"He really can't run away, but Lao Chu won't say it. I'm not going to punish him now. Just talking about it doesn't help at all." The scarlet Chen is full of embarrassment to say.

"Leave him alone. Have you finished your inquiry? What the hell is going on with those people. " Tang Yu didn't want to let the scarlet Chen continue to be embarrassed, so he quickly changed the topic and asked curiously.

"Not yet." The scarlet Chen heard Tang Yu's words, the expression on his face, a little, and then answered Tang Yu's question.

Tang Yu looked at the scarlet Chen strangely and asked, "shouldn't it! Don't those guys know when they got hit? "

"That's not true. They can be sure that they will not be affected until they enter the character of Fenggu and become the same as you were before treatment. But more specifically, they don't know. Because everyone has been to the forest where we found the evil things. If this is the case, it will be more difficult to find the person behind the scenes. " Scarlet Chen helpless sigh way.

"Do you remember that I went into the sea of knowledge of the black scarlet people to look for his memory?" Hearing this, Tang Yu didn't care too much about it. He said with a faint smile on his face.

Hearing Tang Yu's words, scarlet Chen and others immediately glared at Tang Yu and looked at Tang Yu one after another. If Tang Yu said that, they would be more than Tang Yu's expression. Tang Yu could not help laughing.

Tang Yu laughed, but he didn't continue to sell the truth. He said, "I haven't found any extra clues, but your previous guess is completely correct. This guy, indeed, came to the moon scarlet clan according to the order of the sky demon. "

"Is it really a demon? How can this bastard come out again The scarlet Chen feels a burst of toothache immediately, the expression on the face, also can't help some convulsion, look very angry.

"What else?"

Compared with the anger of scarlet Chen, the other people's reaction was quite normal. They didn't pay too much attention to Tang Yu's words, narrowed their eyes and asked lightly.

"Nothing else. At least there is no useful clue from the guy's memory, but... " Tang Yu also explained the real cause of the black scarlet people's self explosion and described the appearance of the black shadow.

"And who is this guy?" Tang Yu thought that after hearing his description, we should be able to confirm that the black shadow was the sky demon.

But now it seems that this is not the case. The guy is not the sky demon he imagined at the beginning, but something else.

Since the guy claimed to be the master of the black scarlet people, and the black scarlet people came to the moon scarlet people only after receiving the order of the heavenly demon, should not the black shadow and the sky demon be the same person?

"Tang Yu, the black scarlet guy, is he here to get the evil thing?" Chu heart Tears suddenly asked.

"I don't know!" Tang Yu shook his head and said directly.

He really did not find any clues about this situation. He only found a little memory about the black scarlet people who came to the moon scarlet people only after receiving the command of the sky demon. However, that memory was incomplete. Tang Yu could not find out the purpose of this guy's coming to the moon scarlet clan.

"I don't know? How can you not know? " Everyone looked at Tang Yu with speechless faces.

They had heard Tang Yu say that they thought that Tang Yu had already confirmed that the black scarlet guy was here to arrange evil things, or that he was the culprit who caused so many self explosions of the moon scarlet clan. But now, Tang Yu's reply made them feel the pain of eggs.

"Why should I know! I also want to know the news! But the problem is, at that time, the shadow was so terrible that I was almost killed by the explosion. What else can I do? " Tang Yu is also sad, a face aggrieved said.

Hearing Tang Yu's crying words, they were embarrassed immediately. After looking at each other, they began to think whether there was any connection among them.

"Do you think it is possible that the black scarlet people are really receiving the orders from the sky demon demon demon and want to come to your moon scarlet people to make trouble, but on the way, they are taken over by the dark shadow and become a chess piece in the hands of the real behind the scenes. The purpose is to make the whole ancient Chashan completely chaotic and then have no time to take care of it The possible parallel world enables the parallel world to completely devour the ancient Chashan mountain. "

Chu heart weeps in the eyes, twinkles with a trace of Sherlock Holmes like self-confidence smile, said.

"Then why can't it be that the sky demon and the dark hand behind the scenes work together?" Hearing Chu Xinyi's conjecture, scarlet Chen could not help nodding and wanted to agree with Chu's statement. However, when he noticed the confident smile on the corner of Chu's mouth, he couldn't help laughing.

"No way!" Chu Xinyi's confident smile on her face became more intense.

"Why not!" The scarlet Chen stares at Chu Xin to cry, quite a kind of you don't say the reason, Laozi let you absolutely can't have a good expression, looking at Chu heart to cry."The sky holding demon demon is domineering, not domineering." Chu Xinqi did not explain anything, but asked.

"It's really overbearing!" After some thinking, they nodded without hesitation.

"Were there many people in the hands of the demon that day?"

"Of course not much. If there were more, he would not come out from time to time to make trouble. He had been active in our ancient temple mountain and made the ancient temple mountain a mess. How could we have such a good life now?" The scarlet Chen says directly.

"Well, have you ever seen the situation that the sky holding demon has taken the initiative to give it to others, a few of his subordinates?" Chu Xin sobbed and asked.

She and others have now been brought into his question and answer mode by Chu Xinqi. So when she heard Chu Xinyi's question, she said again without hesitation:

"how can this be possible? It's a good thing that the sky demon doesn't take away those powerful enemies from others. How can he give his own men to others? I said, "Lao Chu, can you ask some meaningful questions, these questions..."

Scarlet Chen was just about to make a mockery of Chu's heart cry again, but suddenly, he realized something, and his expression on his face became very embarrassed. If he had already reached his mouth, he immediately took it back. He said: "Tang Xiaozi, do you have any other clues?"

"Don't talk about it! Do you still think that it may be the sky demon and the real behind the scenes cooperation? " Chu heart weeps just ignore the change topic of scarlet Chen, ha ha laughs a way.

"Why, you are not convinced The scarlet Chen eyes one stare, the uncomfortable said.

"I'm not unconvinced, and I guess that the sky demon doesn't know anything about the black scarlet clan. Although Tianqing demon demon is a real jerk, he has always regarded the ancient Chashan mountain as his private plot, not to mention the parallel world, that is, the people in the region who want to come in are all blocked by him. Over the years, how many people who accidentally intrude into our ancient temple mountain are not killed by him, or sent people to stop them from coming in. "

After Chu Xinyi said this, everyone was silent again. Even Tang Yu's face was full of thought.

Although he didn't know enough about the sky demon, from a certain point of view, after so many things, he was able to understand some of the ideas of the sky demon.

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