For Lord Andrew's orders, the city masters were unwilling to carry out them.

After all, a city without cheap species has completely become an empty shell that can't run!

However, with Andrew's explanation, all the city masters were in front of their eyes and released the bitches to leave. It was a wonderful plan!

Thorn city.

Tiger head boy and his party have been mixed into the city for some time.

With the encouragement of the tiger head youth, there are despicable racial riots in thorns city every day.

With the increase of guards in thorns City, the underground work of Hutou youth and his party has become more and more difficult.

Hutou youth and his party were extremely anxious about this. Wang Zirui gave them an order to make the whole city cheap and rebellious. Now, such an order is more and more difficult to complete!

What should I do now?

The tiger head boy was distressed for several days.

On this day, the snake tail boy who inquired about the news came back.

He came back with good news, "little tiger, there are fewer guards in the street, and the guards at the gate have also evacuated!"

"Really?" hearing the news, the tiger head boy was ecstatic. "Quickly organize people and horses, and we will take all the humble races to heaven city like Aaron city!"

Different from the ecstatic tiger head boy, the cat ear girl is worried about it.

"Why did the guards evacuate?" the cat eared girl felt very confused.

"I don't know. Maybe the owner of thorn city plans to send troops to paradise city. In short, this is an extremely rare opportunity!"

The snake tail boy thinks this is a good opportunity, and the tiger head boy thinks so.

But the cat eared girl felt very wrong, "I think it's a trap!"

"Trap?" the tiger head boy thought it impossible. "Do they want to wait for us to come out and arrest us? Thousands of lowly races will flee outside the city later. I'll see how they catch them!"

The cat eared girl doesn't know how to explain, but she always feels something wrong!

"This is definitely a great opportunity!" the tiger head boy was very excited. "Snake tail, organize people with me and prepare to evacuate!"

"OK!" they went out to find members of all despicable races.

The cat ear girl walked around worried. She wanted to contact Prince Rui.

But she couldn't contact Prince Rui. The communication device would be tapped, so she didn't wear that thing.

When she went outside, she saw that there were no guards in the street, and there were many more despicable races.

The fox sisters also appeared. When they saw the worried cat ear girl, they nodded and said that they also felt that something was wrong now!

But they couldn't tell what was wrong.

"I heard that other cities have also lifted the martial law!" said the big fox among the fox sisters.

"It's definitely not a coincidence!" the cat eared girl couldn't help but panic when she learned about it. "It's definitely a conspiracy!"

After careful consideration, the cat eared girl turned pale with fear, "this is not a conspiracy, but a conspiracy!"

"Yang Mou?" the fox sisters looked at each other, wondering what the cat ear girl meant.

The cat ear girl has remembered the key of Chu. She quickly explained to the fox sisters, "the city master has sent a rebellion team to each city. If it goes well, the humble species of each city will go to heaven like the humble species of Aaron!"

"At the beginning, the City owners of each city worried that the humble species in the city would leave, so they imposed martial law!"

"Now, they have removed the guards of martial law. Obviously, they want to do what they want!"

"What's the plan?" the fox sisters still couldn't understand the situation.

The cat's ear girl's forehead exudes fine beads of sweat. The more she thinks, the more terrible she feels. "Later, we will certainly organize the humble species of thorn city to go to paradise city, but if the guards of thorn city are disguised and mixed in the humble population, once they enter Paradise City, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

Realizing such a thing, the fox sisters were also scared to white!

"The city Lord should be able to think of this. He should stop the humble species from entering the city?"

"Yes, the city Lord should see through the means of each city Lord, but..." the cat ear girl continued, "If the city master refuses to allow the lowly species to enter the city, it will certainly arouse the anger of the lowly species. People who mix up in the crowd will certainly mess around. Once there is a conflict, the paradise city will become a city that has no promise. At that time, the trust of the lowly species in the paradise city will collapse!"

"Therefore, the city leaders of all cities are making plans. They are carrying out a conspiracy, not a conspiracy!"

The cat ear girl found the tiger head boy and quickly said her guess.

Knowing this, the tiger head boy looked very dignified.

He didn't want to take the lowly species to heaven city now, but those lowly species didn't listen to the command. When they saw that the guards didn't stop them, they left thorns city one after another and went to heaven city!

"It's terrible!" the tiger head youth and his party turned pale. "We described paradise city very well before. Now, they scramble to go to paradise city. No matter what they say, what should they do now? Once they pour into paradise city, what should they do?"

From a high altitude, there are seven cities around the dump, except Aaron City, Timothy city and oasis city.

There are hundreds of thousands of humble species in the four cities of thorn City, fire City, Dragon Ridge City and Lucheng!

Hundreds of thousands of lowly species are like a terrible army, marching towards the garbage dump!

Andrew, the desert Lord, led the city masters of various cities to the sky. He wanted to see how the human beings in paradise city would resolve such a disaster!

After learning such a situation, Wang Zirui naturally saw clearly the plans of the City owners.

Wang Zirui stood calmly in front of a map. Beside him, the world tree seedlings, Junnuo and the seal family were waiting for orders.

"There is a desert between each city and the dump. The city closest to the dump takes two days to reach the edge of the dump if you walk. Therefore, seal family, you have two days to set up a confused array in each desert. Junnuo, you have to drain the water resources in the desert, small trees, and you must absorb all the energy in the desert!"

Hearing Prince Rui's order, Su immediately panicked, "are you going to kill those humble species?"

"Yes, I'll kill them!" Prince Rui's voice was full of indifference. "I founded paradise city. I preached equality and freedom. I didn't mean to save the humble species in the world. I just used them to make mankind obtain equal status. If the humble species in Paradise City threatened us, I would kill them mercilessly!"

I wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, she nodded.

Now is not a time for indecision. Once the millions of humble species are accepted, the city guards mixed in them will certainly destroy the city of paradise!

The paradise city that we have worked hard for so long must not be destroyed!