Fu Qingyun stopped and continued to announce in a loud voice: "I not only treat you equally, but also pay special attention to you. It will be very difficult for Bai's company to rise again. Within the scope of my authority, I will help you introduce reliable business partners and help promote your business cooperation. This is what I, as a national civil servant, should help enterprises do... "

Shareholders simply feel that they are happy in a dream!

The sky smashes the pie the general, so embrace a steel thigh!

Cool! Cool! Cool!

One by one, they could not help exclamation:

"Fu Qingtian is worthy of his reputation, and he is indeed a Qingtian Lord who thinks about the people!"

"Attorney general Fu, we can see the integrity and magnanimity of imperial officials from you!"

"Attorney general Fu, thank you for your kindness to Bai's family..."

Fu Qingyun didn't take these words, laughing instead of speaking.

On the contrary, Xiao Ning is a little embarrassed and drags Fu Qingyun by the corner of his clothes: "Fu Jian Brother Qingyun, this is too much trouble for you... "

Fu Qingyun whispered in her ear: "no trouble. Even if it's not for you, as a civil servant, I should have done it. "

Xiao Ling: "it's just

Their whispering and arm in arm appearance fell into the eyes of the shareholders. Everyone looked at each other and laughed at each other. They only thought that Xiao Ling, the chairman of the board, was reliable and had a good background. It was too reassuring.

Only Secretary Jin, who was squeezed out of the crowd in the distance, was furious. He stamped his feet, but no one paid any attention to him. He was sulking: "Xiao Ning, you fox seduced Fu Qingyun so much that he lost his mind and came forward to support you! He is a public servant of the state, so it can't be done! Hum!!! I'd like to report it! Report! "

Secretary Jin was angry in situ, but did not dare to report anything to Fu Qingyun.

I can't help it, so I have to report back to Ouyang President

= =

after the general meeting of shareholders.

Xiao Ling took office smoothly.

Her office was set up in the black and white office of baiyeyuan.

Xiao Ling didn't move baiyeyuan's things. Instead, he set up a small table beside his desk. He sat at his desk every day. Sometimes when he was tired from reading documents, he turned his face and looked at the desk and chair that Bai Yeyuan had sat in. It seemed that he could see a man's cold side face and was working hard. From time to time, he heard him hurl a pen and say, "these fools..."

At this time, Xiao Ling's lips are not slightly pulled up

"Uncle, I finally know how hard it is to be a big President..." She murmured into the air.

Every day when I open my eyes, there is a lot of work waiting for her.

Countless people, countless documents and countless projects are waiting for her to meet, make decisions and negotiate.

She really admires Bai Yeyuan. How can she handle so many things with heavy lifting and light lifting, and can she spare time to bully her?

Perhaps, at the beginning, every time he fell in love with her, it was a kind of decompression to work, right?

"Uncle, it's unfair. When people are under so much pressure, they don't see you come back to relieve their pressure..." She leaned on her gills and looked out of the window.

Spring flowers bloom, but where is the uncle?

Not long after Xiao Ling took charge of Bai's work, he settled a large export order with a profit value of several hundred million.

The whole company was very excited and agreed that their chairman's daughter was indeed a capable woman.

However, the last contract of this order, the other party asked Xiao Ning to sign it in person.

And the location is also designated by the other party.

Xiao Ling knows that business entertainment is unavoidable. She can't always hide behind the scenes. She has to do it when it's time to do it. She readily agrees.

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