The expanding Luo Long exploded like a blown out balloon!

Luo Long was still alive from the explosion, he couldn't believe that his body would explode!

The reason for such a situation definitely had something to do with that black ghost!

He knew he was being used as a gun by that black thing.

He originally thought that he wouldn't be tricked by that damned thing, but he didn't expect that thing to unwittingly do something to his body!

Luo Long was angry and regretful, but there was no meaning in all this.

Most of his body had turned to dust, and his consciousness was slowly fading away.

Prince Rui, who was held tightly by Luo Long, was naturally injured in the explosion.

From head to toe, Wang Rui felt pain all over his body, but he didn't care. After all, he had an incomparable regenerative ability.

But soon, Wang Rui realized that something was wrong. Not only was the pain on his body not cured, it was even worse.

He checked his wounds and found that they had turned black as if he had been poisoned. Not only could those black objects prevent the wounds from healing, they could also expand the wound's size!

The strange thing was nibbling away at Prince Rui's life!

If he couldn't heal and stop the bleeding from the wound, Prince Rui's only option would be death!

Seeing this scene, all the teams standing in the distance looked at each other. They felt that this was a good opportunity to kill Prince Rui!

Some people could not help but walk forward, as long as they killed Wang Rui, they would be able to obtain incomparable benefits!

Yang Shuyue and Chen Shengnan, who had been following Wang Rui, immediately ran to his side.

Chen ShengNan gripped the weapon in her hand and looked at the people walking over with caution.

Yang Shuyue took out a variety of medicine from her bag to treat Wang Rui's wounds.

But no matter what, the drugs were ineffective. Yang Shuyue was so anxious that her eyes were watering, and she didn't know what to do.

Seeing that those people were getting closer and closer, Chen ShengNan became extremely flustered. She was very clear on their goal: they wanted to kill Prince Rui!

"Are you all idiots?" Chen ShengNan cursed at them, "Didn't you see how Luo Long died just now? He was used, if you dare to approach Wang Rui, you will all become a personal bomb. If you're tired of living, come here and kill Wang Rui!"

Upon hearing these words, many people stopped in their tracks.

They knew very well that they had all encountered a black ghost.

The ghost had all promised them some kind of advantage, letting them hunt Prince Rui.

This was also the case with Luo Long. Judging from the situation just now, Luo Long had surrendered, but his body still exploded!

Luo Long's explosion was obviously not a self-destruct, and it was also impossible for Wang Rui to destroy him. In that case, the answer to the reason behind his explosion was already very clear!

As everyone was hesitating, a black figure appeared in the forest in the distance.

It was a person. He was less than a meter tall, but he was not a child. Instead, he was a dwarf!

The dwarf had pitch-black skin and a pair of strange scarlet eyes!

With a strange laugh, he walked towards Wang Rui, who was lying on the ground.

Everyone had yet to discover the dwarf. The black dwarf raised the wooden pipe in his hand and spewed something into the air. It exploded like fireworks in the air!

The moment the firework exploded, the weaker cultivators fell to the ground, unconscious!

The stronger ones felt dizzy as the black dwarf raised the wooden pipe and shot out a second firework!

No unconscious people left the place in a hurry.

Chen ShengNan and Yang Shuyue also fell to the ground.

However, they did not lose their consciousness, but their bodies were powerless. They could only watch helplessly as the strange black dwarf approached step by step.

"Tsk tsk …" The black dwarf let out a strange laugh, walked to Wang Rui's side, and was very satisfied with the wounds that couldn't be healed on Wang Rui's body. He squatted down, reached out his hand to caress Wang Rui's chest, and felt Wang Rui's heart beating strongly and favourably.

"What the hell are you?" Naturally, Wang Rui also didn't faint, he was puzzled by this kind of dwarf.

"Unfortunately, you are not qualified to know who I am." The dwarf stretched out a finger, using a fingernail as sharp as a knife, to cut open the skin on Wang Rui's chest. Seeing the beating heart in his chest, the dwarf's crimson eyes burst with fervor, "You really took me a lot of effort, but I achieved my goal!"

The dwarf laughed strangely and stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to dig out Wang Rui's heart!

At this moment, a piercing sound was heard. The dwarf quickly dodged but an arrow still pierced through his shoulder!

He turned around and saw a tall woman holding a bow!

"If you want to die, I'll grant you your wish!" The dwarf held up the wooden pipe.

"I do want to see how you will kill me. If you can kill me, then it wouldn't tempt a group of idiots to go hunting for Wang Rui." The tall woman was very confident. Earlier, in the passage behind the stone door, she too had been lured by the dwarves. However, she was not fooled like Rolon.

Having been seen through, the black dwarf gnashed his teeth in anger!

He grabbed Wang Rui and quickly ran towards the nearby square!

The tall woman was the first to chase after him. However, she encountered a transparent wall blocking her in the square!

She had no choice but to come back and ask Chen Shengnan and Yang Shuyue, "Why did that damn thing want to capture Prince Rui?"

Chen ShengNan wasn't sure of the reason, but she stared at the tall woman in confusion, "Ning Redbud, why did you help Prince Rui? He clearly destroyed your mission earlier!"

"I want to become friends with Wang Rui, are you satisfied with the answer?" Ning Redbud smiled. Previously, when Wang Rui interrupted Redbud Team Redbud's mission to hunt down the stone dragon, she wasn't angry at all. Now that she saw that Wang Rui was in danger, she did not hesitate to make a move!

Yang Shuyue struggled to get up, she understood the situation of Wang Rui's capture, "Earlier, a jungle elf tried to steal his heart, but he encountered a series of events later on, probably all because of that dwarf. Just now, that dwarf targeted Wang Rui's heart, and the dwarf wanted to dig out Wang Rui's heart!"

Upon learning of this matter, Chen ShengNan turned pale with fright, "Quickly catch up to that dwarf!"

"I can't catch up!" "The plaza has a transparent wall. If you use your houses to attack it, you might be able to smash apart the translucent wall."

"Only Prince Rui can control that small building!" Yang Shuyue had already stood up, and ran towards the direction of the square without saying a word.

"Hey, don't run like this, you'll only knock your head into a bloody mess!" Ning Redbud wanted to pull Yang Shuyue back, but Yang Shuyue ran to the square and ran towards the castle at the center of the square without stopping!

But what the Redbud did not expect was that Yang Shuyue was not stopped. In the blink of an eye, she had run all the way to the bottom of the castle!

"How is this possible?" Ning was puzzled. Why was he the only one who was blocked by a transparent wall?

"Earlier, she said that she had been possessed by some ghost. It must have been because of this reason that she wasn't stopped!" Chen ShengNan was also blocked by the transparent walls on the square. She suddenly remembered something important and shouted at Yang Shuyue, "Wang Rui has a very important item on his body, it might be useful inside the castle!"

Yang Shuyue nodded. She pushed open the castle gate and entered without looking back.