Ying Jiji, with a gloomy face, shook his head and said, "brother Sanqi, I'm afraid you think too simple. I feel that this stone statue may not have been hurt at all."

"No harm at all? Impossible! It's my best move, anyway Sanqi didn't believe it would happen.

Ying Jiji felt very clearly that although Sanqi's move was much more terrifying than his own just now, in fact, it was just an empty shelf.

Considering the real power, this move has already dispersed the power, and it still covers the whole body of the stone statue. His concentrated move can only make such a small crack in the stone statue. It is impossible to do anything about the stone statue with this strange move.

In less than a minute, the energy gas wave slowly dissipated, and the three meter high figure of the stone statue was revealed again.

And the body of the stone statue, in addition to a few more places, stained with some of the same coal ash as the bottom of the pot, it is really nothing.

"Brother Sanqi, you can see it!" Should Jiji helpless said.

Sanqi was embarrassed to die. Naturally, he hated the stone statue. However, both of them released their most powerful moves. Neither of them could cause any harm to the stone statue, which naturally made them a little silly.

On the other side, Tang Yu and the stone statue on the right side have been quite crazy to fight each other. However, unlike Ying Jiji and Sanqi, Tang Yu did not use his real Qi energy, but completely relied on the strength of his body to fight against it.

Because at the beginning, when Tang Yu was preparing to fight this guy with genuine Qi energy, he suddenly got a hint from his friend that this guy was completely immune to energy attack. Only pure physical attack, that is, power attack, could damage him.

Tang Yu and the stone statue have almost attacked one or two hundred moves, but it seems that the stone statue has not been hurt too much. This is also because Tang Yu did not use his most powerful power to attack. He just kept improving his strength. He wanted to try to find out how strong the stone statue could resist the attack.

At last, it seemed that the stone statue could not bear Tang Yu's strength. The surface of his body began to crack. However, Tang Yu was not happy because he had used almost 100% of his body's strength. If he wanted to use more power, he would not become a giant unless he turned into a giant with the help of sorcery.


However, at this time, the stone statue suddenly used his own fists and two fists to blow together. From the central position, the stone statue shot out like an explosion. Tang Yu did not notice for a moment, but was swept out by the air wave. Originally, he stood close to the stone statue. Now, it is more than ten meters away from the stone statue.

However, because he was suddenly swept away by the air waves, Tang Yu noticed yingjiji and Sanqi, who were fighting with the stone statue on the left.

Seeing the two men's faces bitter, stupefied and bewildered, Tang Yu shook his head and cried out: "these two stone statues are immune to energy attack. Don't attack them with energy. Try your own strength. If you can't, you can help me to entangle it, and I will solve it If it's decided, go and take care of your one... "

Tang Yu's teeth burst again.

Tang Yu doesn't want to transform himself with the help of sorcery for the time being. Otherwise, he is very worried and will frighten yingjiji.

However, yingjiji and Sanqi suddenly heard Tang Yu's words, and their faces showed a happy look. As long as they didn't really have any way to deal with the stone statue, they would be very happy.

Moreover, they are not magicians in the magic world. They only cultivate aura, but not their body. For such practitioners, the first thing to cultivate is the body. Only when the body practices to a certain degree, can they cultivate aura.

Therefore, their physical strength, even if not comparable to Tang Yu, certainly will not be worse.

Of course, that's what they think.

However, when the two men began to use their body power to attack the stone statue, they were horrified to find that their strength on the stone statue was just like the fist of an ordinary person hitting the steel, which would not cause any harm to the steel, but would also hurt themselves.

Two people attack with strength, but not with their energy attack, can do more damage to the stone statue.

"Do you want this? How can this guy be so horrible that he can be immune to energy attack completely? It's amazing When Tang Yu made a warning, Ying Jiji and Sanqi noticed that the stone statue that Tang Yu attacked was covered with all kinds of chaps, which looked terrible.

They don't think that the stone statue they are dealing with is more powerful than Tang Yu's, even if it is really better than that one, they are two against such one, and the result is not Tang Yu alone. The effect is good. It's really shameless to see people!

"Brother Gigi, what do you think we should do now?" Sanqi has a black face and is burning with anger. She stares at the stone statue in front of her and wishes to swallow it."What else can we do? Since brother Tang has already said, only strength can cause damage to it. But when we attack with strength, it will cause great damage, which only shows one problem. We are not its opponents at all. We can help Tang Yu to entangle it and let it not disturb Tang Yu. After he destroys the stone statue, we can kill this bastard!" Yingjiji was very helpless and gave in.

"That's all it has to do!" Sanqi also sighed helplessly.

"Boom, boom!"

As a result, yingjiji and Sanqi once again heard all kinds of violent explosions, and the energy fluctuation all over the sky also attracted Tang Yu's attention. He looked at Yingji's guitars in a daze. He couldn't think of it. He had already reminded them how they could attack with energy! This is a waste!

But Tang Yu and the stone statue in front of him were fighting fiercely. He just looked at it, and he was beaten two or three fists by the stone statue. This was not an ordinary two or three fists, which made Tang Yu almost have no problem, and his mouth was even more furious with blood.

However, Tang Yu could not see, so he decided to destroy the stone statue in front of him as soon as possible, so as to help Yingji guitars.

If Tang Yu knew the helplessness of Yingji guitars, he would not be so speechless.


Tang Yu's fists were more than twice as big as usual. The whole fist was red and slightly stained purple. It looked like it was swollen.

Tang Yu will never tell people that his hand is not swollen, but really swollen.

Although he tried his best to blow the stone statue again and again, each blow could make a dense crack on the surface of the stone statue's body, but the strong anti shock force also made his fist unable to bear, so it became this picture.

Fortunately, the swollen fist will not affect Tang Yu's attack. Otherwise, Tang Yu may not be able to carry it for a long time, and he will transform himself with the help of sorcery.

The reason why Wu Li is not used now is that he has just arrived at the door of the building in front of him. He has not gone in yet. He has used up his cards so early. However, Tang Yu is very worried that there will be an uncontrolled crisis in the future.

Now, he doesn't have their help. Tang Yu doesn't want lotus, lotus and bamboo to be exposed in front of Sanqi and Yingji guitars, so he has to rely on himself at that time, so he feels that he can't expose his cards at this time.

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