This wave of corpse puppets, cleaning up to what year and month, this speed is too slow.

If only Joe were here, throw all these things into a bad place, and leave them to die without cleaning up.

"I'll do it." Duan Yue looks at the bitter face of the goods, and cannot help hissing.

Prince Mo retreated silently, watching Duanyue's sword rise and fall to solve several corpse puppets, he could not help whispering, "are you going..."

"Bang!" Breaking the moon, a magic fire smashed out, and everyone heard a loud bang.

Everyone was in a rush of energy. "It's like the end of it."

It's not like it's the end of the tunnel.

Mo Lian then also put down what just wanted to ask, hurriedly followed the crowd to wave a sword, smashed the front wall.

The light leaked in.

Everyone was very happy and rushed to the past.

At this time, the corpse puppets had almost been cleaned up. Occasionally, several of them crawled out of the narrow passage, but before they could get to the front, they had been hacked to death by the elite in the back three states.

Duan Yue gestured to the two dark guards in front of him to let them go out first.

After a while, the shout came, "no problem, come out."

Everyone hurriedly and orderly ran out with the team Hula. They lined up and took a deep breath in the sunset.

Finally, they came out. The inner city gate was in front of them. It was really

"Boom!" A strange noise came.

Mo Lian and Duan Yue look slightly changed. First, they leap to the city and swish to the inner city.

After that, a group of people hurried to catch up, swished and flew over the city, and hurried to catch up with them.

Running and running, they found that the ramp seemed to be getting steeper and straighter?

No, no!

It's the city in front of you In the air!

The whole city began to rise.

So they are running along the city road, and they feel that their body is slowly leaning back, and the road in front of them is gradually getting steep.

Rong Shizi and others changed their faces, but saw dozens of supernatural practitioners, who rose up with the prince of Shenzhou and his majesty Cangzhou at the same time, suddenly disappeared in a thick fog.

There was a shrill voice in the air.

"Clean up the whole city of Qingzhou."

"Arrange Huang He and Mr. Su to come and distribute the third stage of antidote."

Let's see if those who haven't completely died have a chance to recover

"Yes!" Thunder roars from below.

Rong Shizi looked up anxiously.

Only a touch of sunset, the sky is completely covered by thick fog.

The main city, which was suddenly empty, seemed to have disappeared completely.


The tree lay on the edge of the window and looked down unexpectedly.

Just after the rumble, the whole house rocked.

She knew that the city had risen.

It's true that the whole inner city of the main city should be lifted up A lot of money.

I don't know how long it's been prepared.

Now the whole inner city area is covered by flying talisman array and multiple defense array.

It's really difficult for them to break through the moon.

Small face paralysis holds chin to lie on the side of the window to think about things, suddenly hear a soft sound.

Turning around, I saw the pale face of Mr. Qin Wu, standing under the windowsill, staring at himself stupidly.