Fu Qingyun saw the cool smile in the bottom of his eyes.

This increasingly confirms his conjecture.

The black old fox of baiyeyuan!

If you don't want to be the ugly man who takes off his mask in front of Xiao Ning, he instigates others to do it. Good, good!

He overestimated the character of Bai Yeyuan.

Fu Qingyun withdrew his eyes and moved his lips: "lawyer Niu bin, although we have no friendship with each other, we have at least a few ties. We also invited you to have a meal. You don't have to speak to me in such a hostile tone, do you? It's going to get me wrong

Niu bin angrily raised his voice: "ah, bah! I'm not so angry if you don't say treat dinner! You didn't mean to invite me to dinner last time! You almost killed me

Xiao Ling listened to their noise, and his head was very big.

Just now Fu Qingyun and baiyeyuan have a conversation in the clouds and fog. She hasn't made it clear. What's going on with Niu bin?

She helplessly helped her forehead and pulled niubin's clothes: "niubin, have something to say. How could prosecutor Fu harm you? Did you make a mistake? "

Niu Bin's face was sad, indignant and aggrieved, and called out, "lime!"

Then he poured beans and complained like a Xianglin sister-in-law: "you don't know, liming, it was Fu Qingyun's conspiracy that we had dinner in the cafe on the blue coast that day! Thanks to him for inviting me to dinner, and being polite and respectful to him, what's the result? He added lactose to my coffee! I'm lactose intolerant! When I ordered, I asked the waiter to make sure that there was no lactose in all the dishes! As a result, he put lactose in my coffee. I couldn't prevent it! I drank coffee that day, and my stomach almost broke when I went back, but it hurt me a lot Lin Ling, Fu Qingyun is not satisfied with me, deliberately poisoned me, so that I can not continue to chat with you and activities together! He is too insidious and shameless

Xiao Ning remembers that Niu bin did not feel well on the blue coast that day.


"How could prosecutor Fu do this? Niubin, is there any misunderstanding in this Xiao Ning can't believe that the upright Fu Qingyun would do such a small move.

Niu bin snorted coldly and looked at Fu Qingyun: "ask him! Does he dare to admit it? If he doesn't admit it, I despise him even more! Then I'll take the waiter from the cafe to the polygraph at the police station! See if he admits it or not

Xiao Ling: "it's just

Niu bin, an honest boy, was forced to pull the witness to the polygraph. It can be seen that this matter is not groundless.

Xiao Ning can't help looking at Fu Qingyun.

Clear eyes with a touch of inquiry: Niu Bin said, is it true?

Fu Qingyun drooped his eyes for a few seconds and nodded slowly.

"I'm sorry, I was impulsive that day. Lawyer Niu, I'm here to say I'm sorry Fu Qingyun admitted happily.

Niu Bin said with a sarcastic smile: "Oh, what kind of" daring "man is still here? Cheat the ghost! I can't see any apology on your face! You play me niubin like a fool

Niu bin refused to accept the apology, but pulled Xiao Ling more indignantly: "liming, have you seen this big tailed wolf, there is no truth in his mouth. It was secondary that he poisoned my coffee that day, and I suspected that he had done something more disgusting... "

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