Xiao Ling personally sits in Qingcheng and stares at the batch of goods from the pharmaceutical factory, which is transported to the dock and sent to the Baishi group, the capital of the country. Only in this way can the business be completely closed.

After finishing her business, she took a day out to play in the amusement park by the seaside of Qingcheng.

Fu Qingyun, in order to let them have a good time, specially chartered the amusement park. Only three of them were in it.

Xiaogeli is still young, many of the amusement projects can not play, can only play slide, swing, carousel and other simple and safe projects.

But even so, she didn't show the surprise and laughter that a baby of this age should have.

All the way down the slide, or follow the horse, she seems to be saying -


However, when Xiaoning Road passed the seventh ring road roller coaster, he couldn't help but sigh: "I still remember the first time I took the roller coaster so terrible game, it was a primary school graduation trip..."

Fu Qingyun seldom listened to Xiao Ling Talking about her own affairs, and asked with great interest, "how can you remember so clearly?"

Xiao Ling smiles: "of course, it's unforgettable all my life! You don't know, my first roller coaster was cheated! At that time, the class also chartered the amusement park, and then I was cheated by the male students of the class that this was the most fun. Because I usually like to fight against injustice in the class. There are male students who bully female students. I am the first one to hate them. They all call me Xiao Ning. I thought these little bunnies were already in their shoes. Who knows, they're wilting. They take the opportunity to cheat me into getting on the roller coaster and want to see my jokes! "

Fu Qingyun also laughs: "the result?"

Xiao Ling quipped: "as a result, I bravely challenged the first time, although my legs were soft when I came down! But you know what, those bastards have the cheek to bet me that I won't dare to sit a second time

Fu Qingyun: "as a result, you went to sit down?"

Xiao Ling: "it must be! I said at that time that I could sit ten times! Which boy dares to compare with me? It's grandsons who dare not! "

Fu Qingyun's lips twitched: "lemon, I didn't expect that you were so fierce when you were a child..."

It's just a little pepper.

Xiao Ling coughed: "as a result, a lot of boys quickly admit that they are grandsons It's boring. "

Fu Qingyun:

Xiao Ling: "but there are still a few who have seed. They don't admit to death. They have to challenge me. In fact, I was very guilty at that time. I was really afraid that when I took the second roller coaster, I would faint to vomit But I can't take back what I said... "

Fu Qingyun: "what should I do?"

Xiao Ling: "what else can I do? Just stick to it! But something unexpected happened. The second time, the third time Until the tenth time I took the roller coaster, suddenly that car was driving very steadily. The key point was that it was steady and fast. Before I had time to be afraid of vomiting and fainting, people drove to the end directly! I can't believe it

Fu Qingyun: "did you change the roller coaster driver?"

Xiao Ning patted the forehead: "yes, I have never thought about this possibility for more than ten years. You have a point. Because later, when the boys who didn't admit defeat came to challenge, they actually sat twice and cried all over the floor. They called themselves grandsons and aunts. Then they gave up and refused to take the roller coaster any more

Fu Qingyun:

I feel that this is not what he knows, so competitive, so naughty and willful Sure enough, he didn't participate in her youth. It's really a pity!

Xiao Ning murmured to herself, "I won that year. Is it really because I changed the roller coaster driver? Then, is it that when the boys got on the bus, the driver changed back again, so that they suffered? So I have to thank the roller coaster drivers of those years... "

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