Chapter 74

Looking at the current position displayed on the radar, Chen Mo sat in the driver's seat, took a deep breath, and connected with the base.

At this time, the polish base of Hydra has been completely occupied by the special forces, and all the Hydra soldiers who will fight to the death have been eliminated.

Colonel and Steve and others failed to catch up with the Valkyrie. When they broke through the nine headed snake soldier's block and reached the runway, they only had time to see Chen Mo enter the plane from the landing gear. Then they could only watch the huge thing leave the runway and rush to the high altitude.

Now, they are trying to contact Chen Mo on the plane in the control room. They believe that as long as Chen Mo gets on the plane, with his strength, he will be able to control the plane soon.

Just as they failed to make some attempts and tried other methods, Chen Mo's voice suddenly came out from the console.

"I'm commander Chen Mo, do you copy?"

Steve rushed to the console and shouted at the microphone.

"Master, are you ok?"

The colonel and Carter also gathered around. They didn't contact Chen Mo for a long time. They were worried.

"It's OK. I've killed Schmidt."

Chen Mo's voice doesn't hear any mood swings.

"And the plane? Can you drive it back? " In Steve's mind, master is almost omniscient. Is it possible to fly a plane?

"I'm afraid not." Chen Mo's voice is still calm, Steve and others smell speech but Qi Qi's face changes.

The Colonel came forward and grabbed the microphone and asked anxiously.

"What's the matter?"

"The plane was loaded with super bombs and is now heading for New York at a very high speed."

"The course is locked and cannot be changed. It will be bombed automatically when it arrives in New York."

Colonel and others can't help but change their faces. Once these super bombs explode in New York, the whole city will be in ruins.

"I'll get Howard in. He'll have a way!" Said the Colonel hastily.

"It's too late. There's not much time left. I'm in the no man's land now. More people will die."

"I will drive it into the sea."

When Chen Mo's voice just dropped, Carter stopped.

"Come on, let's think of something else!"

Chen Mo's deep and determined voice came from the console.

"This is my choice."

"Steve, I may not be able to attend your wedding to Carter, but I still hope to be the godfather of your children."

Steve and Carter looked at each other, and their eyes were red. Carter nodded softly and said to the microphone.

"Of course, who else can it be besides you."

Chen Mo said softly with a smile on his lips.

"I'll be back."

Later, without waiting for them to say more, they cut off the call directly.

In the control room, no matter how they shouted, Chen Mo didn't respond at all. Several people were red eyed, and Carter couldn't help but shed tears.

Steve came up and hugged Carter, his voice shaking.

"Master said he would come back, so he would come back!"

The colonel, who was also immersed in grief, red his old eyes and shook his head in his heart when he heard the words. He thought to himself that Chen Mo was famous. How could he teach such a silly apprentice that he could not even hear the consolation? Chen Mo was very strong, but he was not a God after all!

At this time, on an ice field at the northernmost end of the Atlantic Ocean, one of the actual controllers of Hydra, major John Wolff, the captain of the guard, stood upright in the cold wind, waiting excitedly for his God!

I don't know how long it's been, his body seems to be frozen, but the cold environment doesn't reduce the enthusiasm in his heart. When the figure of Valkyrie appears in the sky, John feels that his heart starts to beat faster, and the cold seems to be gradually leaving him, leaving only the incomparable excitement and anxiety in his heart.

The huge figure of Valkyrie is getting closer and lower, and she swoops straight in his direction.

It was like a sharp triangular body of steel fortress, like the sword of the God of war coming from the sky. He could not help but be upset by the domineering momentum of the couple.

The plane soon touched the outer sea ice of the ice sheet, and rushed towards John Wolff's position. A long gully was plowed over the thick sea ice.

The broad and solid body was not damaged too much, but the most vulnerable wingtips on both sides and the flaps at the rear were broken.

Finally, the huge Valkyrie stopped a few hundred meters in front of John. He quickly boarded a hydra helicopter behind him. Without his urging, the Hydra soldier who piloted the helicopter had already started the helicopter in advance. As soon as he sat down, he immediately lifted off and rushed to the crash position of the goddess.

Chen had been waiting for the helicopter to land slowly in front of the 100 meter wide Valkyrie.John was shocked to see Chen mo.

Chen Mo's real body has never been exposed to Hydra. His other identity is only known by a few people, and John Wolfe is one of them.

Chen Mo, a Kung Fu expert from China, and Schmidt's personally appointed deputy, assisted in a secret mission in New York.

Chen Mo's performance in the strategic science reserve team he also knew, shocked by his strength at the same time, but also more worship can be so strong under his command, and successfully make it into the Allied internal great leader "Schmidt".

But not long ago, he received Schmidt's personal order to welcome Schmidt back to Hydra. Why is Chen Mo here now?

Seeing the hesitation in John's eyes, Chen Mo gave him a cold look, and said in a cold voice.

"Strange, isn't it? John. "

"Have you forgotten what a hydra is?"

Feeling the cold breath of Chen Mo and the dignified voice that he will never forget, John Wolff trembled. Could the "Chen Mo" in front of him be their great leader "Schmidt"?

Thinking of what Chen Mo said, John immediately responded, Hydra!

Yes! Hydra is a powerful mythical creature with nine heads in Greek mythology. If one head is cut off, two more will grow.

As the great leader of their Hydra, Schmidt has two or more different looks and identities, which is not surprising.

No wonder!

He had always wondered how there could be a stronger presence in the world than their spirit, Schmidt, and how he suddenly appeared and willingly worked for the hydra.

Originally, he understood this as a powerful means of Schmidt, but now he suddenly realized that the powerful Chen Mo was their great leader Schmidt.

So it makes sense!