Zhao Tingwei was afraid that the world would not be in chaos. Fu ran did not have the strength to toss about any more. He glared at him and motioned him to say less. He said, "no, it's all skin injuries. I'll go back first."

"Together." Zhao Ting was happy, as if he didn't remember that there was a mu Shen Rong beside him. Before he left, he suddenly remembered: "Oh, by the way, the fiance of this family has to stay, right? Then we'll go first, fiance."

Mu Shenrong's eyes were cold, and Zhao Ting was completely unmoved: "let's leave now, gudebai."

In any case, Qiu Chenxi and Mu Shenrong went together. When something happened to her, Mu Shenrong could not go like this.

Fu ran did not look at Mu Shenrong, but left with Zhao ting.

After Fu ran got on the bus, he was a bit glum. Zhao Ting suddenly got close to her and startled her. The whole body leaned back: "what are you doing?"

"Look at the wound on your neck. Qiu Chenxi should be nine Yin white bone claw. Are you sure you don't need to see it?"

"I said no, no more trouble."

"All right." Zhao TingYang started a charming smile, "what's the matter? My sweetheart is in a bad mood in the hospital."

Fu Ran's face was cold: "Zhao Ting, you don't speak, no one treats you as dumb."

"Well, that's what I said, so I became angry."

"Shut up Fu ran wanted to sew his mouth up: "if you are more wordy, I will get off now."

"Well, well, I'll take you back." Then he started the car.

Fu ran didn't find it at first, but later he noticed, "how do you know where I live."

Zhao Ting shrugged: "I said, I am in pursuit of you, naturally understand you."

Fu ran did not like the feeling that he could not control: "Zhao Ting, I don't know what you want to do, but let me know that you still investigate me, I will never be polite!"

"Conscience of heaven and earth, I didn't do anything. You have to believe me."

Fu ran rubbed his eyebrows: "you stay away from me, don't give me any trouble." The car had stopped at the gate of the courtyard. Fu ran got out of the car without looking back, leaving a helpless face of Zhao ting.

Seeing her closing the door angrily, Zhao ting in the car suddenly chuckled and drove away whistling.


after taking a bath, Fu ran examined the wound on her neck, simply put on some medicine and went to bed.

So many things happened that day. Her body couldn't bear the load, but after lying on the bed, she couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned, and finally felt a little sleepy, but she heard something moving outside.

It was Mu Shenrong who came back.

The idea flashed in his mind, and Fu ran sat up from the bed. She wanted to go out to have a look, but it was so late. What did she go out to do now and what they could say when they met. After a moment's hesitation, Fu ran lay back again.

But before long, she felt as if her door had been unscrewed.

She felt a little tight in her heart and grabbed the sheets under her body. Someone came in and stood beside her bed --

but she didn't dare to act rashly, so she kept her eyes closed and pretended to sleep. Then she felt that the bed under her body was slightly sunken. It was Mu Shenrong who sat by her bedside.

In the middle of the night, what did he want to do when he came to her room?

Fu ran was extremely fierce, but he didn't dare to reveal anything. He slept very hard.

Mu Shenrong looks at the girl sleeping in bed by the dim moonlight outside the window. He pulls the quilt for her first, and then looks at the wound on his neck. Then he can't help but lift his hand and gently rub her neck. A crisp tingle immediately climbs up Fu Ran's heart. However, Mu Shenrong falls in love with the delicate and tender touch under his hand and rubs it back and forth.

All of a sudden, Fu ran raised his hand and held down the big, bony hand on his neck: "have you touched it enough?"

Slightly deep voice with a bit dull, in this deep and more heavy cold night, showing a bit of sexy, that pair of dark eyes in the dark but bright as stars, burning and staring at him.

His hand was still on her neck, and she grabbed his hand. The air suddenly seemed to be ignited, and the burning oxygen was thin. Fu ran felt his breathing inexplicably rapid. His heart had already jumped to his throat, as if he was about to jump out. She pushed his hand away in a flurry, and asked: "in the middle of the night, you run into my room What do you want to do! "

"What else can you do?" His burning eyes seemed to have the ability to penetrate the darkness. Fu ran felt as if her body was going to burn. She was ashamed to bite her lower lip.

"You go out to me - um -" Fu Ran's lips were gently blocked before she finished her words. Mu Shenrong's hand slid down her neck directly through her pajamas --

the cold touch made Fu ran shiver.

Her resistance was completely surrounded by his gentleness, and her hands, which had resisted, were slowly put down, just like a burning fire, which would burn them into ashes together.At night, it's really a charming moment. It's easy to let go of the disguise and forget everything.

But when the next morning's sunlight penetrates the window lattice, shines on the human body, will push the forgotten reality to the present.

Fu ran did not open his eyes, he felt that his waist was a strong force, unable to move.

She moved a little, and the force was tighter. She opened her eyes in a daze, and the original blurred picture became clear. Then, she suddenly took a breath of cold air, and the memory of the latter half of the night also swept through her mind.

She did not drink, naturally there is no fragment or amnesia, so everything last night, all really stay in her mind.

"Good morning." In the morning sun, a man with a good eye opened his eyes and said to himself with a smile, "early morning, it's really a pleasant thing, but now Fu ran doesn't want to appreciate it.".

She quickly grabbed one side of the mobile phone and looked at it. She was half an hour late --

she wanted to get up, but when she thought that she had nothing on, she felt ashamed: "you can get out of here right away!"

"It's OK. I've asked for your leave today. Don't worry. We have a whole day."

"You ask for leave for me? Who asked you to ask for leave for me Fu ran was upset, but he was relieved to hear that he had asked for leave. As she is now, she really can't go to work.

Mu Shenrong smiles: "do you think I am particularly considerate? Sleep a little longer

Fu ran was furious: "you are a despicable person who takes advantage of others' danger. Get out of here quickly!"