In the middle of the night, Qiao Qiao sat up with his eyes rubbed vaguely, rose with a rustle, and walked all the way to the outside of the cave with his short legs.

In the dark night sky, there is only a light moonlight shining on the man outside the cave.

The tree walked past him with a blank face, running a little farther, and walked past him with a blank face after he released his hand.

"Joe Joe." The second childe sighed quietly, "I think of it all."

The tree was scared a little stiff by his sudden words. Its hair was all standing up. It looked at him with alert face.

Qin er's son waved to her, and saw that she was still 18 steps away from her. He didn't want to come over at all, so he walked up to her, took her little hand, and sat down on the stone pier beside her.

"Do you remember, too?"

With a strange expression of "I can't understand what you're talking about", Joe looked at him back and forth.

"I remember that."

"About you."

"Although there are still some vague memories, they can piece together a lot of content in series."

"Don't pretend." He glanced at her. "At the door of skystar house, you recognize me at the first sight."

Joe Joe looked at him coldly. For a while, he squeezed a few words out of his teeth. "Nonsense."

"Is it really nonsense?" When he turned his hand, he saw a little man in red, pacing around in his palm.

Although the figure is very light, the features are very clear.

The tree had goose bumps all over, and almost jumped up from the stone pier.

She reached for the villain's shadow. "What is this?"

"This is one half of your soul."

"Have you been unstable since your reincarnation?"

"That's because in the past, your soul exploded."

"How do you know?" the tree's pupils shrunk for a while

"It's just my guess."

"In fact, my memory of this paragraph is also very vague." Mr. Qin er's eyes were focused on her, his fingers moved slightly, but he couldn't help it. He raised his hand and rubbed it on her temples. "Joe, you are back. Shouldn't the past let it go with the wind?"

"Think about how grateful you were to me when I picked you up from the tunnel at the beginning."

"If it wasn't for the woman of Shi's family, we would have married and even..."

"Where come so many if." The tree reached out to grasp the half wisp of soul in his palm and said, "no if, no if forever."

I thought that Qin Xin's goods would not be given to her so easily. Unexpectedly, he didn't stop her. He looked at her tacitly and took back half of her soul.

You are such a bad character, deserve a lifetime alone! Lord Joe gave a snort.

"How many other souls like this I have left behind?"

Qin Xin is a bit chuckle, "this is your soul, you should be the most clear is."

But she doesn't remember anything?

Lord Joe glanced at him unhappily, thinking how could he not know?

She subconsciously pulled out the curved moon shaped jade pendant hanging on her neck.

Since master gave her this soul chilling jade, the situation of soul and body has been much more stable.