Grandet claimed that its phantomic law, though not the most powerful plane law in the face.

However, the treacherous and unpredictable nature of combat is far superior to some plane rules of pure frontal combat.

Unfortunately, it never dreamed that Ye Fan in front of her was a "alternative" in the plane level!

Ye Fan will have no double sword meaning. In the process of upgrading from the energy level to the level of plane level, although at the beginning it is the knock on brick for all things to return home.

However, what we really master is "the unity of all methods, which is unique in the world"!

Ji Xuanyuan's idea of supreme sword, through the return of all things to the heart, can gather the power of all things for his own use, so as to achieve the "supreme" plane rule.

Although Ye Fan also practiced the heart sword to a satisfactory level through returning all things to the heart, he did not have the idea of gathering the power of all things.

Maybe it's because of the different training methods, Ye Fan has always attached great importance to various basic cultivation of body and fencing.

More believe in your own strength, not rely on external forces.

Ye Fan is more willing to simplify the complex, return to nature, and fight with absolute strength!

His sword meaning, his energy law and plane law will also be closely related.

When he had not fully mastered the meaning of Wushuang sword, Ye Fan only knew that once he entered the sword demon state, he would see the other party's energy operation mode.

From the fundamental operating principle of energy, to find flaws.

Now, Ye Fan has already known that his unique characteristic of sword is to make all kinds of changes of energy law invisible.

Now, Ye Fan has upgraded this feature to the level plane level!

The law of energy can be seen through. The law of plane can also be seen!

In front of Ye Fan, all plane rules will lose their particularity!

Three thousand roads lead to the same goal!

The unity of all means is unparalleled!

Ye Fan's shadow sword, splitting the sky and the ground, chased the body of Grandet, and fled in confusion all the way, making it harder and harder to dodge.

"The shadow of the Dragon twines!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Grandet summoned several black shadow flying dragons and wound them toward the sword God of Ye Fan.

These shadows block Ye Fan for a short time, but they are soon torn apart by the sword.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Grandet moves forward and backward, and the body and the phantom are wrapped toward the sails.

"Broken heart devil dragon sting!"

Two dazzling white lights, full of the power of sharp gold, twined with lightning, like two steel nails with strong penetrating power, burst towards Ye Fan one after another!

After all, they are strong at the strategic level. Under such oppression, they can still find opportunities to counterattack.

Ye Fan didn't dare to make a hard connection. He took up the sword God's body in an instant, and recovered to be the sword God's overlord body again.

A sword walks, and the Dragon flashes to avoid it.

At this moment, Grandet was left with only one figure in the air.

Ye Fan, however, did not care about the figure at all, but directly faced an empty area and waved a sword!

A black gold competition, will be an invisible state of the noumenon to force out!

Grantaire can escape, but is about to quietly release a magic dragon's forbidden spell, but his casting is interrupted.

"Damn it!"

Grandet's face turned pale. His invisible magic and ye fan would not be deceived by his own phantom. It seems that his own phantom law has been really seen through!

"I advise you to stop playing tricks. In front of me, there will never be a second plane rule!

You have only two ways to fight me head on, or Try to escape, "Ye Fan grinned.

"Don't be happy too soon!"

Grandet suddenly opened his arms and said devoutly, "the king of greed! Give you the most loyal believer the power of greed

Ye Fan frowned and almost forgot that these demons still have the power of faith!

Suddenly, a golden glow appeared on Grandet!

Unlike the previous angry belief power, this time the power of greedy belief seems to be nothing special, and there is no outward fluctuation.

Grandet's prestige did not increase with it.

Just when ye fan doubts that the power of faith is a little strange, Grandet launches an attack again.

I saw his hands turned into black dragon scales all over the claws, behind the spread of dragon wings, eyes evil spirit awe inspiring!

"If you want to fight head-on, general Ben will satisfy you!"

Without saying a word, Grandet's wings vibrated, speeding up twice as fast as he had just before, and rushed towards Ye Fan!

Ye fanxin said that this is not to seek death?

With the same energy level, his imperial sword will surely be better.

He directly a dawn star, throw out a flying sword, into a comet like sword!


With a blast, Grandet did not dodge, but forcibly tore open the dawn star of Ye Fan with his two claws!?For a moment, Grandet killed him and waved his claws towards Ye Fan!

Ye Fan is shocked. This guy Is absorbed own imperial level sword idea!?

Greed greedy!?

That's what it means!?

The power of faith of the king of greed is to absorb energy!?

Ye Fan has always believed that the power of faith is to enhance combat effectiveness, pure increase in cultivation.

It seems that the power of each belief has its own characteristics!

Ye Fan's body protection and sword sense became more fragile after being absorbed part of it by the power of greed.

A claw down, Ye Fan quickly took out the black sword and hit the crossbar!


Ye Fan flies backward, but Grandet is approaching again!

Ye Fan clearly felt that the sword meaning that he released around him was absorbed by the power of faith!

In Ye Fan's eyes, the golden greedy power seems to be a bottomless pit. All the energy is sucked in, and it is invisible and disappeared!

After a brief thought, Ye Fan's eyes showed his sharpness, and he turned back to meet the attacking Grandet, with a black sword in his hand and a black gold flame.

"Yan extinguishes the embers!"

The black sword crossed a sharp sword light faster than before!


Grandet's two arms were cut off directly, and there was a bloodstream on his chest!

Just as Ye Fan's second sword fell, Grandet was already in a hurry. He condensed an illusion and replaced it directly. He arrived in the distance!

Ye Fan cuts the phantom and looks in the other direction. He loses his arms.

The two arms of Grandet are rapidly growing out. The recovery speed of high-level magic dragon is really amazing.

Even if there is imperial sword erosion, it can still be forced to recover quickly. However, it also has something to do with grandstand's high level of cultivation.

"You What's your trick? "

Grandet asked uneasily. He had never seen such a powerful sword move.

"Why, faith is shaken?" Ye Fan smiles.

Although the power of greedy belief can be absorbed endlessly, there is also a limit to the instant absorption speed

After cracking, Ye Fan immediately understood how to pass the analysis.

As long as the burst is enough, there is no need to fear the power of greed.

Just then Grandet burst into a somber sneer.

"Cold star, you are careless.".

Before ye fan reacts, there is a black and red light column, which suddenly covers the leaf sail completely! , the fastest update of the webnovel!