Yu Lili stretched out his hand, and with his mind, stretched out his hand and placed the jade bracelet on top of those jade stones.

Soon, the jadeites seemed to have encountered some powerful magnets. They were all absorbed, left the table, and finally disappeared into the bracelet.

The original gray luster of the bracelet has faded, and the entire jade bracelet has a more transparent and beautiful color.

It's a really good tool.

It can be used as a magic weapon as well as jewelry.

Yu Lili is very satisfied with all this.

A thick fog appeared in front of him again, and when the thick fog cleared, Yu Lili saw the scene inside.

In the bracelet space where there was nothing before, there is now a black and somewhat barren land.

Beside the land, are her jadeites.

What is this piece of land that popped up out of thin air for?

Yu Lili muttered, but found that a small green sprout appeared in the center of the land.

It looks like the sprout should be a potato seedling, but it hasn't grown yet.

This should be related to her cultivation level. When her cultivation level goes up, the tender seedlings will grow up. As for what the function is, she still doesn't know.

Yu Lili returned to real life, thinking about the female ghost tonight, she went downstairs.

"Battle Nancy?"

"I'm here, I'm here!" Zhan Nancy immediately rushed out of Zhan Beiting's room and rushed towards Yu Lili.

"What's the little fairy's next instructions?"

"Follow me, go hunt ghosts." Yu Lili chuckled.

"Then shouldn't you wear some magic weapons? Why don't you have anything?" Zhan Nancy looked up and down, "Will we be too shivering like this?"

"No, just listen to me."

"Okay, then let's go."

"Wait, I do need a prop."


Yu Lili blushed, "I kind of need your piss..."

"You... it's too hard to be strong, isn't it?" Zhan Nanxi's face was disheveled.

"Then it's okay if you don't give it. In case that female ghost kills us both, we can only meet in the underworld." Yu Lili shrugged innocently.

"That's okay..." Zhan Nancy said with a desperate attitude, "Isn't it just a boy's urine? In order to survive, I endured it!

wait for me! "

"Remember to use a small jar!" Yu Lili shouted to his back.

"Okay, wait for me!"

Five minutes later, Zhan Nancy pinched her nose and came out holding a jar.

"It's all in there."

"You made so much? Are you sure it's all boy urine?"

"Of course, I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to urinate, so I drank ten glasses of water!"

Before Zhan Nancy, he was the character of a cold and rich boy, but after encountering this incident, he could only turn into a funny husky.

"Demon Museum"

"Okay, then let's go!"

The two walked out. On the way, they stopped a taxi and walked towards the designated spot.

At this moment, it has entered the night.

The dark night sky was dotted with a few stars, and not far away, there was a bright moon.

Everything was so beautiful, if it wasn't for the man beside him holding on to Yu Lili's sleeve.

"By the way, how sure are you tonight?"

"I won't tell you."

"You tell me, I'm so flustered if you don't tell me." Zhan Nanxi grabbed Yu Lili's sleeve with one hand and hugged the jar tightly with the other.

"I have..." Yu Lili was about to speak when he suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing.

Something white flashed across the glass—

Yu Lili's expression changed, she pushed open the car door, and said in a stern voice, "Get out of the car!"