He read the words completely, closed his eyes and threw the physical examination report beside him.

Mu Yu is pregnant!

In this way, the reasons for mu Yu's loss of appetite, retching, drowsiness, and sudden weight loss were all explained.

But at the same time, he became more agitated.

It's obvious that Lu Shimo is dead to Mu Yu now, and Mu Yu doesn't touch Lu Shimo's mind any more. It's impossible for these two people. But now Mu Yu is pregnant, what should she do?

She's a 20-year-old girl, living with her children?

I've talked about a lot of tough business, but I've never let him burn his head so much.


He cursed impatiently and said to jingsen, "go back to the hotel and drive faster."

"Yes, young master."

Fu Xun lit a cigarette and squinted.

Mu Yu had seen the physical examination report for a long time, but in the car that time, he asked her how the examination results were. She just read him some unimportant items, the most important of which she didn't tell him.

What scares him even more is that in the first half of the month when he first came to Sweden, there were a lot of social activities. Mu Yu stopped drinking for him several times, and there was no taboo in her diet.

She's pregnant. How can she stop drinking?

No, I still need to take her for a test.

"I'd like to make an appointment for an early pregnancy examination."

Jingsen thought he had heard wrong and asked again, "young master, what's the appointment?"

"Pregnancy screening."

Jingsen was surprised. He took a look at his young master in the rearview mirror and said in shock, "young master, have you made a woman's stomach big?"

The green veins on Fu Xun's forehead suddenly burst out, almost slapped him.

"Nonsense, it's Mu Yu."

Is mu Yu pregnant?

Jingsen was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed and called to make an appointment.

Great, Muyu is pregnant. It's impossible for Muyu to be with the young master, and it breaks the young master's mind.

Fu Xun didn't get off at the parking lot. He took Mu Yu's physical examination report, got off the car directly from the door of the hotel and entered the hotel.

Taking the elevator all the way to the tenth floor, he walked quickly to Mu Yu's room.

"Dong Dong -"

he said in a deep voice, "Mu Yu, it's me."

After a few calls, Mu Yu came to open the door.

Her eyes are bleary, her whole body is wilting, and she seems to be in a bad mood.

"What's the matter?"

Fu Xun subconsciously put his eyes on her abdomen. According to the physical examination report, she is only one month pregnant now, and can't see anything at all.

"What do you think?" He asked straight to the point.

"What do you think?" Mu Yu's eyes were wide open and her face was confused.

He was inexplicably angry, and directly stabbed this layer of window paper, "why don't you tell me about your pregnancy? Pregnant still dare to block wine? Are you stupid or simple? Does Lu Shimo know that you are pregnant? Didn't you tell him? "

A series of questions let Mu Yu Leng for a while.

But she caught the key words.

"Pregnant?" She blinked. "Who, who's pregnant?"

"Mu Yu, I saw your physical examination report."

Fu Xun thought that she was still hiding, and his tone was a little heavy.

"You mean I'm pregnant?"

Mu Yu pointed to herself and chuckled. She put her hand on the doorframe, raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "boss Fu, you're not joking like that."

Fu Xun coldly threw the physical examination report into her arms.

Seeing that he was still gloomy, she had a bad feeling in her heart.

She quickly turned the physical examination report to the result summary page and found the column of gynecology.

Her oral English is good, but the word is relatively weak, but she saw the word 23 days this time.

Mu Yu's face turned pale with the speed visible to the naked eye.

"No, it can't be."

She stepped back and shook her head again and again. She swallowed hard. Her head exploded with a white light, which made her eyes blank, and the words on the physical examination report gradually blurred.

Pregnancy means being pregnant.

"It's impossible. It's impossible to be pregnant."


Fu Xun listened to her chatter and saw that she was lost and could hardly stand. This was the reaction.

"You didn't know you were pregnant?" He frowned.

Half ring, Mu Yu just raised her head, eyes red fierce, "I want to be quiet."

Then, without waiting for Fu Xun to speak, she turned and closed the door.

Fu Xun sighed. He copied his pocket with one hand and walked to his room with his feet raised. "What's the matter with them? I'll join them."


In the room.Mu Yu sat on the sofa for a moment, looking down at the physical examination report.

Many of the English in gynecology column are professional terms, which she can't understand.

She opened the translation software of her mobile phone and scanned these lines of English.

At 23 days of early pregnancy, there was no obvious gestational sac, no fetal heart or embryo bud

Today is just the 30th day.

It's the night before the wedding.

Because the bride and groom can't meet on the eve of the wedding, they have to get up early the next day to make up for their wedding dress and go to Qingfeng villa. The night before, she was too excited to sleep. She deliberately made a fuss with Lu Shimo. They couldn't help it.

They usually took measures, but they only did it once, and during the safety period, they didn't pay attention to it.

She left her cell phone and medical report behind, curled up in the corner of the sofa, hugged her leg tightly, and buried her head in the bend of her leg.

Her shoulder was shaking slightly at first, and then a few seconds later, the shaking amplitude increased.


The next morning.

Fu Xun and Jing Sen had been waiting in front of her room for a long time.

Knowing that she was in a bad mood, he didn't knock on the door, and the two men just stood smoking in the corridor.

"Don't you know, Master Lu?"

"You ask me, I ask who's going." Fu Xun squinted at him.

Well Sen is not afraid to die of continue to say, "I think this matter still want to tell Lu Zong, after all mu Yu is his woman."

"With your mouth?"

Half an hour later, Mu Yu opened the door.

She was not surprised to see Fu Xun outside her door.

Her face was even worse, and her eyes were badly swollen. He quickly ran out the cigarette and turned her head.

"Let's go. I've made an appointment with a doctor for the examination."

In the hospital.

The cool couplant is evenly applied on Mu Yu's abdomen, which makes her abdomen contract.

The probe fell on her abdomen, sliding gently, and the screen was black.

What did the doctor say to her in Swedish? She was staring at the screen, tears sliding from the corner of her eyes into her hair.

After B-ultrasound, Mu Yu went to draw blood again.

Half an hour later, she got the results.

Knowing that she didn't understand Swedish, Fu Xun pointed to the checklist in her hand and explained it to her one by one.

Mu Yu has no expression and no reaction.

"I'll go to the bathroom."

"Go ahead."

After Mu Yu left, Fu Xun took the checklist and stared at the old man for a while.

After hesitation, he sighed, took out his mobile phone, took a picture of the checklist, and then opened wechat.

His slender fingertips click on the screen and type out a few words, "Muyu is pregnant."

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