Late at night.

Royal Hyatt Hotel, small conference room.

Qin Jinhuan, Mu Yu, Rongjian, Liu Xiaofan and others were all around the table with their notebooks.

"I wonder, Gong Lilan took duomingming to Qingyuan County. Why can't I find it? I have asked all the villagers around lingjiazhuang. " Liu Xiaofan murmured to Rongjian.

"Why do you think they will go to lingjiazhuang?"

"Didn't they go to Qingyuan County to commemorate Xiao Xia, who died in vain? To commemorate Xiao Xia, you must go to lingjiazhuang! "

"She should not go to lingjiazhuang."

"Why?" Liu Xiaofan is somewhat unconvinced to ask.

"I don't think Gong Lilan will go to lingjiazhuang." Mu Yu and Rong Jian stood aside. "She would rather involve a lot of studies, but also take her daughter to live in Qingyun Town, which is poor and partial. For six years, she hid away to prevent the Revenge of Xiao Xia's family. If she went to lingjiazhuang to celebrate Xiaoxia, she would obviously expose her whereabouts, which was contrary to her original intention of hiding. So I don't think she will go to lingjiazhuang. "

"Why did she go to Qingyuan? Don't tell her that the purpose of going to Qingyuan County and Qingyun town is to avoid revenge! She must know that Xiao Xia is from Qingyuan. She can't hide here if she really wants to hide. "

Mu Yu tries to guess: "maybe she thinks the most dangerous place is the safest place. If Xiao Xia's family really want revenge, they must have left Qingyuan County long ago, so they went to Qingyuan? After all, those who initiated the Xiaoxia incident were in an Cheng. "

Cheng Xiang felt that this was reasonable, and echoed: "Qingyuan County is a good hiding place with few adults and high mountains and dense forests."

"I don't think she took her daughter to Qingyuan County just to hide. Maybe she just wanted to find out whether the murderer had been arrested. She must have known about those serial cases. Only her daughter should live in Huacheng Rong Jian, who has been silent for a long time, finally opens his mouth. "The killer is Ling Xiaodong, and if Ling Xiaodong is caught, not only lingjiazhuang, but also Qingyuan County will be a sensation."

Liu Xiaofan quipped his lips: "she wants to know the information of the murderer. Can't she contact the police directly?"

"Once she gets in touch with the police, it means that many people will know her whereabouts. Maybe the murderer will know that if she is careful, she will not dare to take the risk. No, it should be said that she would not let Duoduo take the risk. Duoduo is Zhao Yongli's daughter. She is afraid that the murderer will kill Zhao Yongli and wipe out the roots. If it wasn't for fear of being implicated by Zhao Yongli, she would not have disappeared in public sight for six years

Liu Xiaofan listens to speech to shake head to sigh: "this palace Li Lan, courage is really small."

"She's not timid, she's just too afraid to lose her child, so she's very careful, for fear of making a little mistake."

"No matter how big Qingyuan is, it's just a county. I don't believe I can't find her. Tomorrow I will... "

"Forget it." Let Jian interrupt Liu Xiaofan's words, "ignore her."

"No matter what she is?" Liu Xiaofan was a little surprised, "Rong team, don't you want to know the whole story from her mouth?"

"She certainly would not want to get involved in the matter, since she had the intention to avoid us. Even if you find her, she doesn't want to say it, and you can't ask. "

"I really don't understand her. Why are we waiting for the murderer to be arrested, but we don't cooperate with our investigation and tell us nothing?"

"I think her heart should be very contradictory." Mu Yu, who was silent for a long time, explained to Liu Xiaofan, "she knows that the murderer of the serial homicide must be Xiao Xia's close relative, and she has been deeply sorry for Xiao Xia's death. She is worried that her cooperation with the police will make the murderer as Xiao Xia's close relative be arrested soon, which will deepen her guilt, so she never cooperates with the police investigation. On the other hand, she is afraid that her only daughter will be retaliated by Xiao Xia's relatives, so she looks forward to hearing the news that the murderer has been arrested. In this ambivalence, she chose to escape. Maybe for her at this time, whether she can or can't, it's the will of God. "

Liu Xiaofan shrugged helplessly: "OK. Then let her leave it to her own fate. If you don't have to track down Gong Lilan, I don't think I need to go to Qingyuan county again. Rong team, there should be no clues in Qingyuan or Huacheng. I think we should go back to an'cheng. The four cases happened in an'cheng, and the key to solving the cases must be in Ancheng. I don't know if the murderer is still in the city. "

"He must still be on town!" Rongjian and Mu have the same voice.

The two looked at each other, and at the same time stopped.

"Do you suspect that he is in Ancheng because he has not broken Optimus yet?" In the small conference room, the careless voice of Qin Jin Huan was heard.

Mu Yu nodded with worry: "it can't be a coincidence that these four people who killed Xiao Xia came to Ancheng one after another and all went to work in Qingtian. I always feel that he not only wants to revenge these four people, but also wants to retaliate against Qingtian or ahuan, but I really can't think of why he wants to retaliate against Qingtian or ahuan. According to reason, ah Huan has nothing to do with his eight poles! Where does this resentment come from? ""It must have been after he took his mother away from Qingyuan county that he had a grudge against ah Huan or Qingtian." Rongjian tried to analyze, "Qingtian had no business in Huacheng six years ago. In other words, at that time, ahuan had no chance to make him have hatred."

Qin Jinhuan nodded: "the business over there with Huacheng was signed only four years ago. How's the mental hospital going? "

Rong Jian responded: "it's still under investigation. It's not clear yet. The scope is too wide and it's difficult."

Mu yusec understood their meaning and immediately reminded him, "do you want to check Rao Qiulan's whereabouts through the mental hospital? What if she's not in a mental hospital? If it is not sent through the formal Department of mental patients, the hospital to charge, the cost is not cheap! "

"Ling Xiaodong had more than 400000 compensation at that time, so paying this fee is certainly not a problem," Liu reminded her, and then went back to his words. "However, it is not ruled out that he left his mother at home to take care of him. Everyone knows that mental patients will suffer when they are sent to a mental hospital. This is his only relative. On the premise of having money to support food, clothing, housing and transportation Most people don't let the old people in their families suffer this crime. As long as we don't go to the first and second tier cities with exorbitant prices, find a small county seat and save some flowers, the two mothers will certainly have no problem living for five years and eight years with these 400000 yuan. "

Mu Yu thinks it's reasonable. Instead of asking this question, he turns to Rong Jian: "Rong team, didn't someone draw Rao Qiulan?"

She knew that there was no old photo of Ling family. She knew that Xiao Xia and Rao Qiulan did not have any photos. The only photo of Ling Xiaodong was found in his university archives.

"Let people go to lingjiazhuang to paint." Rong Jian is obviously not hopeful about this. "The villagers' impression of Rao Qiulan is still in front of her madness. She has suffered such a great blow and her mental disorder will surely change greatly, and even may become unrecognizable by the villagers."

"Even if Rao Qiulan will have a great change, then Ling Xiaodong will not have a great change? He's so thin. No matter how thin he is, he'll never be thin again? It's very conspicuous for a man as thin as him to walk on the road

"Sister in law, I understand what you mean," Rong Jian explained, "but I'm not sure that he is the murderer, so I can't send it in the form of a wanted notice, but I've asked to check it out, but the efficiency will be greatly reduced. In addition, he had 400000 yuan, and he was not as hungry as before. If he was taking care of his sick mother at home, as Xiao Fan speculated, he would seldom go out, eat and exercise, and get fat quickly. But it doesn't matter if you are fat. As long as you repair the photos, you will be afraid of other things. "

"Plastic surgery?" Mu Yu was very surprised, and then shook his head, "it's impossible to make another face with only 400000.". What's more, he must not only treat his mother, but also be the living expenses of the two women. "

"There is no absoluteness in everything. Many things may just be that we don't think it can happen." Rong Jian said as he closed the Notepad. "The four dead did not seem to have any contact after Xiao Xia's accident. They came to Ancheng one after another within six years and successively entered Qingtian to work. It can't be just a coincidence. Someone must be guiding them secretly. If this person is Ling Xiaodong, it means that he came to an Cheng very early. "

"Ah! And then? " He thought Rongjian would continue to speak, but he got up and said "farewell". Mu Yu hurriedly stopped him and asked.

"And then? I don't know, so I'm going to go back to Ancheng early tomorrow morning to investigate. "

Mu Yu was surprised: "will you return to Ancheng tomorrow? Shall we all go back? "

Liu Xiaofan bitter face answer: "Rong team said you all go back, leave me alone here."

Rong Jian patted him on the shoulder: "if an Cheng's investigation has an eye on it, I'll call you back immediately. Go back and have a rest. "

"Ah! Rong team... " There are still a lot of questions in Mu language.

"Sister in law, we will discuss what we have to say tomorrow. We will have an early rest tonight, and we will return to Ancheng early tomorrow morning." Rong Jian finished and did not wait for her to answer, he went out of the meeting room, and Liu Xiaofan and others went out together.

"Did you let Rong team go back?" After all the people in the meeting room went out, Mu asked Qin Jin Huan.

"He thinks Ling Xiaodong is in an'cheng, so he should go back to an Cheng to investigate as soon as possible."

When taking Mu Yu out of hospital, he did order Rong Jian to return to an'cheng for her safety. However, Rong Jian agreed to return to an'cheng not because of his coercion, but because Rong Jian himself felt that he should go back to an'cheng to investigate. He was afraid of causing misunderstanding in Mu language, so he took it vaguely at this time.

Mu Yu does not agree with this: "in case Xiao Xia's death is only related to these four people, and Ling Xiaodong has no next revenge target, do you think it is necessary for him to stay in an Cheng to wait for us to investigate?"

"No, he has revenge targets."


"Me. I or Optimus. " Qin Jinhuan's look suddenly became very serious, "Qingtian didn't collapse, and I was still there, he would not be willing to leave."

"Ah Huan, I'm worried..."

"It's OK. He can't help me." Afraid of her worry, Qin Jinhuan's face turned gentle, smiling and holding her shoulder, she led out, "well, it's not early. Let's go back to rest, and return to Ancheng tomorrow."Mu Yu took a few steps and then stopped him: "I don't know what's going on with Xiaotian and Yihan. I want to go to the hospital to see them."

"Don't go. You can't see them. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!