearly ten seconds of confrontation between the two kinds of waves, Tang Yu roared again. He felt the wave generated by the impact of the magic wave. He felt that he had some feeling of lack of stamina. In an instant, he let the healing energy burst into a wave and enter the captain's body. , the fastest update of the webnovel!