"How much does your Lord need this time?"

As soon as Lao Zhou's eyes lit up, the treacherous nature of the businessman made him subconsciously feel that he would make a lot of money this time. But when he thought that it was Tang Yu, he restrained his business nature and said, "my Lord, if it is needed in a short time, the exchange ratio may not be 1:50, and if the amount exceeds 500000, I really have no ability to do that!"

"Just half a million?"

"With my 50000?" Lao Zhou immediately asked.

"Certainly not!" Tang Yu can't think of it. Does it make any difference if we add 50000? Can't we make it more than 50000?

"My Lord, you first offer one tenth, that is, two hundred and fifty. No As long as two million people are involved in the evil spirit crystal, I will help you to complete the 500000 regional evil spirit crystal in two days. " Lao Zhou didn't want all the evil magic crystals, nor did he want any of them. Maybe there were too many. So he chose a suitable number and told Tang Yu.

"Don't you want me to be with you, in case something happened last time. To be honest, I'm sorry." Tang Yu said apologetically.

"My Lord, I can't blame you for what happened last time. The main reason is that the people of the Nalu family are so hateful that they are just assholes." Old Monday's face angrily scolded, a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes, obviously to the so-called Lu family, very hate.

"The Lu family you are talking about is not the Lu family where a guy named lugui is located?" Tang Yu hesitated for a moment. He thought that the root cause of Wuxian was that it had something to do with Lu GUI. Tang Yu frowned and asked.

"Do you know Lu GUI?" Old Zhou's heart suddenly, the body slightly shrinks for a moment, hesitantly asks a way.

Looking at Lao Zhou's reaction, Tang Yu immediately had a guess and blurted out: "don't tell me, your evil spirit crystal is borrowed from Lu GUI?"

Old Zhou was frightened. Tang Yu's eyes were filled with disgust for Lu GUI. Although he hated Lu GUI very much now, his evil spirit crystal was borrowed from Lu GUI. He couldn't help thinking about the hatred between the Lord and the scum of Lu GUI?

"I didn't expect that this guy didn't have a thing? It seems that the status of the Lu family in Weiyu city is indeed very high? " Tang Yu's eyes showed a trace of danger and snorted coldly.

"My Lord, the Lu family's influence in Weiyu city is still moderate! If it wasn't for the fact that the Lu family had one of the top ten people in the Weiyu city list, it would have been eaten up by the number of his two or three kittens. "

Lao Zhou disdained to say a word, and then took a look at Tang Yu, he explained in a low voice: "this Lu GUI is also part of our business, but because of the Lu family's cover, so it's very arrogant. If it wasn't for the quantity needed this time, it would be really big for me. I would never have borrowed money from him."

Tang Yu already knew that the evil spirit crystal existed in the region was more precious than that in the human domain.

Xuan Yunxing is the guardian of the city. After hundreds of years of accumulation, he has only saved nearly half a million regional universal Sha Mo Jing. Bai Fenghua is also similar. If you define Sha Mo Jing by value, the regional general Sha Mo Jing is probably equivalent to 10000 soft girl coins. Of course, this comparison is not quite right. After all, what you can buy with one Sha magic crystal, let alone soft girl coins After all, the world is different.

However, in terms of the economy of the whole world, the regional value of a magic crystal is equal to the value of ten thousand soft coins in China.

Therefore, although Xuan Yunxing only has less than 500000 Sha magic crystal, it is equivalent to a person with 5 billion wealth on earth! In this way, there are many.

In such a comparison, it is quite normal that Nalu ghost nearly killed Lao Zhou for 50000 evil spirits.

But Tang Yu couldn't think about it. Since Bai Fenghua and Xuan Yunxing were both involved, why did no one find Lu GUI, the culprit, and beat Lao Zhou like this? Was it because the elder of Lu family shielded his disciples, and they could ignore the names of xuanyunxing, the city guard, and Bai Fenghua, the captain of the city guard?

Tang Yu didn't think about it. Xuan Yunxing and Bai Fenghua didn't show up for a month after they left that day. Even now they are still in the chengshoufu. Although Lu Cailiang is the vice captain of Weiyu Chengwei, his identity is not enough for the Lu family.

In fact, at the beginning, after the Lu family knew about this, they did keep Lu GUI in the house for a week, so that he was not allowed to leave the Lu family residence for half a step. They were afraid that Lu GUI was outside and suddenly caught by the city guards. Even if they wanted to cover up, they would not have the chance.

However, later, it was found that Xuan Yunxing and Bai Fenghua did not appear at all except one Lu Cailiang. The elders of the Lu family thought that Xuan Yunxing and Bai Fenghua looked at their face and let Lu GUI pass. This made them very happy. At the same time, they couldn't help being complacent. They thought that even Xuan Yunxing and Bai Fenghua would give them face. It's not too cool!

So the elder of the Lu family released Lu GUI.

Lu GUI, who was used to wandering outside, was kept at home for a week, but he was so depressed that he wanted to vent his anger. So he found Lao Zhou and wanted to ask for money from him. After all, Lao Zhou borrowed money for only five days. He was kept at home for a week, which was more than two days.However, Lu GUI didn't expect that after he found Lao Zhou, he found out that a family had not come to exchange with him to exchange evil magic crystal, so even if he paid back the money, he could only return 50000 evil magic crystal, because he had so many.


Lao Zhou's reply was a complete blow to Lu GUI's anger. He lent money to Lao Zhou with interest and high profits. In five days, Lao Zhou needed to return the money to Lu GUI's evil spirit crystal with interest.

It is equivalent to one thousand evil spirit crystal in a day. If it is put on the earth, it is equivalent to 10 million soft coins.

Lu GUI, who wanted to vent his anger, immediately took Lao Zhou as an outlet and began to beat Lao Zhou violently.

Old Monday man, where is Lu GUI group of people's opponents, was beaten into this.

Fortunately, when Lao Zhou borrowed money, he was already on guard against Lu GUI, so before exchanging money with Tang Yu, he only took 50000 Sha magic crystal with him, and he hid everything else. Therefore, even if Lu GUI stole his ring, he could only get 50000 Sha magic crystal.

"Want revenge?" Tang Yu's eyes twinkled with a gloomy cold light. The Lu ghost had already made Tang Yu unhappy twice. Even though he had a group of elders who were very protective of him, Tang Yu believed that it was still very easy for him to kill a Lu GUI because he was in the mood of Xuan Yun.

"Yes, of course I do. As soon as I close my eyes, I think of lugui's ugly face. I'd like to cramp him and scratch his skin..." Lao Zhou's face showed endless hatred. It can be imagined that if Lu GUI really appeared in front of him at this time, even if Lu GUI had some elders covering him, Lao Zhou might not help but rush up and treat Lu GUI as he said.

"Just want to, but not now. You should know yourself. You are not the opponent of that guy at all." The corner of Tang Yu's mouth cracked a smile of evil charm.

"What do you want me to do, my lord?"

Old Monday Leng, immediately understand that this is Tang Yu has what plan, immediately two eyes light asked.

"You don't care about anything else. You can exchange 500000 evil spirit crystal for me first." Tang Yu's mysterious smile didn't immediately arrange any tasks for Lao Zhou. Let alone whether Lao Zhou can fully trust him now, Bai Fenghua can't wake up before he gets 500000 evil crystal. Therefore, we must seize the time to finish this task.

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