"Homicide?" Mu Yu was shocked and stammered, "no, it's again..."

"Yes Knowing what she was going to say, Rongjian answered heavily without waiting for her to finish.

"Well, that doesn't have to do with Optimus?" Qin Chengxi, who came in a hurry with Qin Jin Huan, was anxious to hear a negative answer in his eyes.

Unfortunately, Rong Jian can't give her a negative answer, because the fact is related to giant.

"The dead were employees of Optimus group."

Even if he had been prepared for this, he suddenly turned pale, and Mu Yu was even more frightened and numb.

"What's the name of the dead? Which department of the company is the employee? He... "

Wen Zeyu is still questioning, but Rongjian has no time to respond to him, because Feng rubing has come out of the tent.

"Let's go." Feng rubing rushed down the mountain road.

"Like ice!" Rong Jian grabbed her eagerly, "your feet haven't recovered, you can't walk so fast. In this way, you go down the mountain slowly. I'll go to the scene to see the situation first. "

"It's OK. I can do it. Let's go. " Feng rubing said as he went on.

"Teacher Feng!" Mu Yu, who has been dressed, catches up, "you walk slowly. Let me and Rong team go to the scene first."

As soon as her voice fell, Qin Jin Huan came to express his opposition: "your body just recovered, so you can't rush on."

"I have recovered! I Oh She didn't look at her feet for a moment and stepped on the steps.

"Be careful!"

"My God!"

When the crowd exclaimed, the quick witted Qin Jin Huan had already pulled the Mu language, and at the same time he was eager to say, "is everything ok?"

"It's OK. It's just "Hiss --" the huge pain at the ankle made Mu Yu unable to pretend calm and exclaimed.

"It must have been sprained! Don't move Qin Jin Huan said while holding her to the sunshade.

Qin Chengxi immediately sent a stool.

After Fu Mu Yu sits down, Qin Jinhuan helps her take off her shoes and gently pinches them for inspection.

"Hiss - how painful! Don't worry! It didn't hurt when I sprained my foot, but I was pinched to death by you Mu Yu's tears come out.

"Bear it, it'll be all right soon." When talking, Qin Jinhuan grabbed her foot and pressed it hard, and Mu's voice broke out again.

"To the hospital?" Standing beside her, Jiang Wenwen grasped her shoulder anxiously and asked.

Qin Chengxi, who was also nervous, nodded in a hurry: "yes, yes, send it to the hospital. I heard that the fracture can't be moved randomly, which will make the wound more severe."

"She's not a fracture." Qin Jinhuan has put Mu's foot down, "just sprang down, have a rest, and it will be good soon."

After hearing this, he immediately tried to stand up and was immediately pressed down by Qin Jin Huan: "I have to rest for a while to walk."

"But the case is not Eh? What about Rong team and Mr. Feng? " Mu Yu looks around strangely.

Qin Chengxi answered: "they have already gone down the mountain first."

"My God! Teacher Feng's leg injury has not recovered yet. If she goes down the mountain with Rong team, she will have to suffer a lot? "

"No, brother Rongjian went down the mountain first, accompanied by Qi Qi, shouldn't be so fast." Seeing Mu Yu's impatience, Qin Chengxi hastened to persuade him, "sister-in-law, you have already gone to the doctor Feng. It doesn't matter if you don't go."

"Why doesn't it matter if I don't go? Mr. Feng can't be busy alone. I have to help As he spoke, he went out with a deep foot and a shallow foot.

"Ah! Sister in law, you... "

"I'll go down with her." Qin Jinhuan knew that he couldn't hold Mu Yu, so he stepped forward to help her and told Shangqi, "you can accompany Xiao Xi to play here for a while and take good care of her."

"Let's go down, too." Qin Chengxi is no longer in the mood to play here.

"Whatever you want." Qin Jinhuan turned around and walked slowly down the mountain road with Mu Yu. Bian Zijun and Weng Yun immediately followed him.

"Damned legs, the busier they are, the more disorganized they are." Mu Yu scolded his leg angrily while walking.

"It's not urgent." At this time, Qin Jinhuan was calm a lot.

Mu Yu didn't scold him any more. Instead, he said anxiously, "I don't know which department of giant group this dead man is. If he is a senior officer again, he will make people panic."

"Even if it's not the company's top management, it's going to make people panic." Although Qin Jinhuan looks calm, his tight brow reveals his inner uneasiness.

"What hatred does this murderer have with Optimus? Is it for revenge or commercial competition to make so many murders related to Optimus? If it's just for business competition, is that too bad? "

Qin Jinhuan didn't answer, he just walked on.

Seeing him like this, Mu Yu feels that it's meaningless to make unnecessary guesses at this time, so he doesn't make any more noise, and tries to speed up his pace as much as possible, hoping to catch up with Feng rubing.

However, they didn't see feng rubing and Feng Qiqi until they got to the foot of the mountain. However, they saw that two cars had already been driven away from the mountain by Bian Zijun and his subordinates. When they went up the mountain yesterday, they left several brothers to watch the car at the foot of the mountain. Knowing that Rongjian and Feng rubing had left one after another, they also got on a car. After getting on the bus, Mu Yu called Rongjian and learned about the crime When the scene is in xinyuecheng community in the west of the city, Weng Yun is immediately asked to drive there directly."The crime scene was in Xinyue city?"

See Qin Jinhuan eyebrow tight frown, Mu language nodded his head to express doubt: "what's wrong with Xinyue city?"

"Xinyuecheng is a real estate developed by Qingtian group. It is a boutique apartment, which was handed over only a month ago." Bian Zijun, sitting in the passenger seat, took the explanation.

"A month ago, I handed in the house, and there was a homicide case. If it is the same as the previous three cases, I'm afraid that..." Mu language, which felt ominous, didn't go on.

"The dead are Qingtian's employees, and died in the district under the name of Optimus group, which is obviously aimed at Optimus group."

Bian Zijun's two "you" characters make Mu language headache.

At the beginning, Li Jianyun died on the construction site under the name of Qingtian group, which led to the delay of the project. The merchants united to investigate the responsibility and caused great losses to the company.

At this time, the small area of qinggenius delivery encountered such a homicide, I do not know what the owners will think.

Should not all ask for full check-out?

There are tens of thousands of owners in that community. If all of them make such a noise, what can we do?

However, Mu Yu soon felt that he was worried about nothing. There were countless residential quarters that had been killed. However, he had never heard of any community owners who chose to return their houses for refund because of this. After all, the property market is very hot now, and many properties are sold out after opening.

"I don't know how the murderer killed the dead this time." Weng Yun asked as he drove.

Bian Zijun responded: "if it was the previous murderer, it would be bound hands and feet, seal the mouth, cut off a part of the body of the dead alive, cut into pieces, and finally let the dead lose too much blood to die."

This seemingly light words make Mu yu feel extraordinarily penetrating. Subconsciously, he turns his head to look at Qin Jinhuan and sees that he is tightening his lips and looking thoughtful. Knowing that he was worried about the murder, she immediately took his hand. He immediately turned his head, on her concerned eyes, lip angle slightly cocked, to show that he was OK.

At present, the situation is not clear, so mu Yu didn't say anything more, just clenched his hand.

Weng Yun, who was driving in front of him, didn't know the pressure that his words brought to the boss. He asked again, "if it's still the murderer before, what part of the organs do you think he might cut off this time?"

"It's hard to say. Maybe it's chopping feet, maybe cutting ears, maybe digging eyes."

"It should be impossible to dig eyes, because they can't be cut into small pieces, which is different from the common features of the previous cases. I think the killer should have obsessive-compulsive disorder. People with obsessive-compulsive disorder can't do this kind of thing. If the victim was a man, the killer might have pulled out his intestines and cut them into small pieces

Bian Zijun felt that there was no reason: "there are so many intestines. How long do you have to cut them into small pieces? The shorter the time, the better. Otherwise, the more dangerous. "

"I think it's impossible to say that. Besides, there's excrement in my intestines. If you cut it, you have to dirty your hands. That's really..."

"Have you said enough?"

Qin Jinhuan was very impatient and scolded. Weng Yun realized that he had said too much, and he was silent.

Mu Yu is listening to the strong, Qin Jinhuan so interrupted, for a moment, Leng Leng, and then bow to ponder.

She felt that the discussion between Bian Zijun and Weng Yun was reasonable.

In fact, she was also very curious about which part of the organs the murderer would cut, because according to the relationship between the dead and the organs cut in the previous three cases, the organs of the deceased must correspond to some extremely corrupt quality in his body. Of course, the premise is that the murderer of this case is the same as that of the previous three cases, and the method of committing the crime is the same.

Along the way, everyone who was worried about everything did not speak again.

Anyue mountain is in the west of Ancheng City, about 100 kilometers away. Xinyue city is located in the west of Ancheng city. At this time, Weng Yun drove very fast, so they arrived at the gate of Xinyue city within an hour.

The main gate of Xinyue city is very imposing. There is a small square in front of the entrance and exit, and there is a small garden in front of it. In the middle of the small garden, there is a big stone with five characters carved on it. There are security kiosks on both sides of the entrance and exit, in which one security guard stands upright. As soon as their car arrived, the railings at the entrance were erected, which made Mu language a little surprised.

"Can all foreign vehicles enter and leave the community so freely?"

"No," Bian explained hastily, "because I just contacted the community manager. If there is no community pass, vehicles can not enter the community. "

"Oh. Does that person need a pass to get in and out? "

"Because just handed in the house, the occupancy rate is not high, there is no universal pass for the time being."

"That is to say, people can freely enter and leave the community now?"


The car stopped behind a police car. Mu Yu could not pay any more attention to asking questions. She immediately got off the car. She saw the police line in front of 16 buildings. She ran straight to the car. After showing her certificate and asking about the floor, she rushed into the elevator and arrived at the eighth floor.

In front of Room 802, there are two criminal police officers. They all know Mu Yu. They see her coming to give way.Mu Yucai came into the room and smelled a strong smell of blood.

This is an apartment with an area of 40 square meters, one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom. The dead, who had been lying on the bed in the bedroom, had been taken away in a body bag.

Mu Yu walks into the bedroom carefully.

See bedroom bed is full of dark red blood stains, dark red floor can not distinguish blood stains, can only through wet traces to guess that it is blood. A figure was drawn on the bed with white chalk. Through the length of the figure, it is not difficult to see that the dead was tall, at least more than 1.8 meters.

Rong Jian was standing at the head of the bed in a trance, while Feng rubing squatted on the ground. It was no surprise to see that she came in. He pointed to the toolbox on one side and said, "look for any missing organs on the scene."

"Good." Mu Yu immediately picked up the utensils and looked down, and asked, "who is the dead?"

Rong Jian answered: "it's the worker of the anyueshan quarry of Qingtian group."

"An Yueshan quarry?" Mu Yu's eyes immediately flash across a vast expanse of white.


"Oh. What part of the organ was cut off this time? " After asking, Mu Yu found a piece of dark red diced meat at the foot of the bed. He immediately picked it up with a camera and looked at it carefully. His brain quickly wondered which organ it should be.

"Don't look," Feng rubing opened the evidence bag and presented it to her. "Put it in."

"What body tissue is this?" I feel very curious about the strange Mu language.

Rong Jian said, "chicken. Ba."

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