Chapter 135

Name:My Dear Mr Mo Author:鸿雁高飞
All my life, I thought I might die alone.

But now, it's not the same.

I have children, and Lu Shaofan is willing to accompany me.

These are all things I never thought about, but they are also real things.

Xu didn't expect me to say such words. Lu Shaofan was silent for a long time, and finally he said with a faint smile: "you don't have to force yourself, but now for me, you and your children are all my life. If one day you will fall in love with others, even if that person is not me, as long as he is good to you, I will never force you to be by my side."

I didn't expect that Lu Shaofan would say such a thing.

But after all, I still didn't say anything more to him because I didn't know what I should say.

In the latter half of the night, because of Lu Shaofan, I had a sound sleep.

When I woke up, it was already light, and Lu Shaofan's floor was also put away.

I came out of the room and saw Lu Shaofan sitting on the dining table looking at a magazine about parenting.

I was surprised to walk over, can not help but say: "when did you buy this magazine?"

Seeing me ask, Lu Shaofan put down the magazine, and then said with a faint smile: "it was just ordered yesterday. It was delivered this morning. I'll have breakfast for a while, so I'll sit and watch it for a while."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pulled me to sit down. Then he turned over a few pages of the magazine and handed it to me.

"You see, this place says that when babies are just born, as long as they lean on their mothers' arms, they will be very quiet. Because when they are in their stomachs, they have been used to the heartbeat of their mothers, so as long as they can hear the heartbeat of their mothers, they will be quiet."

Looking at the above content, my heart suddenly becomes particularly soft.

The magazine also printed a picture of a little baby in her mother's arms. The picture looked very warm and happy.

Lu Shaofan raised his eyes and looked at me with a gentle face: "when our child is born, there is such a little guy who will be in your arms and listen to your heartbeat."

Hearing this, I gently raised the corner of my lips, and my hands could not help touching my stomach. My heart had infinite longing and yearning for this child.


A stormy day, but such weather can not stop Mo Yunqian's steps.

This time, he successfully acquired a very profitable network company, and expanded the cloud top's territory.

In the office, Mo Yunqian stood up and went to the window.

The heavy rain beat on the window, making the sound of ticking, and at this moment, Mo Yunqian's mood has been in the freezing point, it should be said that since the woman left, his heart seems to be dead in general.

He used the most extreme and agile means to acquire this network company, and now Mo Yunqian is becoming more and more impersonal.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Mo Yunqian turned his head and saw that the door had been opened.

With an elegant smile on her gentle face, she came in.

"I heard that you have acquired another profitable network company. Congratulations."

She came to Mo Yunqian with a bottle of red wine in her hand and two goblets by the way.

Soon, Wenya poured the red wine and handed it to Mo Yunqian with a glass.

Mo Yunqian took the glass and took a gentle look.

"It's just a small company. If there's anything to celebrate, I specially brought red wine here."

Hearing Mo Yunqian say so, Wenya looks at him with a smile and says: "although the company is small, it has a bright future. Yunqian, I always believe in your vision."

When talking, Wenya raised the cup and touched Mo Yunqian's cup.

Two goblets collided and made a crisp sound.

At the moment, Wenya returns and sips the red wine with a smile.

"Yunqian, we have known each other for more than three years. I have been married for three months I want to put my dad's company down for a while. "

Suddenly heard Wenya say so, Mo Yunqian looked at her with some incomprehension.

"Why do you want to let go of the company all of a sudden? Gentle, it's not like you. "

Hearing this, Wenya put the wine cup in her hand on the windowsill, and then went to Mo Yunqian and put her arms around him.

When she hugged her like this, Mo Yunqian's body suddenly became stiff. He subconsciously pulled away his gentle hand. He didn't want to be gentle, but his eyes were red and his face was buried on his back.

"Yunqian, don't refuse me, today It's the day of his death. "

At present, Mo Yunqian's actions are another meal.

He naturally listened to understand, gentle said that he, is naturally gentle has been deeply in love with the man.

"Yunqian, I think that you may be the compensation arranged by fate for me. Without you, my heart could not live again."Hearing this, Mo Yunqian's eyebrows wrinkled subconsciously. Suddenly, he felt that something was wrong with his body

All of a sudden, Mo Yunqian reached out his hand alertly and pushed Wen Ya to open.

"What did you put in the wine?"

When he spoke, Mo Yunqian felt that his head had already begun to feel dizzy, and there was a heat flow in his body that kept running.

Gentle red eyes at Mo Yunqian.

"Yunqian, I beg you, give me a child. At the beginning, he and I had no children. I was afraid that when our relationship broke down, I still did not have a child."

Hearing this, Mo Yunqian's hand strongly supported the windowsill, and he was shocked to see Wenya.

"You are crazy, even if you have selfish heart again, but I never thought you would stick to this point! Gentle, you have never loved me, and I do not love you. Why do you have to practice yourself like this

Mo Yunqian's words beat hard on the gentle heart.

indeed, as like as two peas, she does not like Moyun Qian, but her eyes are just like her eyes.

"Yunqian, you just think that I am practicing myself. I just want to have a child. For this child, I have given ovulation injection, and I have done all the preparations..."

Mo Yunqian couldn't believe it.

"I think you're crazy!"

Moreover, now in Mo Yunqian's office, Wenya can't wait.

However, the medicine in the red wine is already working.

Mo Yunqian suddenly turned around and forced to open the office window. At this time, the storm outside completely hit Mo Yunqian, and he was drenched from head to foot.

In an instant, his head would wake up. Just looking at such Mo Yunqian, he stepped back a few steps in an incredible way. However, he saw Mo Yunqian come to Wen Ya's face all wet and stare at Wen Ya severely.

"Next time, I'll divorce you immediately."