"Well." Xu Xi nodded, but there was a feeling of loss in his heart

When Tang Yu went downstairs, he saw that Tang Qiang also happened to be here.

"Dad. Are you back so late? " Tang Yu looked at Tang Qiang and asked.

"Oh, Xiaoyu. Well, the company is a little busy recently." Tang Qiang was also very happy to meet Tang Yu.

"Well, Dad, if the company is busy, we should recruit more people. Anyway, the company is running well, so we can consider expanding enrollment." The father and son talked as they walked.

Tang Qiang nodded: "yes, this has been discussed in the meeting, but now the cost of talents is high. If we want to expand the recruitment, the company will have to spend a lot of money, which is not a small number. At present, the company is most in short of cutting-edge talents. " Naturally, Tang Qiang thought that the lower the cost, the better.

"Ha ha, Dad, have you seen that you have changed a lot when you are the boss. In the past, you certainly would not say such words, but would say to make the best use of everything and pay as much as you should. Now I'm like my mother's stingy. But to recruit a talent can bring greater returns for the company, what are you afraid of. If you want to do it. " Tang Yu said.

"Ha ha Yes, I was not in his position before, but now it's different. Dad has to manage the food, drink and laza of hundreds of people, and he has to think about the interests of the company. But you're right. My vision is still limited. Tomorrow's meeting will decide on the expansion of enrollment. " Tang Qiang said, and then took out the key to open the door.

Wu Xiuhua was watching TV in the living room when she heard the sound of opening the door. He was surprised to see Tang Yu and Tang Qiang come back at the same time. However, he glared at Tang Yu with an angry look: "what are you doing back here?"

"Ah? I... " Tang Qiang Leng for a moment, "I, did not do anything wrong?"

"Not you, Xiaoyu! You know, he's out there looking for miss! " Wu Xiuhua doesn't hide Tang Qiang. She's a family anyway.

"Ah..." Tang Qiang is also stunned for a moment, and then looks back at Tang Yu with wide eyes. He suddenly thought of what happened in Hong Kong. He was very guilty. Tang Yu helped him hide Wu Xiuhua. "Maybe it's Xiaoyu's impulse. Next time, he won't dare. Is it Xiaoyu?" Tang Qiang blinked at Tang Yu.

"Ah! Yes, I dare not, I dare not Tang Yu nodded and agreed.

"Tang Qiang, what are you talking about! Once in a while, not once! How old is he? He went out to make a fool of himself as soon as he went to university, and he didn't have a girlfriend Wu Xiuhua thought that Tang Qiang would stand on her side and say Tang Yu together. Unexpectedly, he was on the side of Tang Yu. Although the relationship between father and son was better than that with her, Tang Yu made such a mistake. As a father, he should say it hard.

"It's not small. All of them have gone to university. At the age of Xiaoyu, if they don't go to college, their children can play soy sauce. Forget it. Once in a while, it's nothing. Didn't Xiaoyu say that he would not go next time. It's late. Let him go back to bed Tang Qiang said in favor of Tang Yu.

"You..." Wu Xiuhua glared at Tang Qiang: "how strange is your attitude today? Have you ever looked for it?"

"Me? Absolutely not! How can I go to that kind of place. " Tang Qiang quickly explained, "ask Xiaoyu if you don't believe it!"

"I Dad, he's never been there. How can he go? " Tang Yu also helps Tang Qiang speak.

"Well, who knows whether to go or not! Once the man has money, he will go bad! It's true that father and son have the same heart, and their profits will cut off gold. OK, Xiaoyu, go back to sleep. It will never be the case again. " Wu Xiuhua stares at Tang Qiang and Tang Yu, and is no longer angry.

"Well, Ma, don't worry." Tang Yu nodded with a smile. And then he went to the room.

And in the old warehouse.

Mo Kuan leads Feng Zihe to the door of the warehouse. Feng Zihe saw that Mo Kuan actually brought him to this exciting dark place, but more excited, thinking that it would be fun later. And at this time, Mo Kuan also saw Fang Zijun who came not far away, with an extremely beautiful woman and excellent figure. Mo Kuan was stunned for a moment, and then looked back at Feng Zihe. Compared with Fang Zijun's beautiful woman, there was no way to compare him. But Mo Kuan thought that after all, he first used the enchantment method to attract people. It was good to attract a girl, and there was nothing to be ashamed of. What's more, he used "Yu Wen" to attract people, which was already very strong.

"Well? That's not, it's not Who is it Police flowers Feng Zihe's mind quickly turn, suddenly thought of Zheng Jie, this is what is going on, Zheng Jie has a boyfriend? Why is that boyfriend familiar? But Feng Zihe couldn't remember who Fang Zijun was.

"Ha ha, master is a cow. The woman brought back is so beautiful and sexy!" Mo Kuan admires the tone to say.

Fang Zijun glanced at Feng Zihe, who came back from Mo broadband. He thought that what beautiful girl would come back from Mo broadband. He didn't expect to be mediocre.

"Well, you're good, too. Let's go in and meet brother Jiang. " Fang Zijun smiles at Mo Kuan and says.

"OK." Mo Kuan nods, and then goes in with Feng Zihe.

"Brother Mao, two masters are coming back with two beauties!" At this time, a little brother rushed in and said to Jiang Xiaomao, who was waiting anxiously."Really? Did you really bring the beauty back? " Jiang Xiaomao was very surprised. How much hope he had originally had. After all, he had never seen the so-called enchanting magic, and he didn't believe it at first. Is there really such an evil magic in the world?

But now he believed it and went out to meet him. At this time, Fang Zijun and Mo Kuan have brought Zheng Jie and Feng Zihe to come in.

"Ah! It's a beautiful woman indeed Jiang Xiaomao was ecstatic when he saw Zheng Jie. Zheng Jie's beauty was almost the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He took a look at Feng Zihe beside him. Although he was not very good-looking, it was also good. At least if you cut your organs, you can sell them for a lot of money.

"Master Fang, master Mo, hard work!" Jiang Xiaomao saw, very excited to say.

"Well, brother Jiang, these two people are not the women I showed you yesterday, because they are not going out today, and some of them are still with Tang Yu's stinky boy. We can't do anything, so we can't find two of them. But tomorrow we will design two to give to brother Jiang. Brother Jiang, do you think it's ok? " Fang Zijun deliberately said it was very light, showing that they wanted everyone to be captured.

"Ha ha, good, enough, enough. I'll talk about the rest later. By the way, master Fang, do you want her to accompany you tonight? " Jiang Xiaomao looks at Zheng Jie, and his saliva is about to flow out. But this is a woman attracted by Fang Zijun, a master of Fangzi. He wants to discuss with others at all costs.

"Ah? Ha ha, it's with brother Jiang, of course. We are here to work for elder brother Jiang. Don't forget to ask for credit in the headmaster after you go back Fang Zijun is busy to say.

Zheng Jiechang is so beautiful that Fang Zijun naturally wants it, but what he wants most is Xu Xi, and Jiang Xiaomao says something, he can't refuse. Fang Zijun also thought that the headmaster asked him to help Jiang Xiaomao commit the crime, which means that Jiang Xiaomao can speak up in the headmaster, and even be some important person. Fang Zijun has always wanted to get a deeper treasure of cultivation. If Jiang Xiaomao can invite merit for him, the leader will pay attention to training him, and maybe give him a treasure book.

"That is, that is! Certainly Jiang Xiaomao heard Fang Zijun's words and nodded excitedly. In fact, he just met a guy in the leader Fang Zijun by chance, and then gave them a sum of money to help them. He could not say anything. But Fang Zijun thought he was very capable, so he promised him. Anyway, he didn't know whether to say it or not. She turned her head and looked at Zheng Jie. She was charming and had a devil's figure, but she was wearing a little tight.

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