Several strange shadows appeared ahead.

Now it's broad daylight. The other party's sneaky appearance is obviously a bad comer!

"Terran Prince Rui!" a tall shadow came forward and spoke in a strong tone, "my young Lord, please go to tianque city for a dinner!"

"What is your little Lord?" Junnuo was extremely vigilant and asked the shadow ahead.

The shadow did not answer, but disappeared into the air.

At the same time, a voice came from a city in front, "Terran Prince Rui has promised the invitation of the little Lord!"

After such a sound fell, a huge cry of surprise rang out in the city.

"Are they using aggressive methods?" Junnuo frowned, and she felt very unhappy.

"Go and see what they want."

Wang Zirui didn't care about such things. He strode forward to the city.

Tianque city is an ordinary city in the sky continent.

The local residents in tianque city have already left.

Today, races from all directions occupy this dilapidated city.

On the broken high-rise buildings and the damaged square, various races can be seen everywhere.

The arrival of Wang Zirui instantly became the focus of this dilapidated city.

The emergence of Terrans has aroused the contempt of many races.

In the eyes of those races, Terrans are the most humble slaves!

Even if they have heard that the Terran is the God family that once dominated the world, they still think that the Terran is a loser and a slave!

"I can kill God hunter!" a voice sounded in the dilapidated steel and concrete jungle. "Terran, you just stole the gods that shouldn't belong to you, so you can become famous in the first war!"

Prince Rui looked at the voice and saw an ape man.

"Demon ape, no......"

"Oh, I can't imagine that you don't know what race I am. It seems that your Terran elders haven't told you that Terrans have an eternal enemy. Sorry, I suddenly remembered that Terrans are all slaves. Where are any elders? You're just a fugitive from a factory!"

The words spoken by the ape man caused all the races around to laugh!

They don't know that Prince Rui hunted Troll soldiers.

They know, but they are not convinced of Prince Rui!

They all think they are better than Prince Rui!

"Do Terrans have eternal enemies?" Junnuo was a little nervous.

"It doesn't exist." Prince Rui smiled. He recognized what kind of ape man was. "You're just an ordinary ape man. The blood of your race can't even compare with the demon ape family!"

"Nonsense!" Prince Rui's words angered the ape man, "my family is the divine ape family!"

"God ape family..." Prince Rui uttered a long sigh.

He has a memory of ancient times. Naturally, he knows the origin of the ape man who calls himself the God ape family.

"So, what can I do for you?"

"Terrans don't deserve to have a divine personality. Naturally, I came to rob your Divine personality!"

The ape man, who claimed to be the little master of the God ape family, took out an iron bar and condescended to point at Wang Zirui. His momentum was powerful and caused cheers from all races around him.

Juno remained vigilant and ready to fight.

And Prince Rui couldn't help laughing.

"God ape family, you really dare to give yourself a name. If I remember correctly, your ancestors were just a little monkey next to the God. Unexpectedly, after the God fell, you jumped into the God ape family. Now, you actually want to rob my master!"

"You're talking nonsense!" the young master of the divine ape family turned red. He obviously knew some ancient secrets of the divine ape family. He felt very embarrassed when Wang Zirui said such a thing in public. "I, the divine ape family, is the eternal enemy of your human race. The divine ape family once gave the human race a fatal blow, so the human race fell from the altar!"

In the face of what the God ape minority leader said, all the races around him cast envious eyes at the God ape minority leader!

The ancestors of their race did not have such a glorious past.

However, Prince Rui's face became serious.

"In those years, the reason for the fall of the God of heaven was that there were internal problems. Anyway, the God of heaven didn't expect that the little monkey he pulled back from the edge of death followed him to eat all kinds of rare and constantly transformed little monkeys. He thought he would become a little monkey with great help. He didn't expect to betray him at the most critical time!"

"Little ape Lord, you are not the old enemy of the God family. Your ancestors are just a white eyed wolf!"

"Nonsense!" the abyss young master didn't admit it. "Let you see my true ability. I'll take you as a pet!"

The young master of the God ape family waved an iron rod to attack. It's not an ordinary iron rod!

It's an artifact made of ancient dense iron and branded with many complicated arcane runes!

Seeing the little master of the God ape family, all the races around keep a distance to avoid being affected by the combat power!


With a wave of the iron stick artifact, thousands of avenues were set off!

The sky collapses instantly and sweeps the earth!

The whole city turned into fly ash in an instant!

The little master of the God ape family does have some skills!

But unfortunately, his opponent is Prince Rui of the God family!

In the face of the attacking iron bar, Prince Ruiyang raises his hand. After a while, the iron bar is separated from the little master of the God ape family, and the iron bar rotates continuously above Wang Zirui's palm!

"It's impossible!" this scene shocked the young master of the divine ape family. The iron bar artifact has many spiritual imprints of the ancestors, and it can't be easily taken away by others!

He wants to drive the magic power and recall the iron bar artifact!

However, the iron bar rotating over the palm of Wang Zirui's hand kept stripping out impurities!

"Good things have been wasted by you. Now, it's time to return them to their original owners!" Prince Rui's palm clenched into a fist. After a while, all the impurities on the iron bar were stripped off, and a thin iron appeared in the air, "Bruce Lee, here you are!"

The world destroying little dragon appears from Prince Rui's body. He likes to eat metal best!

It opened its mouth and ate the precious iron without hesitation!

"No!" seeing this scene, the young master of the divine ape family was shocked. He was going crazy with fear. Anyway, he could not imagine that there was such a big gap between him and Wang Zirui, "it's impossible, it's absolutely impossible. What did you do?"

"What did I do?" Prince Rui thought it was very interesting. "It's your ape family. What did you do to my Tianshen family? It seems that you still have my Tianshen family's treasure!"

As soon as Wang Zirui stretched out his hand, a light appeared in the body of the little master of the divine ape family!

The light fell into Prince Rui's hand and turned into a simple black long bow!

Wang Zirui stretched out his hand and pulled the bow string. After a while, there were dots of light in the air!

Those lights gathered together to form a terrible arrow!

Wang Zirui can pull the demon hunting bow of the divine ape family!

Such a fact is appalling!

Before the little god ape leader reacts, Prince Rui releases the bow string and the light arrow attacks the little god ape leader quickly