As soon as the muzzle of the gun appeared, Mu Yu's heart, which had just calmed down, was lifted.

She could clearly hear the sound of the door being opened.

Oh my god!

Although her life hadn't been very smooth for the past ten or so years, she still lived in peaceful times.

He had never seen such a stance before.

Especially when the danger was actually himself. The feeling of his pupils trembling and adrenaline surging was indescribable.

"Lu..." "Lu Shimo."

In that instant, her entire body froze in place, and she subconsciously called out to Lu Shimo.

"Don't move, lower your head!"

At that moment, Mu Yu was completely reliant on him. She immediately bowed.

The man in the driver's seat had a calm expression, while his eyes were filled with calmness.

He quickly turned the steering wheel and adjusted the front of the car again.

The moment the front of the car adjusted, the other side pulled the trigger.

Danger tore through the air with a sharp sound, and then struck the body of the Bugatti.


The sound of metal colliding with metal made her hair stand on end.

She shrank back into her seat and covered her ears, screaming in panic.

"Ah — Lu Shimo!"

Suddenly, a gunshot rang out from the intersection. It was silent at first, but soon after, all the vehicles that were waiting for the red light were thrown into chaos.

In just a few seconds, the crossroads was thrown into disarray.

Some people drove around randomly, while others got out of the cars and ran away with their hands over their heads.


"Call the police, there's a terrorist attack!"

"Save us! Who's going to save us?!"


With the car in disarray, the back of the Bugatti momentarily vacated space.

Lu Shimo quickly turned around and stepped on the accelerator.

At this moment, the super sportscar was fully displaying its advantage.

"Bang, bang, bang ~ ~ ~"

Several gunshots sounded out from behind the car. Lu Shimo frowned, looked in the rearview mirror, and stepped on the throttle to the ground.

"Boom —"

Bugatti fled dozens of meters away.

The carriage was filled with the shouts of Mu Yu's collapsing body. Her voice was so loud that it made Lu Shimo's temples throb.

"Shut up! Otherwise, I will throw you down! "

She immediately raised her hand to cover her mouth as she looked at him with even more fear, afraid that he would actually throw her out of the car.


The other side wanted to catch up, but the intersection had turned into a mess. Their vehicles were blocked and they were unable to drive out.

It was an SUV.

He raggedly and cruelly knocked all the cars in front of him away, then abruptly sped up and drove away.

From time to time, there would be the sound of sharp gunshots and the sound of glass being hit in the back of the car.

Each and every one of his words sent chills down one's spine.

Mu Yu had never experienced such a thrill. She sobbed and screamed. The fear in her heart was magnified by this atmosphere.

When the panic reached its peak, she unbuckled her seat belt and started to climb toward the passenger seat.

"I'm afraid of Lu Shimo!"

With just a glance in the rearview mirror, Lu Shimo's expression changed.

He snapped, "Idiot, do you want to die? Go back and fasten your seat belts! "

With such a fast speed, any time he braked or made a sharp turn, inertia would be enough to kill her!

"I don't want it. There's a gun behind it."

He glanced at her pale little face.

Knowing that she was afraid, he slowed his tone.

"Don't be afraid, the car has been modified. Not to mention the gun, even if a bomb came, it would still be fine!"


Upon hearing that, tears welled up in Mu Yu's eyes as she sat back down, half-believing and half-doubting.

After two minutes of driving, he saw that there were no other cars in the rearview mirror.

He opened the Bluetooth.

"Hey, boss!" Qi Jing's anxious voice came from the carriage. "Boss, how are you right now?"

"It's fine, the other party is at the Huai River Road, driving from the west to the east. There's a total of four people." He paused for a moment and then said in a cold tone, "Remember, don't let any of them go. If you want to see someone alive, you have to see their corpse!"

"Yes sir!"

After about five minutes of driving, two jeeps followed.

Lu Shimo slowed down and glanced at the rearview mirror.

The other person pressed the horn, and he responded with two honks.

He turned his head and faced Mu Yu's panicked eyes as he said indifferently.

"We're on our own."


Ten minutes later, Buddy stopped at the side of the road.

Just as Lu Shimo pushed the door open and got off the car, Mu Yu, who was sitting in the back seat, impatiently ran out and dived into his arms without a care.

She burst into tears. "Wuu, you scared me to death. It was actually Lu Shimo.


"You almost hit me."

Regardless if the man paid her any attention, she was still crying, her tears were like beads with a broken string.

Lu Jingmo frowned, but could do nothing about it.

"You can't hit it. I've already said it. The car, windows, tires and the like are bulletproof. You won't die even if you get hit by a bomb."

His hands were clasped around the man's waist, his face buried in his firm chest, and he was crying and complaining.

"Just in case! It's all your fault. Since you insisted on sending me to school, you nearly caused me to throw my life away. Every time I go out with you, it's definitely going to be a bad thing.


The man's eyes twitched.

Did he save her, and suffer a lot of complaints?

This bastard!

"No lack of arms or lame legs, what are you crying for? Why didn't I see you act so cowardly when we were fighting? "

Lu Shimo reprimanded her coldly, pulling her out of his embrace.

"Stand still!"

Woo woo.

Before Mu Yu could recover from her shock, she fell into his embrace again.

In an instant, he wiped away all the tears and snot on his face onto the man's handmade expensive suit.

"..." The veins on Lu Shimo's neck bulged.

If it wasn't for the fact that he had scared her to death, he would have already thrown her out!

After a long while, Mu Yu finally recovered her composure.

Her eyes were red and swollen. She looked at the mess on the man's suit and burped.

"Burp …" "Sorry, your clothes were dirty, I didn't mean to, I'll clean them for you."

As he spoke, he took out a tissue from his pocket and began to wipe it.

It didn't matter if he wiped it off, as he wiped off the tears and snot on it.


A man with a germaphobia was disgusted to the point that he wanted to kill someone.

This scum, he must have done it on purpose!


He roughly slapped her hand away, then took off his suit jacket and threw it at her face.

"Go back and wash up!" "Wash your hands!"

"..." "Oh."

She hugged his suit and looked at the bullet marks on the car.

When she thought about the thrilling scene just now, she looked at the man's cold and handsome face and sniffed with her nose.

"I don't want to sell it to you anymore. How is this selling it? I'm clearly putting my life on the line."

Lu Shimo glanced at her with a smile that wasn't a smile and said word by word, "Go, dream, go, go."

The moment he turned around.

Mu Yu didn't notice that an unfathomable glint flashed through the man's eyes.