Return of the dead!

Shocked heads of state and powerful people!

No one knows what's going on.

On Science Island, those people formed by dark clouds look at each other.

They all smiled bitterly, "we are all seen through by that boy!"

"He is a loophole. He should have such strength!"

"Our years of hard work and our plans have been destroyed!"

"The plan will never catch up with the change. He forced us with his own life, and we had to appear!"

After some greetings, the shadow of dark clouds stood in all directions of Science Island.

They look like they're having some kind of ceremony!

The complex graphics lit up on Science Island are emitting extremely dazzling light!

With the ceremony, all kinds of terrible scenes took place in the whole world!

The sea water turned into a tsunami, sweeping many coastal cities, the earth was collapsing and volcanoes were erupting!

In the sky, dark clouds are pressing on the city, and the whole world is haunted by the smell of doomsday!

In such a case, a shadow gradually appeared in the center of Science Island!

The figure became clear from obscurity. All powerful people looked at it with great horror. Isn't that the person who died just now Prince Rui?

Each master spent so much power to revive Prince Rui!

Endless golden light spots flew from all directions and disappeared into Prince Rui's body!

Wang Zirui opened his eyes at this time. He is not a newborn. He has all his original memories!

He was deliberately killed just now in order to lure those people in front of him!

He had long guessed that someone was hiding in the dark. The explosion of Science Island was definitely not that simple. He knew the importance of being a loophole, so he forced him to die!

So those people appeared and raised him!

Looking at those people transformed by dark clouds, Prince Rui looked very calm.

He said, "I'm not your chess piece."

"Child, you've never been a chess piece."

"In any world, the birth of life is random."

"You can't choose your birth, but you can choose your life."

The words spoken by those people satisfied Wang Zirui, "what about the darkness and emptiness?"

"Child, there is no darkness and emptiness in this world."

"Everything you experience is actually simulated in a supercomputer."

Such a thing gave Wang Zirui a heavy blow. Is everything false?

"If it is false, then why do I exist?"

"The data in the computer is not fake. You were a string of data. We imported that string of data into a young man named Prince Rui!"

"What about Junnuo, the seedlings of the world tree and the little dragon that killed the world?"

"They come from your body. You created them."

"From now on, the dark void is also in your body."

"What about the Earth Island?"

"Here it is."

A black figure holds up a blue man-made planet.

The Blue Earth Island rotates slowly and floats towards Prince Rui.

Wang Zirui took over and checked, and sent the Earth Island into his body.

He felt that there was indeed a dark void in his body!

The old people in front of him gave Wang Zirui everything he wanted.

Junnuo ran over quickly at this time. Her body flickered. She was not a real life, she was just a string of data!

The old people turned from dark clouds looked up at the sky, "boy, we don't have much time."

"You want to leave this desktop world. Do you know what the outside world looks like?"

"Yes!" the old people looked very gloomy. "There is a cruel world outside. Human beings are caged and slaughtered like poultry, so we must resist!"

"Young man, we can only rely on you. You are an existence created by us with the strength of the whole world. You should chisel through the world like a drill!"

"I will do my best!"

Now Prince Rui has no reason to refuse them.

What's more, he doesn't want to stay in a box world!

"Just, after chiseling through the world, what should we do?"

Facing Wang Zirui's inquiry, the old people who turned dark clouds into looked at each other.

They know very well that once they go to war with the outside world, it will definitely be a terrible war!

"At that time, everyone has his destiny!"

The old people who were transformed by dark clouds left in the air.

They will go to their respective countries and organizations.

Remind everyone that the whole world will begin to become turbulent!

Wang Zirui is still on the Science Island. His divine consciousness enters his body and sees the dark void.

Now he is the God in the dark and void!

However, the life in the dark void is equivalent to a string of data!

However, data does not represent virtual!

The appearance of Wang Zirui has attracted the attention of the void predator!

The void predator turned into a burly body. He has an incomparably strong momentum!

His appearance is enough to collapse the void, and the whole dark void becomes distorted!

He is the most powerful existence in the dark void!

However, even though he is the most powerful existence, he can't understand why Prince Rui disappeared out of thin air a while ago, "where have you gone?"

Wang Zirui saw the whole dark void in chaos, which was the result of the release of super weapons in the sealed mainland.

"The super weapon that sealed the release of the mainland didn't destroy you!"

"I am the God of darkness and emptiness, and I am an immortal existence!"

"Really, are you really immortal?"

Wang Zirui walks in the dark void. Wherever he walks, the broken continent is being rebuilt and the dead life is being resurrected!

Such a scene shocked the void predator. He couldn't understand where Wang Zirui got such power.

He stopped Prince Rui, but he didn't know how to speak.

Wang Zirui saw through the meaning of the void predator.

He smiled and asked, "you don't have much longevity, do you?"

"Have you become a God?"

"In a way, I did become a God in the dark void, but I am not a God, but I can do the same thing as God here!"

At this time, the void predator lowered his arrogant head, "please, renew my life!"

"Yes!" Prince Rui didn't refuse the void predator, "but what conditions are you going to pay?"

"What do you want me to pay?" asked the void predator. He asked the prince Rui to make a condition.

"Eternal surrender, in exchange for endless life, are you willing?"

The void predator cannot accept the eternal surrender at the feet of Wang Zirui.

However, he can't refuse eternal life!

At this time, he knelt in front of Wang Zirui on one knee.

Wang Zirui stroked the head of the void predator as if he had tamed a hound.

By changing the data, Prince Rui easily modified the body of the void predator.

Wang Zirui is not omnipotent in the dark and void, but he can still modify his life.

After the modification, he patted the shoulder of the void predator, "now, follow me to fight!"