Desert area, paradise city.

After being left in paradise city by Wang Zirui.

Lena joined the management team of paradise city.

Her position is not big or small, responsible for dealing with some cultural construction in paradise city.

Lena has an unspeakable liking for such a job.

To be exact, she doesn't like this job, but the environment of living in paradise city.

On this day, Lena, who is working, received a contact from Wu Zuo's wife.

Wuzuo's wife was very flustered. Her voice was full of panic. Liana even heard all kinds of explosions!

"Lina, please help us, Lina..."

"Sister in law, what happened?"

"Wuzuo took us out of fantasy Town, but we are being chased by the fleet of fantasy town..."

"Where are you now?"

"I, we're almost at the border of Nolan pace..."

Time was pressing, and Lena couldn't care to ask why.

She contacted Timothy in the defense department for the first time.

She quickly explained it to Timothy, who was very concerned about it!

Soon, in Paradise City, dozens of warships took off!

Lena also entered the warship and followed Timothy to rescue.

Shortly after the warship flew, the radar searched the aircraft controlled by Wuzuo!

At this time, the aircraft controlled by Wuzuo is flying dangerously, and the body emits strong black smoke, which may crash at any time!

Behind the aircraft, a dozen fighters are following and shooting, trying to shoot down the aircraft controlled by Wu Zuo!

When Timothy commanded the warship to protect the aircraft of the Wuzuo family, the fighters from fantasy town immediately recognized the advice and retreated one after another.

Timothy did not order the pursuit. After all, she was not very clear about Wang Zirui's diplomatic strategy for fantasy township.

She doesn't want to conflict with fantasy Town, which will escalate the situation.

Wuzuo piloted the aircraft and landed on a desert.

He took his wife and daughter out of the aircraft, and dozens of warships landed around.

On the warship, the guards from all races came down. Seeing those fully armed guards, Wu Zuo's wife was like a great enemy!

She knows very well how humble human status is in this world.

Wuzuo also has some bottomless in his heart.

After all, when he met Prince Rui in the swamp temple, his attitude didn't make Prince Rui very happy.

Just when they were nervous, liana quickly appeared, "brother Wuzuo, sister-in-law, and Ning'er, it's all right. Don't be afraid!"

Seeing Lina, Wu Zuo's wife couldn't help crying, "Lina, thank you for saving us, thank you..."

"I didn't save you, the city of heaven saved you."

"Thank you, thank you..."

Wu Zuo's wife thanked the heavily armed soldiers around.

"Let's return to paradise city first!" Liana invited the Wuzuo family into the warship. On the way back to the warship, she learned why the Wuzuo family left fantasy town.

Lena was very angry when she learned such a thing.

At the same time, she is happy for the correct choice made by Wu Zuo.

"That..." although Wu Zuo survived the disaster, he was not happy. "Will Wang Zirui accept us?"

"Why didn't he accept you?" Lena asked with a smile. "Once, he saved us in the swamp temple. At that time, you should know what kind of person he was!"

"Don't worry, Paradise City, to be exact, is the whole nolanpace region. We welcome any race who agrees with us and is willing to follow the equality of all things to join us. In the future, please live happily in paradise city without any psychological burden!"

Although Lianna said so, the Wuzuo family were still worried.

It was not until they lived in paradise city for a week that their vigilance and worry disappeared.

It's a wonderful feeling to live equally and freely with other races.

"The elders of fantasy village say that Liana betrayed fantasy village. They say that human beings are enemies. Now I know that we live in deception!"

Wu Zuo's wife made such a sigh.

For the situation of fantasy village, Wu Zuo also sees it more and more clearly.

"Those elders said that just to maintain their own rule."

"I really hope that other humans in the fantasy village can live such a life."

"Don't worry, that day will come true soon. The human said that one day he will go to fantasy village to replace the rule of the elders!"

Wuzuo once heard Wang Zirui's words in the demon ape empty island. Now he tells his wife that sentence.

For the successful escape of the Wuzuo family, the elders of fantasy Township were furious!

The residents of fantasy village are all talking about it.

Many residents want to follow the example of the Wuzuo family.

However, fantasy township has been completely blocked!

It becomes extremely difficult to go out!

The escape of the Wuzuo family makes many families envy!

After all, no one wants his daughter to be favored by the elders, become a plaything for the elders, or be selected and sent to the nobles outside for fun!

At the same time, we are also worried about the life of the Wuzuo family in the outside world.

All humans in the whole fantasy village know.

Man is the most humble species in the world.

To the outside world, no matter what race will look down on mankind!

Although fantasy town is not heaven, the world outside fantasy town is definitely hell!

However, the video about the Wuzuo family's life in paradise city has been introduced into fantasy town from some way!

Seeing the Wuzuo family living in Paradise City, everyone envied them!

Such a video immediately exploded in the fantasy village!

After the elders of fantasy village found the video, they immediately realized that it must be a psychological attack from Prince Rui!

They disconnected the network for the first time and blocked fantasy Township in a more strict way!

However, videos about the Wuzuo family, about Liana's life and work, about the customs of Paradise City, and about the order of equality and freedom of all things have been continuously introduced into fantasy town!

Those who have seen those videos are not calm!

They always think that fantasy town is a paradise for mankind!

But unexpectedly, there is a city called heaven in the world!

In fantasy village, although human beings are the masters, not everyone enjoys freedom and rights!

But it is different in paradise city. Everything in paradise city is equal and free. They have the right to elect rulers!

Under the impact of those videos, many humans stand up in fantasy town. They want to leave fantasy town and live in paradise city!

In the face of such a situation, the elders set an example to others. They didn't allow anyone to leave fantasy town. They explained that the videos were deceptive and it was a trap!

However, no matter what they say, it's useless!

Because their rule has long been unpopular!

The human beings in the fantasy village have a long backlog of discontent and resentment in their hearts!

At this time, they intend to burst out all their unhappiness and anger!