The three connected at the same time.

Soon, the expressions on the three faces changed greatly. Qin Jinhuan was shocked, Qin Xiaozhi was angry, and Qin Wentao was overjoyed.

"Qin Jin Huan! Look at what you've done Qin Xiaozhi smashes his mobile phone in front of Qin Jin Huan.

Seeing that Qin Xiaozhi's face turned white, Dong Wanqing rushed to help him and comforted him: "grandfather, don't be angry. Be careful of your body."

"No, it can't be! It's impossible! " Qin Jinhuan's face is more ugly than Qin Xiaozhi's, shaking his head and murmuring, while turning to dial the phone.

At the same time, Dong yueyun quickly moved to Qin Wentao's side, touched him gently, covered his mouth with his hand and asked, "husband, what's the situation?"

Qin Wentao did not answer, but gave her a wink with a smile in his eyes. Instead of asking questions, she turned to Qin Xiaozhi and Qin Jin Huan.

"It's not a deal to sign in the afternoon? How can you go back? " Qin Jinhuan's roar spread in the living room, so that everyone's eyes fell on him.

According to the reminders of Qin Wentao, Mu Yu has already guessed that there is something wrong with the fenghuanggou project. From the look of Qin family's ancestors and grandchildren, she also guessed that this project is very important to Qingtian group and Qin Jinhuan. The heart that had been relieved was hanging tight again. Looking at Qin Jinhuan's eyes, she felt a little rusty.



Qin Jinhuan's mobile phone also became an outlet for anger.

"Do you mean to scold other people's bastards? Why don't you call yourself a jerk Qin Xiaozhi used crutches to knock on the ground angrily, "it's you who broke the appointment, not others! Qingtian group's good reputation of integrity-based accumulated for many years is now completely destroyed by you. How can you let Qingtian group sign a contract with its partners in the future? "

"Daddy, the failure of fenghuanggou project contract signing is not a disaster for Qingtian group, but it is also a great loss of vitality. Our top priority is not to worry about future cooperation with people, but how to give an account to the board of directors! Ah Huan used to boast about Haikou on the board of directors with confidence. Everyone will wait and see. How can he get rid of his defeat? " When Qin Wentao said this, he glanced at Qin Jinhuan with an expression of "you must be responsible for all the troubles you have made.".

Hearing this, Qin Xiaozhi looked at Qin Jin Huan with a long sigh: "I have said that the relationship between this woman and Yi Yunzhe is not clear. You just don't listen. Now it's good. It's a big loss. People always have to wait for a big loss to realize their mistakes. "

Seeing that his father didn't seem to want to investigate the responsibility of his son, Qin Wentao was a little anxious, and his voice could not help raising a few points: "Daddy, the project has failed to sign the contract, and you can't go back to heaven again. Must reward and punish clearly, responsibility to the person, otherwise how to give the company an account? "

"Enough, I want you to teach me how to do things?" Qin Xiaozhi glanced at his son with displeasure, then turned to his grandson, and his voice softened a little, "ah Huan, this is it. How are you going to tell the company?"

The heart of Huan of Qin and Jin Dynasty was unwilling, but he still swallowed the sigh into his stomach and said, "let's deal with it.".

Qin Wentao was overjoyed and hastened to cut in: "at the beginning, the board of directors said that you could not win the project of fenghuanggou, so you resigned as the president. Now you..."

Jin Huan group president also want to interrupt

Qin Wentao was choked. He was embarrassed when he knew his poor ability. He was thinking about how to save face for himself. When Qin Xiaozhi was thinking about how to save face, Qin Xiaozhi said: "your father's overall ability to master is a little lacking, but he can do things safely and appropriately, and he can handle the heavy and heavy things."

"Yes, at least I won't make uncertain decisions. I won't make such a big loss to the company as blindly and conceited as you are." Seeing his father standing on his side, Qin Wentao suddenly had the confidence.

Dong yueyun, who supported Qin Xiaozhi, also timely interposed: "Daddy, the president is the leader of the group company. A decision can change the fate of the whole company, so we can't tolerate any caprice and arrogance. Ah Huan is young in the end. He still needs experience. "

Unexpectedly, Qin Wentao was more and more anxious when his father didn't make a statement. He quickly took over his wife's words and continued to persuade him: "although ah Huan is young, he is not a child. He should bear the consequences of his own mistakes. At the beginning, we tried to dissuade him from making hasty investment in the surrounding areas of fenghuanggou. He did not listen, but he boasted confidently - but no one forced him to boast about it. Dad, I know that you love him and have high expectations for him. But if you refuse to tolerate him again and do not give him corresponding punishment, you will certainly connive him to make more mistakes in the future. I'm afraid you will destroy the Qingtian group. Dad, you have to think twice... "

"Isn't it the position of President? If I can boast, I can take responsibility. " Qin Jinhuan interrupted Qin Wentao again impatiently.

He couldn't see Qin Wentao's obscene and eager look.

Sun Tzu's indifference made Qin Xiaozhi very angry. He knocked on the ground again with his crutch to remind him: "what you call taking responsibility is just to take away the position of President? Nothing else? "Hearing this, Qin Wentao immediately exclaimed, "there are still more! There is also the initiative to give up the right to inherit Sijun's legacy. "

Huan of Qin and Jin Dynasty suddenly became angry: "you also deserve to touch my mother's legacy? Get out of here! Get out of here

Qin Wentao didn't think it was all. Instead, he chuckled: "this property belongs to your mother's inheritance. If you give up the inheritance right of her inheritance, this house will have no relationship with you. So if someone really wants to go away, it's not us. Well, do you want to go back? I can remind you that the company has not only detailed minutes of the meeting, but also video recording. If you really want to cheat, we'll see you in court. "

Huang Dun of Qin and Jin Dynasties turned pale with anger.

He doesn't care about the position of the president of the company from the beginning to the end. He is not a person who values money so much. He just can't tolerate Qin Wentao and Dong yueyun, who are bitches, tainting half of their mother's inheritance!

It was a blasphemy to his mother!

"Ah Huan," Qin Xiaozhi, who did not speak for a long time, still spoke with a soft voice. "I know you don't want to give up the inheritance right of your mother's inheritance, and you are not really willing to let go of the position of president of Qingtian group. I can give you a chance..."

"Daddy!" Qin Wentao and Dong yueyun interrupted and reminded, "you can't..."

"Shut up!" Qin Xiaozhi snapped and continued, "ah Huan, if you can promise to marry Wan Qing, and then eliminate your resentment against your father, and achieve the love of husband and wife and the unity of father and son, then I will not..."

"No way!" Qin Jinhuan refused without thinking about it.

Don't talk about the two. He can't agree to one of them.

Qin Wentao and his wife were very happy, but Dong Wanqing was in a hurry: "ah Huan, don't be so eager to refuse grandfather's good intentions. First think about the consequences and then make a decision."

"Yes, yes, it matters a lot. You can't be rash. You have to think twice." Mu language, which had been unable to get in a word, also hastened to persuade in a low voice.

Knowing that he missed the contract because he came back to save himself, and knowing the pressure he was facing now, she did not care much about him in her heart. She kept scolding her own stupidity and Yi Yunzhe's insidiousness.

Seeing that Qin Jin Huan was not moved, Qin Xiaozhi seemed to be in a hurry and reminded him again: "do you know the consequences of rejecting me? I'll only give you one chance. "

"I don't need such an opportunity," said Huan man of Qin Jin with disdain

Qin Wentao pretended to be annoyed and said, "Qin Jinhuan, do you think it's easy for your grandfather to fight for this opportunity for you? You don't take his pains seriously! "


"Ah Huan!" Qin Xiaozhi obviously lost his last patience. His voice suddenly raised, "I'll ask you for the last time. Do you want this chance or not?"


This thoughtless answer let Qin Xiaozhi instantly overcast: "since you are so ignorant, then don't blame me for not recognizing my father and grandson's love! Wen Tao, take the printed resignation letter and the assignment of the right of inheritance! "

"Yes, daddy." Qin Wentao immediately took out these two documents from his briefcase and handed them to him.


Qin Xiaozhi threw the document on the tea table: "since you don't agree, sign it!"

"Ah Huan, you can't sign it!" Seeing that Qin Jinhuan had already taken steps at the tea table, Dong Wanqing tried to dissuade her, but Dong yueyun grabbed her and gouged out her eyes.

At the same time, Mu Yu also rushed to stop Qin Jin Huan and repeatedly reminded him: "you can't sign, you can't sign! If you sign it, you will have nothing

Although she hated Qin Wentao very much and did not want Qin Jinhuan to marry Dong Wanqing, she knew that he was used to the life of being well-off, and certainly could not adapt to the poor days when he had nothing. So on balance, she still encouraged him to choose the former.

Qin Xiaozhi only said that she was persuading him to refuse to sign, and sneered: "do you think he can not have nothing if you refuse to sign?"

Qin Wentao immediately changed his heart: "ah Huan, I advise you to sign it obediently, so as to save time to go through the formal procedures, which will make everyone lose face and waste time. Is that not good? After all, we are a family. "

But the excitement in his eyes made Mu yu feel sick. He couldn't help but rebuke him: "you should be a good man! Ah Huan has a father like you, which is really his sorrow

Qin Wentao sneered: "I am hypocritical? You are the hypocrite! Ah Huan is so good to you. You even have to take advantage of the inside and outside. Yi Yunzhe has set a trap for ahuan. He can't sign a contract today. It's all your ghost! "

Mu Yu was furious: "you are bloody!"

"You dare say you and Yi Yunzhe go to bed voluntarily?" Dong yueyun interjected in disgust, "this video has never been sent before, but it will be sent to the old man on the way to sign a contract. It is to deliberately stimulate the old man's illness, or use bitter meat tactics to make ah Huan misunderstand that you are worried about your life. No matter what, ah Huan has to rush back, so that he will definitely miss the signing time. I'm right, that's your wishful thinking! "

Mu tone pale face, after a little thought, immediately sneer retort: "I think the pickpockets are you two! You two have been coveting the position of president of Qingtian group. You dream that ah Huan will not sign a contract, so that you can enjoy the benefits of fishermen! Don't you try your best to prevent ah Huan from signing the contract"Nonsense! I am ah Huan's father. How can I do this... "

"Enough! Shut up Qin Xiaozhi's crutches again hit the ground heavily, and then his eyes turned to look at Qin Jin Huan, "I ask you again, do I want to give you a chance?"

"No need."

Seeing Sun Tzu so stubborn, Qin Xiaozhi was so angry that he trembled all over his body and roared: "then sign quickly. After signing, the woman with you will get rid of me immediately! Since then, you have nothing to do with the Qin family. Qin Xiaozhi has only one grandson, Qin Chengxi

"Grandfather, don't do this to your brother, will you?" From the corner came Qin Chengxi's weak appeal.

The next second, Dong yueyun rushed to him, pinched his arm and warned him not to make any more noise.

Mu Yu didn't care to sympathize with Qin Chengxi, who was crouching in the corner, or angry with Qin Wentao's husband and wife. Instead, she looked at Qin Jinhuan, who was signing the contract, and opened his mouth. In the end, she couldn't say a word of persuasion. She knew that he had to sign, or not to sign.

After all the documents had been signed, Qin Jin Huan threw the pen away and pulled the Mu language. Without looking back, he went out of the door and got on Huang Bo's car.

"What are your plans?" On the bus, Mu Yu looks at Qin Jin Huan with great worry.

Qin Jinhuan ignored her. After the car drove out of the community, he motioned for Huang Bo to stop and said, "take her back to her parents" and got out of the car.

"Well, where are you going?" Mu Yu quickly rolled down the window to ask.

As if he had not heard it, Qin Jin Huan strode forward until he disappeared at the corner. , the fastest update of the webnovel!