Chapter 231 Transfer Students

Name:My Daoist Life Author:
"Classmates, we have a new classmate in our family. Liu Wei, you come to introduce yourself to everyone. ”Wang Teacher told the girl.

"is her!"Li Hao was surprised that Earth almost shouted and quickly covered his mouth with his hand.

"What does she do?"Wei Mo marks apparently also recognized this girl.

I was surprised in my heart: Did she come because of Cang Yang's death? Cangyang's clan suddenly discovered Cangyang's death?

"My name is Liu Wei. Starting from today, I am a classmate with everyone. Please take care of everyone."After Liu Wei finished, she smiled at the class and finally her eyes looked at me. Li Yan saw her eyes staring at me and quickly looked back. If I had nothing to do with Earth, I smiled. Then he restored Water's unwavering look.

"Huang Jingyang, you are so powerful. Liu Wei came from you."Wei Mo marks whispered.

I sat in the last row with Wei Mo marks. Now that we have more empty tables behind us, Liu Wei sat with her bag in the empty seat behind us.

"Huang Jingyang, we met again."Liu Wei whispered Earth behind me.

"Sure enough, you knew you were rushing to Huang Jingyang. Huang Jingyang, you can really see people love flowers. In addition to our family Xiao Manli, the girls in the class who see you are not sentimental? ”Wei Mo marks some gloat.

"It's useless for you to come. I won't be your brother or sister."I whispered Earth back to me.

"I'm not coming here. Many of my Masters haven't seen Heaven yet. Moreover, what kind of person Master was, I also saw it. I didn't learn anything from him. Instead, he gave me something to go. ”Liu Wei did not care about the disappearance of Cang Yangzi at all. Perhaps, she may not even realize that Cangyang Zi has disappeared. After all, Dao Cultivator is uncertain. Who knows where he traveled again during this time? At the same time, I also thought of some of the items in the store. I don't know which one is Liu Wei's. Even if I knew it was hers, I wouldn't be so kind to her. Isn't it clear that you don't fight yourself?

"I thought you had a good master."I laughed and gloated.

"Huang Jingyang, don't be so uninterested? How do you say that everyone is also the same person. You and I are also in the same condition. Why is it so cold and ruthless? ”Liu Wei's classmates had what a pity, but I know that this classmate Liu Wei is not that simple.

"I am not in the same path with you. You are a teacher. I am a ghost. We are different. Not for the sake of the plan. ”I can have a clear relationship with this woman.

"Oh, this may not be for you."Liu Wei was not angry, but instead smiled at me.

After class, Li Lan quickly ran over and Wei Mo marks this time with the help of Earth.

"What does she do?"Li Yan asked with a red and red Earth.

"how could I know?"I saw Li Yan like this, but she was not even angry at her guilt.

"Liu Wei. Hello there. ”Li Wei turned to Liu Wei behind me again.

"Li Tong, a student. you're good too. ”Liu Wei laughed.

"Do you know my name?"Li Hao asked Earth.

“Yan Dawei’s high school classmate Ban Hua, a hardcore fan of Huang Jingyang's classmate.”Liu Wei smiled.

"I am a hardcore fan of Huang Jingyang. Some things are not like the seats in the classroom. You can always add a seat to the back of the classroom no matter how late you are. But some things are not. If you are late, there will be no seats. ”Li Yu's classmate was very esoteric. How can I hear it the more I do not understand it? How are girls like philosophers one by one?

“Classmate Li Lan, there is an old saying well, sometimes there must be a hit, and there is no time to be strong. Something you need is yours. It shouldn't be yours. ”Liu Wei's words are very gentle, but from her tone I seem to hear the insistence of never giving up.

Li Wei looked at Liu Wei, Liu Wei also looked back at Earth. The eyes of these two people seem to have to strike out Fire.

"What are you two big eyes to do?"I am a little restless.

"Huang Jingyang, who are you talking about?Liu Wei laughed.

I mean, whose eyes are small, whose eyes are small? However, Li Lan also turned his head. Waiting for my answer.

"I'm talking about my own eyes are small, OK?"If a good man does not fight with a woman, I retire.

This is bustling. Every time after class, there are always two girls sitting next to me. I was so scared that I could only run outside the classroom after class. After a few days of Heaven, Teacher even knew that I was being chased by two girls. Although the school does not advocate puppy love, it can only guide and no longer strictly prohibit it. Encounter some enlightened Teacher, will also disguise encouragement. The teachers in Yan Dazhongzhong are young and promising, and there are very few old and stubborn feudal conservatives. As a result, I was miserable and completely became a subject of teacher and classmates joking.

"Hey, you two girls are not like ah. Where do you chase boys like you? Don't always chase Huang Jingyang's classmates. Give him some free space..."Wang Teacher said he couldn't help laughing. As a result, the entire class laughed and sprayed. I can't laugh. The student Li Yan was blushed and ran back to his seat. Classmate Liu Wei is like nothing else.

"Huang Jingyang, the two great women in the class chase you. Are you feeling a bit scared?"Liu Wei whispered behind me.

"You let me go and don't entanglement me. I will live longer."I really have a big head.

"Our Dao Cultivation's life is long and it can't be killed. However, your beautiful young girlfriend can hardly say it, even if you will be willing to consume her for her in the future, Qi Qi, so that she will stay on her knees. It only temporarily extended her life. Her beauty is short-lived. You think about it. In the future, you will be separated from her yin and yang. The pain is not easy to bear. Not as fast as a knife, but as a short-term pain. Now completely with her. I can cooperate with you and let her take the initiative to retreat. ”Liu Wei whispered Earth. Her voice is very small, and others definitely cannot hear it. Only Dao Cultivator and five agile feelings can hear clearly. It is also equivalent to the sound transmission.

In the afternoon, when the basketball team was trained in the gym, there were two more girls watching.

The team members of the basketball team were still somewhat affected, and Zhao Teacher was also somewhat dissatisfied.

"Huang Jingyang, you can't do this. Before you took Li Yi, no matter how you do it, you now bring another one. This is still such a beautiful woman who is in a bad state. How do you let other players sink into training? ”Zhao Teacher is very angry about Earth.

"I can't help. Or, starting from Ming Heaven, I don't come to training. Anyway, everyone's Water level has also improved quite quickly. Even if I do not participate in the competition, we may not lose. ”I thought of a way.

"That would certainly not work. Forget it, if you do, come and come. The bastard's anti-interference ability is also a good upgrade. ”Zhao Teacher said quickly.

Afterwards, when others are adapting, I'm really struggling. "Can't you two always do this? Can't we get people to go to school? ”

"We always wanted you to have a good learning atmosphere. You see that both of us can live in peace. We are not in contention. How can we not be happy? You see, this kind of left-right righteousness is a blessing for people. What do you want us to do? ”This kind of story is also said by Liu Wei. Is this right? I'm putting it on Fire or not. Sister was really right to say that life is much harder than Dao Cultivation.

Back home, my sister took the initiative to talk to me about their task force.

"Jing Yang, this time we really have a problem. Most of Oracle has been cracked by us, but there are some pieces of Oracle on the animal's armor. We have never encountered it before. It took a long time and we couldn't solve it. So, you can only seek your help. ”The sister said.

"Or I'll take a week off to help you break this problem."I can't wait to be able to take a vacation so that I can temporarily enjoy peace and tranquility.

"What is the leave? The weekend is over. It would be OK if I did not bring back the material. However, the center had previously lost a batch of historical relics. The management of these historical relics is now stricter than before. ”Sister worried about Earth said.

"I said I took leave to your research center."I laughed.

"Jing Yang. Has it been recently that the girls in your class have done a great job?"Sister smiled and looked at me.

How do you know?I blurted out. I quickly covered my mouth, but I was fooled.

The elder sister smiled. "My brother is so handsome. Is it chased by the girl?"

My sister has been jokeing for a long time when I was young.

"Sister, don't say this, I'm bothered to bother."I told my sister to listen to my school's troubles without reservation.

"Jing Yang, you are growing up now. Some things need to be solved with wisdom. As for what you said, Liu Wei was also a Dao Cultivator. You must be careful with this girl. I see her running to the middle school, certainly with bad intentions. You must be careful. Dao Cultivator is much more dangerous than ordinary people. ”Sister is a little worried about Earth.

Known Or do I go to your side to hide a few Heaven? ”I asked, tentatively, Earth.

"Look at your news. Absent lessons are definitely not acceptable. You are so smart, you always find a good solution. However, I think that Li Yu seems very simple. You do not hurt others. Don't take others' love for you as a burden. In fact, someone loves you. Shouldn't you be proud? ”The seriousness of her sister's appearance is actually a repressed smile. (To be continued ~^~)