The parrot man caught by Louke is naturally the one sent by Andrew to release rumors.

Rotten bumpy's fierce appearance frightened the parrot man. After being loosened by rotten bumpy, he ran away for the first time.

Such a thing is being staged in all parts of paradise city. Nearly one million residents of paradise city do not believe such rumors!

Hearing that someone slandered the city Lord Wang Zirui, they twisted up the person who spread the rumor and sent it to the law enforcement department for the first time!

After interrogation, those who spread rumors can only tell the truth. Someone paid them to spread rumors in paradise city!

As for who hired them, they don't know, but the eyes of the residents of paradise city are bright. They can easily guess that this is definitely the plot of desert Lord Andrew!

The desert Lord's rumor plan took only half a day and failed.

Two plans in a row failed.

At such a moment, desert Lord Andrew felt extremely angry and powerless.

There were originally eight cities under his banner. Alto was in charge of the garbage dump. With Alto's death, the garbage dump was occupied by that human.

The inhabitants of Aaron were first hollowed out by the human race. Now Aaron has become an empty city.

Timothy has betrayed him and has announced that he has joined paradise city!

Thorn City, Lihuo City, Longji city and Lucheng have become empty cities because of the failure of his plan!

Today, only oasis city exists intact. Even if he defeated that human being, Andrew still lost!

That human, that damn human!

Andrew went crazy at the thought of what the man had done!

He hates the human being, but he can't hurt the human being!

"Deer, what do you think of that human being?" in the Lord's palace, Andrew was talking with a giant elephant like moose. Looking at the city leaders of various cities, only the city leader deer of Lucheng was Andrew and a close friend.

The huge moose turned into a human. Even so, he still had two wide antlers on his head.

"That human is definitely not an ordinary person!" facing Andrew's inquiry, Lu patiently analyzed Prince Rui's situation, "He is very smart and cunning. He knows how to buy people's hearts. At the same time, he is extremely cruel and cruel. Such a person is the most difficult to solve. If he is only a person, there is nothing to be afraid of, but he owns a city and has developed warships. In any case, we can't go to war with him in an all-round way!"

Andrew knows very well that once there is a full-scale war with Paradise City, there will never be a winner. In the end, both sides will be hurt!

Even if he can win the human race, he will lose his strength in the end. Once he encounters a foreign enemy, he will only have a dead end!

So, anyway, Andrew doesn't want to go to war with paradise city!

But what if there is no war?

Andrew couldn't watch paradise grow.

The deer suggested at this time, "let's ask the great Lord for support!"

Andrew can dominate this desert, not only because of his hard work, but also because he was appointed by the great Lord, so he can become the desert Lord!

The so-called great Lord is the Lord in charge of a larger area!

There are many lords like Andrew under the great Lord.

For such a suggestion, Andrew was worried, "if I ask the great Lord for help, I will be attacked by other lords, I may be dismissed, and the desert may be swallowed!"

The deer nodded. It was possible, "but if we don't solve the human as soon as possible, the great Lord will find the problem sooner or later!"

"It's all the trouble caused by that damn human!" Andrew gnashed his teeth. "We can't go to war with that human, and we can't rely on the power of the great Lord. I think we can only rely on the power of a third party!"

"Third party power?" some deer didn't react.

"I know some powerful mercenaries. I decided to hire them to solve the human problem!"

Nearly a million cheap species from four cities are still struggling in the desert.

Paradise City, located in the garbage dump, has always maintained warmth and harmony.

Timothy is not a fool. She guessed that the situation in the desert must have something to do with Wang Zirui, but she didn't say anything.

It's cruel to bury millions of lives. Millions of cheap species can be accepted into heaven city. Heaven city will definitely become hell city!

Timothy admired Wang Zirui's decisive means. She showed her true face and turned into a mature woman in front of Wang Zirui. "What's your plan next?"

The mature Timothy is very revealing and has a good figure.

Wang Zirui looked at the deep gully in her chest and was ready to move.

"I said to you, don't wear so revealing. You're an attractive crime."

"Why, do you want to commit a crime against me?"

There was no one around. Timothy sat on Wang Zirui's lap.

Wang Zirui has many women. How could he commit a crime against Timothy.

He knew very well that Timothy was a woman. Although Timothy wore revealing clothes, it was absolutely difficult to take advantage of her.

Smelling the fragrance from Timothy, Wang Zirui didn't do anything beyond his duty.

"You just asked me what to do next?" Prince Rui replied with a smile. "I'll do what desert Lord Andrew does."

"Well?" Timothy was not satisfied with the answer. "Do you know what Andrew will do?"

Wang Zirui shook his head. He didn't know what Andrew would do next.

"I know he certainly doesn't dare to go to war with me in an all-round way. Even if he can win, it's only a tragic victory. What's more, he may not win. Of course, if he doesn't go to war, it doesn't mean he recognizes my existence. I think he will do some other small moves. As for what he will do, I can't guess."

Timothy nodded. She also felt that Andrew would not go to war with Wang Zirui.

After all, Andrew hasn't untied the vine of oath she imposed on Andrew.

"Although you don't know what Andrew is going to do, you can't be beaten passively. Have you ever thought it would be better to start first?"

"Of course." Prince Rui didn't hide Timothy. "I just said that once a war starts, both sides will be hurt. What's more, the residents of paradise city don't like war, so I think we should try to avoid war!"

"Hmm?" Timothy didn't know whether Wang Zirui was telling the truth or lying.

"Timothy, would you like to go to oasis city?"

Wang Zirui smiled and looked at Timothy, which made Timothy feel very bad. "What am I going to oasis city for?"

"Give Andrew a message for me. I'm willing to live in peace with Andrew. Paradise city can become a city under his banner!"

"What?" Timothy was very surprised. "Are you surrendering?"

"No, I once told you that the way to destroy the enemy is not only to kill the enemy and turn the enemy into a friend, but also a way to destroy the enemy!"

"I don't quite understand. You and Andrew are clearly close. Why do you..."

"Timothy, you're wrong. If I try my best, Andrew is not my opponent."

"Then why are you..."

"You'll understand later. Anyway, give Andrew a message for me!"