Ding Yiming led Zhang Yuanyuan to understand the environment of the small ocean building.

But Zhang Yuan was very curious about the defenses inside and outside the small foreign building.

At the beginning, Ding Yiming patiently explained to Zhang Yuanyuan.

Not long after, however, Ding Yiming discovered that something was amiss.

Zhang Yuanyuan took out a small notebook and started recording his words.

Ding Yiming took a look and discovered that the things recorded in the notebook were all the types and locations of the various defensive facilities of the small building!

"Why did you write it down?"

"You don't need to worry about that. Besides, you'd better not tell anyone else!"

Although Ding Yiming was impulsive and tried to force Shao Xue according to Zhu Zhi Ming's method, and Dante was not an idiot, he quickly realized what was going on.

He thought of an extremely terrifying matter. "Tonight, it shouldn't be …"

Zhang Yuan revealed a sinister smile. At this moment, she didn't see the cowardice from the start.

This is the mission of our team. After completing this mission, not only will we be able to get a building as our resting place, but we won't have to die. In order to win, I have put in a lot of effort!

Zhang Yuanyuan's confession caused Ding Yiming to panic. His first reaction was to tell this matter to Yang Shuyue.

"I advise you not to be so impulsive!" She was threatening Ding Yiming, "I can see that your classmates don't like you. Once you tell them my identity, they will definitely deal with you, who brought me back here, as well as me, right?"

Hearing this question, Ding Yiming's heart sank. Even if he were to tell this matter to others …

In the end, he would definitely suffer a torrential storm of complaints!

"Rather than exposing me, why don't you cooperate with me!" Zhang Yuanyuan blew beside Ding Yiming's ear, "I won't kill you, I will keep you, and in the end, you will still be able to live in this building. Speaking of which, among your classmates, do you have anyone you hate? Listen to me obediently, I will help you fulfill some of your wishes!"

His ears were itchy, Ding Yiming could not stand such teasing. He immediately hugged Zhang Yuanyuan, "Zhu Zhi Ming, I want Zhu Zhi Ming dead!"

"Very good. Is there anything else?" Zhang Yuan smiled brightly as he caressed Ding Yiming's face.

"Shao Xue as well, I want Shao Xue!"

"As you wish!"

Ding Yiming felt a surge of madness in his heart. He threw Zhang Yuanyuan to the ground and let it out.

He did not feel that he had betrayed his classmates. He wanted to tell others about Zhang Yuanyuan, but he was still able to meet the end result of being accused.

Since that was the case, Ding Yiming had to make sure he survived. As for the others, he didn't care about them at all!

Throughout the afternoon, Ding Yiming was cooperating with Zhang Yuan to carry out an investigation and record on the defensive facilities of the small building.

After the night fell, Zhang Yuan quietly left the small building and arrived at a valley not far from the small building.

There were a total of twenty people gathered in the valley. As for the notes Zhang Chong brought back, they were like flowers blooming in flower.

"Boss Wei, the building we are attacking is actually occupied by a group of students. Their leader is a female teacher. Furthermore, it is a beautiful female teacher with an excellent figure!" Zhang Yuan's words caused the eyes of Boss Wei, who was standing to the side, to light up.

"You did well this time!" Boss Wei reached out his hand and pinched Zhang Yuan's butt, "When we take down that building, I will reward you well!"

"Thank you, boss!" Zhang Yuan happily rubbed her hands on Boss Wei's burly body.

"Come, explain the defense of that building to everyone!"

"Alright …"

Inside the small building, Yang Shuyue and her group were waiting.

After entering this small building, they had already encountered two beast tide attacks.

The mysterious watch indicated that as long as they could endure three rounds of attacks, this small building would belong to them!

This small building had running water and electricity. Compared to the humid jungle, this was truly a paradise!

The firearms they had found on the island had all been used up. The weapons they were most equipped with now were sharpened branches and bows, and the most lethal defensive equipment was the electric net buried around the small ocean building!

Before the third round of the attack began, Yang Shuyue led everyone to inspect their equipment and to eat a hearty meal.

Yang Shuyue realized that Zhang Yuanyuan did not follow Ding Yiming. Ding Yiming's face did not turn red, but his heart did not beat around the bush. Because of her fear, Zhang Yuanyuan hid in her room.

Yang Shuyue did not go to verify this matter. As the person in charge, she had too many things to deal with.

At eight in the evening, the third round of attacks would begin. As long as the number of defense personnel in the small building was greater than the number of offense personnel at six in the morning, they would obtain victory!

At the same time, somewhere on the island, Wang Rui found Yang Shuyue's message on a tree.

The message imprint carved on the tree was still very new. This meant that this message had been left by Yang Shuyue not long ago. It was very likely that she was somewhere nearby!

Inside the small building, Yang Shuyue and her group waited for a long time. The forest was completely silent, and not a single beast appeared!

After the first two rounds of attacks, all kinds of wild beasts swarmed around the small building as soon as the eight o'clock time arrived.

But now, half an hour had passed since the third round of the attack. Although nothing had happened, the quieter it was, the more dangerous it felt!

No matter what, Yang Shuyue would never have imagined that all the members of the Wei family responsible for the attack would end up sleeping in the valley.

By doing this, they were obviously exhausting Yang Shuyue and the others' energy.

At midnight, Boss Wei and his entourage woke up from their dreams.

After waiting for half a night, Yang Shuyue and the rest were completely exhausted.

Although they didn't do anything, it was tiring to keep their nerves taut.

Just as everyone was discussing whether or not the third round of the attack would come to an end, a flame appeared in the darkness!

Before anyone could figure out what was going on, a ball-shaped object was thrown over from the distance and landed beside the small building. That thing was tied up by the plants, and while it was burning, it was emitting thick smoke!

Smoke poured into the small building. Everyone could not breathe in the smoke as they all ran out of the building.

However, just as they walked out of the small building, intense gunshots rang out from all around the dark forest!

Only now did Yang Shuyue and the rest know that the third round of the attack was launched by someone else!

Those people seemed to know that there were traps around the small building. They did not come forward but chose to launch a long-range attack!

Yang Shuyue covered her nose and mouth. She entered the small building and kicked open Ding Yiming's door. Where was Zhang Yuanyuan?!