Chapter 24 Blockade

Name:My Daoist Life Author:
"Yangyang, how is it?"Grand Grandpa asked about Earth.

"It's useless. I do not know what to do? ”I am a child. I can't afford it when heavy responsibility is on me.

"How do you not know what to do? Did you not save many people yesterday evening? Did you just follow yesterday’s approach? ”Grand Grandpa is anxious about Earth.

The villagers also looked at me.

"I did what I did yesterday, but it didn't work. Yesterday, Heaven was trying my luck. Now it's wrong. I know what to do? ”I was angry, and I was smashing myself, crowding out the crowd and walking out.

Alas! This can be how to do it! ”The Grand Grandpa and the old people in the village fell into depression.

The sirens rang suddenly at the junction of the village. Everyone's attention has been attracted by the siren. As I was on my way home, I looked up and saw a lot of police cars on the road. There were several green military vehicles behind. Above stood soldiers dressed in military uniforms.

"what happened? Are they to catch bad people? ”I was surprised and asked in my heart.

Later I learned that the county thought we had an epidemic situation here. The death of a large number of livestock has now been extended to humans and anyone will immediately think of two words: epidemic situation.

Sure enough, there were several ambulances behind.

The team stopped at the entrance of the village. The soldiers quickly jumped from the car and began to pull cards around the village. People wearing chemical protective clothing began to walk in the village.

Village branch secretary Huang Lisheng also did not think that one of his telephones could attract such a big battle. Paniced Earth to walk to the entrance of the village.

"who are you?"Huang Lisheng was quickly stopped.

"I was the village branch secretary in Bajiao Village. I called the above and reported the situation here. There is no plague here. You don't need to panic. ”Huang Lisheng had some regrets calling this phone.

“Isn’t it not for you to say that it’s not for us to say the least? We are going to conduct tests. Are there any, and once the test results come out, we’ll know.”People wearing chemical protective clothing introduce themselves soon. "I'm Tan Yinglian, the director of the county disease control station. When you go back and inform the people in your village, we suspect that there has been a serious epidemic situation in Bajiao Village. The county decided to block the Bajiao Village for the time being. The blockade must be lifted after the epidemic situation has been eliminated or eliminated. ”

I was far away from Earth and I didn't understand what was going on. It will quickly walk home. I was really worried about these people because of what happened in Heaven yesterday. Will they catch me? I was nervous when I thought of it.

Teacher Lin also stood in the yard and looked outside.

“Teacher Lin, those people said that we have an epidemic situation here, and now People’s Liberation Army encloses our village. Teacher Lin, what is epidemic situation? ”I walked past and pulled the corner of Teacher Lin.

“epidemic situation is the occurrence of an infectious disease in the village. The village had killed so many animals at once and several people died. It is normal for them to have such suspicions. ”Teacher Lin is also worried.

"However, the death of livestock in the village is not because of infectious diseases!"I said.

"They will check it out."Teacher Lin patted my head.

Grandpa hurried back: "Yangyang, now there is someone in the village. Don't run around."

The staff of the epidemic prevention station began to conduct blood tests from home to household. They first had to confirm whether the village actually had an epidemic situation.

When the people at the epidemic prevention station were preparing to start the war work, the two people who were in serious condition in the two families were unable to do so. The doctor's rescue did not play any role in relieving the two critically ill patients.

The three people who died in the village have not yet been buried. Now they have two more dead. A small village suddenly killed five people. Who can believe that death is normal?

I don't know if Village branch secretary has told me the doctors who had saved me in the village. I am a bit worried that I will be arrested for this matter. Seeing those heavily armed policemen and soldiers, I trembled.

Teacher Lin finally realized that something was wrong with me. "Huang Jingyang, what's wrong with you? Where does it hurt? ”

The sudden death of so many people in the village, suddenly saw a person behaving abnormally, there will always be some bad associations.

"I, Teacher Lin, will they catch me?"I am worried about Earth asking.

"Catch you? Why did they catch you? Have you done bad things. ”Teacher Lin saw that I was not physically wrong and she smiled.

"Heaven yesterday night."I am still very worried.

Teacher Lin frowned. "It's okay. You are not a bad thing. Do not be afraid. They came to save people. Not to arrest people. ”

I did not know at the time. After the villagers were all blood-sucked, the results of the tests surprised the doctors in the county. No known virus was detected in the village. Even the few people who had died did not find it.

However, the blockade of the Octagon Village still has no contact. The poultry that were buried by the villagers were also dug out by doctors from the disease control center in the county and conducted various tests. However, they are still nothing.

The tense village was filled with a tense atmosphere. The telephone of the village branch secretary became the only channel through which Octagon Village could communicate with the outside world. The villagers transmitted the village’s situation to the outside world by telephone. Let those who are preparing to return do not return for the time being.

I didn't call Grandpa because we knew that my parents would not be able to return.

Adults are nervous, but for our children, it is a rare uncontrolled moment.

I don't know if it's because of Heaven's night. I'm no longer the children's restricted area in the village.

Huang Shulang deliberately ran to my house. Huang Shulang is very happy with these days of Heaven.

"Some of Heaven didn't eat meat."Huang Shulang spoke out of his heart's distress.

The pig in the village was dead except for my family. Naturally nobody asked Huang Shu to Huang Chui to Butcher. Huang Shulang naturally has no meat to eat.

"Did not see it."I looked at Huang Shulang's fat and laughed.

Huang Shulang shook his full Water's stomach: "You see, my stomach is much smaller. No meat can not eat ah. This day can't be too much. ”

I didn't care about Huang Shulang. I didn't feel much favor for the little kid in the village.

“Huang Jingyang , how old did the eight old ladies die?”Huang Shulang asked again.

"how could I know?"I have endless things for every Heaven in Heaven. There is no spare time to chat with Huang Shulang.

"That night, Heaven, you go to the village to save people, I know everything. My dad's Heaven went too. As a result, the eight old ladies and their three families did not go and the result was fatal. You definitely know what's going on. ”

I rolled my eyes and thought: Do you have such a logic for Damned Fatty?

"Then Heaven is Huang Lisheng. It's nothing to do with me."I said.

"What you must know!"Huang Shulang Damned Fatty said loudly that Earth.

"I'm busy. Don't bother me."This is my most worrying thing. If fat people know it, with his mouth, sooner or later, the Wind will be revealed. It will soon be known to doctors from the county. Maybe I will find my head.

A week in Fengcun village, even the experts in the province came, but the cause of death of people in the village of Bajiao Village has still not been found.

I heard Huang Shulang say that those experts have had a lot of meetings. At the meeting, it was also very competitive. Some experts believe that since it has been confirmed that no known epidemic situation has occurred, and that no new infections have occurred in the villagers of Bajiao Village, this indicates that the large number of deaths of humans and animals in Bajiao Village are accidental. The blockade of the Bajiao Village has not made much sense. The blockade should be lifted as soon as possible. Other experts believe that the cause of the disease has not yet been identified. If the blockade is rashly released, once the epidemic situation spreads, it will inevitably have an extremely serious impact. Experts who hold these two opinions are quarreling.


When I heard a car whistle at the entrance of the village, I quickly ran out of Earth and saw a few black cars at the entrance of the village.

The fat man shouted to me in their yard: "Huang Jingyang, Huang Jingyang! You see, come again. ”

This time it was definitely not the same as the previous person, because after I saw the car stopped, people who came out from inside didn't even wear chemical protective clothing like those before. These people wear jackets and suits. It looks like it's very pretty. Later I learned that these people are the provincial historical relic bureau. There are several very special people among them.

These special people actually came from them and I had a confrontation with them.

The person who came down from the last car actually had a robe. This person knows very special when I look at the past. Where exactly is it I can't tell.

As I stared at the man, he turned to look at me. I do not know whether it is a coincidence or intentional. He seems to feel my existence.