"In Shenyou's hand, there is a technique related to the Herman Jiao. Isn't laer the Herman Jiao?" God said solemnly.

"What can I do with Herman Jiao?" Tang Yu was stunned and asked.

"Can let the Herman Jiao and the human fusion, the strength surpasses one plus one."

"That is to say, if Lars and a strong man in the five realms of the middle heaven, after merging, their strength will be at least double that of the strong one in the five realms?" Tang Yu was shocked.


Shen Bian nodded with a serious look on his face. Looking at Tang Yu's increasingly serious expression, he then laughed again and said, "however, you don't have to worry about it. There should be no strong one in the five realms in the world. I think it's right! Miss

"Yes, our highest cultivation here is Zhongshen's four realms and eight stars."

"Is it Shenyou?" Tang Yu asked curiously.

"No!" Mith shook his head. "It's a man called apocalypse."

"Apocalypse?" Another exclamation came from the judgment.

What's the matter? Is this Apocalypse the monument of your gods Tang Yu asked in a puzzled way.

"That's not true." God judge shook his head and denied. The expression on his face was very ugly. Then he looked at Tang Yu and said, "this apocalypse, you should understand it! I heard Shenfei say that you are a disciple of shenyinmen. Tianqi belongs to shenyinmen, and It's an elder official of shenyinmen! "

"What?" Tang Yu and Mies exclaimed at the same time.

"Why have I never heard of it?" With a look of surprise, Mies said, "I am also from Shenyin land. Although I have not joined shenyinmen, I still know something about shenyinmen. Is this Apocalypse really the elder officer of shenyinmen?"

"He is very special. He is famous inside the Shenyin gate, but few people know him outside, because he is a member of our God stele. He is also a madman and seldom works on the road. The most outstanding research on him is some research on pills. " The divine verdict explained.

"I think this guy made the glaze fire."

The face of the divine judge suddenly became very ugly. What did Tang Yu think of? Suddenly, he said, "in other words, people who are staying in this secret place don't have to worry. Their true Qi will be frozen by the cold of the world?"

"This problem was solved ten years ago, but at that time, I didn't get into it." Mies is beside, affirming Tang Yu's conjecture.

"Damn it, LAL can't be found by Shenyou Shen Bian's face darkened. He looked up at Tang Yu and said, "Tang Yu, we must find LAL first."

"Good!" Tang Yu clenched his fists. His eyes were full of murderous air. His breath was so terrible.

At the moment, Mies trembled and trembled. In his eyes, there was a look of horror in his eyes. I can't believe that Tang Yu was able to burst out such terrible strength.

"Goodbye, miss. We have to find someone now!" Tang Yu said to Miz.

"You..." Although Tang Yu put away his terrible breath, mith looked at Tang Yu with fear in his eyes. "Who are you looking for? I can help! "

"You can help, but your strength..."

"No, he can help, mith Here you are. Go back to where you live first. If you find a man named LAL or Herman Jiao appears in your residence, you will inform me immediately! " The divine judgment gave a token to mith.

"Good! I will let you know! " Mith knew that what God gave himself was a note. As long as he was in the same world, he could pass on his message through the note.

As long as the divine judgment is still in this secret place, she can receive the message from miss. But if the divine judgment leaves the secret place and returns to the small world where the Shenbei headquarters is located, there is no way to deliver the message.

Tang Yu and Shenbian left directly.

After leaving mith, Tang Yu thought of Shenfei and asked, "what about Shenfei? Didn't you follow? "

"You think of him at last!" God judge couldn't help but smile and said, "I asked him to go back to the world where the Shenbei headquarters is located, and tell the Shenbei members that we are OK. I just don't know if he did He might have gone straight to LAL! "

"Oh! That's it Tang Yu nodded and looked at the situation in his body. He said gloomily, "divine judgment, how to use the fire of sealing glaze outside the garrison point? I feel that the energy of the glaze fire in my body is almost consumed! How can it be used so fast! Not to say, can you hold on for a day? I just used it to run the road

"Hiss..." the divine judge took a breath. After a moment, he said, "I am the same. We really need to find a place to absorb the energy of the sealing fire. Damn it, why do we consume so much?"

"Could it be Is it overdue? "

"What does expiration mean?" The divine judge asked with a puzzled face."It is the fire of sealing glaze, because it has been placed for a long time, its effect has been continuously lost naturally, and it has not been as good as before!" Tang Yu explained bluntly.

"Maybe! Let's find a place to absorb as much energy as possible from the glaze sealing fire, and then go to look for LAL. Otherwise, I'm afraid we won't be able to hold on to it for an hour with the current situation of the glaze sealing fire in our bodies! " The divine judgment said helplessly.

The matter of finding a place is naturally handed over to God.

Although it is very close to the previous station, it is a straight-line distance. If you take the route before, let alone whether you remember the route or not, even if you remember it, it will take a lot of time. Maybe the two people have not reached the station, and the energy of sealing glaze in their bodies may be consumed.

Fortunately, after half an hour, the divine judgment still found a place again.

Although it is not the same as the inner space of the iceberg, which is completely unaffected by the cold, it is less affected.

Here, Tang Yu also knows why the small ice hockey with sealed glaze fire must find a place without the influence of cold air if he wants to ignite it, because even in places with less influence of cold air, it is quite difficult to light it.

It took Tang Yu almost 20 minutes to light it.

After half a day, Tang Yu and Shenbian absorbed the energy of the fire of sealing glaze in ten ice hockey balls, and then they left quickly. They began to search for laer's location in the whole small secret place, which was similar to looking for a needle in a haystack.

This search, it is half a day later.

Tang Yu and Tang Yu didn't find anything or even a clue, which made them uneasy. Fortunately, mith didn't send any news with notes, otherwise they would be more worried.

"Didi ~"

all of a sudden, the notes of divine judgment, which had been on the waist, suddenly vibrated.

"Divine judgment, come on I found LAL Shen Fei's voice, passing through the notes, is quite joyful.

"You Didn't you go back? "

"I You go first I'll tell you when you get there! Come on

"Didi ~"

then, there were two soft sounds. The voice of Shenfei disappeared completely from the notes, and the notes also settled down.

"Let's go!" Shenbian knew where Shenfei was talking about. He immediately looked at Tang Yu and flew to this position.

Half an hour later, Tang Yu and Shenbian appeared at the location of Shenfei. They were surprised to see that this was an ice lake with an extremely large area. The ice lake was completely frozen. A huge snake like beast was lying quietly on the ice layer of the lake.

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