
The sheep whale attacking Wang Zirui.

A terrible hole was blown out of his chest!

This scene stunned all the races around!

Sheep whale is on the combat power list of abyss college!

And that human, one move hurt him like this!

The most important thing is that man is still a newborn!

When the pain hit, the sheep whale couldn't believe it and looked down at his chest. It was hard for him to imagine and understand. How could his strong body, his hard body like steel, be blown out of a big hole by a human!

He's very resilient!

At this time, the sheep whale retreats step by step!

He quickly swallowed all kinds of drugs, and the terrible hole in his chest is recovering with the naked eye!

However, his chest had just recovered, and Wang Zirui stretched out his hand to draw a black hole in the air!

He put his hand into the black hole and took out a huge and beating scarlet heart!

Before the onlookers came back, the sheep whale fell to his knees!

He covered his chest with pain and vomited blood!

The heart in Wang Zirui's hand is his!

Witnessing this scene, all the races around immediately backed away in panic!

That humble human, he has unpredictable means!

At such a moment, no one dared to provoke him!

"Give me back my heart..." the sheep whale kneeling on the ground painfully stretched out his hand to Prince Rui.

"Do you want it?" Prince Rui stepped forward and put the bloody heart in the hand of the sheep whale.

Sheep whale got his heart, but he couldn't put it back into his chest!

He could only watch his heart slowly stop beating in the palm of his hand.

At such a moment, his pupils constricted, and his fear was to the extreme!

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

"Please, help me..."

How arrogant the sheep whale was just now.

Now he collapsed to the ground, howling like a dead dog.

Wang Zirui turned around and led Olivia and them out of the crowd.

Sheep and whales are wailing in pain, but Wang Zirui turns a deaf ear!

He knows nothing about the abyss college.

But no matter where he is, if someone dares to fight him, he will fight back without hesitation!

The emergence of a strong human in abyss college was like a gust of wind!

After such a thing passed, the instructor menako of the snake people appeared again.

She didn't comment on what Wang Zirui had just done.

She handed Wang Zirui a scroll and said, "this is the textbook given to you by the tutor in the college."

With that, meinazi turned and left without saying a word or explaining which teacher gave the textbook.

The so-called textbook has only one piece of paper.

When Wang Zirui unfolded the scroll, he saw such a sentence, "what kind of person you want to be, the abyss college is what kind of college."

After seeing such a sentence, the scroll burned and disappeared without waiting for Prince Rui to react.

Back to God, Prince Rui realized the meaning of that sentence.

Olivia didn't quite understand. "What does this mean?"

Wang Zirui smiled. He looked at the low and lost fox Meier, "Fox Meier, how long have you been in the abyss college?"

Fox mei'er was very disappointed because of what happened just now. "I've been here for a while."

"How much do you know about the combat power list in the college?"

"I don't know much. I heard that the combat power list was launched some time ago."

Hearing this sentence, Prince Ruichao answered Olivia's question, "if I'm not wrong, the so-called combat power list is estimated to be something made by a student!"

"Hmm?" Olivia still didn't understand. "If so, why didn't the college stop it? What did the student mean?"

"It's the meaning of that sentence just now. Take your time to understand it!" Prince Rui looked into the street. "If you're right, there will be rumors about me and the combat strength list soon."

As Wang Zirui guessed.

Next, no matter where they go, they can hear words such as human and combat power list.

Many races are discussing that Prince Rui can be in the top ten of the combat power list.

There are even many races trying to challenge Prince Rui.

When Wang Zirui was going to return to the villa, a guy with a sharp mouth and a monkey's cheek stopped Prince Rui, "this Terran warrior, my childe invited to be a permanent guest in the fighting field. Are you interested? As long as you are willing, you can gain 100000 yuan for each fight. 100000 yuan can do a lot of things in the abyss college!"

The sharp nosed servant took out a box and handed it to Wang Zirui. "This is the sincerity provided by my childe. Please think about it!"

With that, the servant left the box and left.

Wang Zirui opens the box and sees a box full of red banknotes!

The lost fox mei'er immediately became excited, "a lot of money, get rich!"

He looked at Wang Zirui pitifully with tears in his eyes. "Can you give me some money..."

"What do you want money for?" Wang Zirui asked curiously. Before fox mei'er answered, he continued, "all the races that can enter this place have extraordinary strength. Even if they don't eat, drink and sleep, they can survive. Money is just dirt for us!"

"Yes, but money can change life, buy weapons, and..."

"If you need weapons, why not make them yourself? Will there be a weapons store waiting for you on the cruel battlefield?"

Before fox mei'er could react, Prince Rui threw the box in his hand into the air. At that time, there was a rain of money in the street!

Fox mei'er and other races ran frantically to compete for money from the sky!

"If there is no mistake, the money in the abyss college is also made by a student."

"No?" Olivia and Audrey looked at each other and couldn't understand it.

Wang Zirui picked up a piece of paper money falling from the sky. He used the complex arcane Rune to copy the creation!

Time, endless paper money is made!

On this day, money rained in the abyss college!

Almost every race has collected tens of thousands of notes!

Every race has gained huge wealth. They don't hesitate to spend it!

At this time, in a skyscraper, a portly figure stood in front of the French window and looked at the rain of paper money. He was furious and might go wild at any time!

The sudden appearance of so many banknotes will definitely cause inflation in the abyss college!

If inflation is not well controlled, it will lead to economic collapse!

The portly figure laughed angrily, "who on earth wants to disintegrate my financial empire? Finally, there is a race who understands the significance of the abyss college. I really hope you are a competent opponent and don't let me be so boring!"