Gong Sheng didn't tease her this time.

Soon, the sound of Zhang Bo knocking on the door came from outside, full of rhythm, "Dudu, Dudu."

"Come in." Palace Sheng Shen Sheng orders.

Wait, what are you in a hurry? Yunqiao's face is blushing.

Now he Gong Sheng's posture has been seen by people outside. Do you want her face?

Is this man's face made of walls?

Just about to protest.

But I heard the noise outside.

Zhang Bo didn't come in.

On the contrary, a narrow door was opened, and a few dogs, three or two cats, and little rabbits and pheasants came in!

For a moment, Gong Sheng's office was quickly occupied by these hairy little guys.

The dog ran after the cat.

The cat sprang up on the table.

The timid rabbit hid at the bottom of the palace saint's trousers.

The pheasant was scared to fly around, shaking off the feathers of a carpet!

Cloud Qiao suddenly surprised!

Don't blame the palace, she kiss her shame her.

But instinctively, she hugged him tightly and wanted to protect him: "Gong Sheng! Hide under the table! In the bookcase, no! No, no, No. get out of here! There is too much hair. I can't control them for a while. You should hide out first... "

She was too anxious. If she had not been held by Gong Sheng and sat on her desk, she would have run away from the office as soon as possible.

Looking at the little woman so kind, so simple, the first reaction is to protect him, with such a white and tender hand, want to protect him, palace Saint eyes, surging up a thick unspeakable emotion.

In a corner of his heart, he was pulled up and hit again.

Taking a deep breath, he kisses her in the ear: "I'm ok You see, I'm fine. Don't worry. "

Cloud Qiao Leng Leng Leng, release the hand, nervously up and down to look at him.

Oh, it's really OK.

If it is normal, even if he contacts a kitten, he will have reactions, shortness of breath, aphasia, and even coma.

Now, more than a dozen small animals are so close to each other, and they are shaking their hair everywhere. She has sprinkled enough hair on him before controlling their movements He's going to be okay?


She gathered the animals in a corner of the room, and, incredulously, reached out to touch his cheek and his forehead.

Gong Sheng said with a smile: "the experiment was successful."

"What success?" Yun Qiao looks confused.

"If I kiss you long enough when or before touching animals, their hair won't make me allergic." Gong Shenggou lip, "in other words, your kiss is my good medicine, is my allergy immune treatment."

Cloud Qiao's big eyes, stupidly looking at him, even if she is as smart as her, is also frightened by this wonderful conclusion!

"Why probably? It can't be There is no such medicine... " She said incoherently.

Gong Sheng narrowed his eyes: "last night, in the studio kitchen, we had already tried it once. At that time, you were feeding the cat, and I did not have allergies when I kissed you

"Xiaobai was far away from us at that time..." Yunqiao tried to retort.

Gong Sheng: "how far is it? The distance of one arm, is it far? And then you had a cat's hair on your face

Yunqiao:.... "

Gong Sheng added: "but I kiss it."


Knowing that she could not touch animal hair, she went to kiss the cat hair off her face.

Should she say that this man is sick, or sick, or sick?!

Wait a minute. She's in a mess now. Let her review the causes and consequences

[Master Yun: good night, kiss! ]

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