Chapter 107 Windy Windy

Chapter 107 Windy Windy

Han Li stood atop his roof and spread his arms wide. It was coming, he knew.

Yue Li sat behind him and looked at him with a starry gaze. The sight before her looked like those moments when cool scenes appeared in anime. His robes, white as snow, waved in the rough spring wind. His hair, those as dark as night, flowed behind him. Arms spread sideways. He looked at the wind that was coming his way with a waiting gaze.

"Mom, do you know what Energy is?" his voice was cut off by the wind, but a transmission using his Talent quickly solved the issue.

"Energy?" Yue Li shouted the question.

Feeling the rough wind blasting against his clothes and hearing the non-stop drumming sound of it, he nodded slightly.

"I don't know!" she shouted.

Han Li smiled, and his transmission chuckled inside her head: "Think of it as air and gases lying spread out around the world, and people absorb it to gain powers in their bodies. But in all honest terms, this Energy is not usable at all; it is very chaotic and self-destructive for us humans."

"Then how are we using it?" she asked with a shout again.

He spoke: "We do not use it. We are not capable of using it either. If we use it, we would just die. But our Sparks are different things; they absorb the chaotic Energy in the surroundings and turn them into tame usable Energy.

"But those Energies are still a very inferior form of the Chaotic Energy in the outside world. An easy way for you to understand it would be to think of your own situation, Mom. When you failed and lost your Spark in Evolution and got crippled, there was a lot of Energy left behind inside you with no Spark to regulate it.

"You remember it hurt when that Energy had any sort of movement inside you, right?"

Yue Li nodded. Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

"The Spark had already turned the energy quite tame, so you wouldn't die if you failed; it just hurts a lot. In my—an Evolved's—scenario, the Energy I absorb and use is not the same form of Energy you use. Instead, it is a superior version of what you have with added attributes of my Spark that had now transformed into a Dao Soul.

"Minor Dao Energy that is crystallized is what I have, whereas you have an attributeless tame source of power that is loosely spread.

"If I become a Power Born Stage, I will have Intermediate Dao Energy instead. And this energy class would allow me to use Magic Powers of a higher capability, too. It is the key for using such powers."

Yue Li nodded and took a deep breath of the west wind. She couldn't absorb Energy voluntarily as an Awakened, but she felt energized regardless.

"So what are you trying to tell me?" she asked.

"That, my dear mom, is what we have around us. 'The Chaotic Energy' is the most supreme type of Energy and the source of all of our powers. Maybe even the Sacred Demons only had Energy at the same level as the Chaotic Energy around us."

Opening his clear and focused red eyes, he immediately looked at his hand with 'Life Vision.'

[Minor Lust Dao Crystals: 349]

"Quite a lot of crystals for 10 minutes of work, quite good!" he said coldly before shaking his head, "Missed some crystal because of my inexperience with Deep-Trancing."

There was still a lot of wind around the area and leaves and clothes flew around. Some umbrellas could even be seen akin to kites high in the air.

Yue Li yawned and asked loudly, "Was it good? I have been looking at you sitting around without doing anything for a while now, and my pants really stink!"

Han Li looked at her and briefly ignored her ramblings. He really needed to focus on some things.

His Crystals started to vanish as it appeared from his Empty Space. it was so quickly turned into crystals that most of them lost form and became swirls of energy instead of crystals, but he started to meditate and turn each swirl one by one into crystals manually by doing breathing exercises.

Yue Li could only stare at him with irritation. She couldn't even walk back home alone since she stank so badly. She could only wait till he helped her get in without being noticed.

Half an hour of waiting passed.

Han Li opened his eyes with a sigh and started to use the crystals on his skin. It was now [30.11% complete], and he had a lot of extra energy to build upon that.

One by one, the crystals vanished.

His skin reddened and warmed up for a while before it calmed down.

[Minor Lust Dao Crystals: 349 —> 09]

[Skin Building of the Demon Transformation: 30.11% —> 64.11] A sense of strength washed through him. He was closing in on his Skin leveling up, but he also knew his Dao Soul would be tired out after today for quite a while, a week at the very least. So he couldn't even cultivate normally or even through Lust for that amount of time.

"What a drag," he stretched with a smile, and his whole body shook awake from the meditation.

He could see the morning light clearly, and everything seemed so alive today.

In the center of the Starlight Zone, a white Flag flew up. The Awakening Ceremony was about to begin, but as most of the days, nobody was trying to Evolve today, so he had no interest in that.

He looked sideways at his dozed-off-in-seat mom and said, "I guess it's my time to relax..."